better tax

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Feb 3, 2010
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have been waiting 5to 6 months for my rebate with better tax starting to get a bit fishy to me anybody else having any probs with it ?? or is it all cool
I got mine within weeks... they seem good as gold.
Have you tried to contact them?
They shouldn't be hard to get hold of, tbh.
Hi Tank top,

It's a little difficult to help when you just making a post using your nickname.

Please contact me via PM, letting me know your full name.

Alternatively you can always call the office, 01280 821020.

HMRC are usually responsible for any delays.
not trying to make a big fuss or trying to make you look bad better tax just trying to cover myself
If you've been waiting that long, I can certainly understand your concern.

I'll look into for you, just leave me your full name. You may not be able to do PM's yet as your post count is low. You can always email or just call us - that's probably easiest :)
just got mine back,better tax did a cracking job.its nice to have someone fighting our corner.lets face it we get screwed at every turn its nice to get abit back.
i would like to thank better tax working paye and still got tidy some came at a good time just lost job any work glasgow cheers
Hi Tanktop,

Thanks for that and picking up this thread to see that there's a happy ending. Glad to have helped!

I am due my dosh soon, been waiting a good few months with better tax. Put it this way, when the tax man wants money he will take it straight away, but when he has to give you money...
It does our heads in too, Spannerbitch! The amount of time it takes is absolutely ridiculous :mad:.

We can only assure you guys that we try to speed things up as much as possible and as soon as the money hits our bank, we send it on to you.
What percentage stays in your bank A/C 20%/30%

I know that your type of business has a profit to make

I have always conducted my own tax affairs direct, I did not find it difficult or time consuming and I recieved the Full amounts owed me
personally think 20% to get someone else to do your tax return ante bad £200 quid for a grand or so in the bank ante bad not be self employed that much but got stung back in 2001 ended owing the tax man 800 pound where i didnt allow enough exspences and outgoings where i thought i did i know some find it easy but if you ante clued up it can cost you instead of a rebate!!
BetterTax are the b0llocks.
So far - 100% happy with them.
i have neither the time or the knowledge to carry out this task so iv got better tax to do it for me,dico a could see me do that too mate.
Do you know what? When I read those questions asking how much "we keep", I just shake my head a little.

We carry out a service. Like any service, be it a motor mechanic, a plumber, a scaffolder, a solicitor... we charge for it.

It's just that as the money comes through our bank (like solicitors/ estate agents/ etc etc), rather than invoicing for the service for you to pay the money back, we deduct our fee before sending it on - much simpler! Yes, 30%. It's in our bank for, like, a nano second, so we don't make owt on it (unlike the bank that still take 4 days to clear money?!! In this day and age!!)

Many, many times, we will exceed the amount guys get if they did it themselves, beacsue it's what we do, day in day out - we know what we're doing.

We're just happy that the guys that do use us are happy with the results we get and unlike some, don't expect us to run a free service (yeah - some people have said that 30% is 30% too much! so, errr, that would be a free service then? duh!!)

Anyway, thanks again to all you who support us :).
30% is alot to charge.
But, ill give my reasons why id happily pay it.

If you pay a normal Accounts Firm the usual £250 to do your Tax Return, then their heart aint gonna be 100% in it, as if you get £5000... they get £250, if you get 1000, they get £250.
Either way, they ONLY get their fixed fee...

But, with BetterTax: If they charge 30% then id would bet all the tea in China that they are gonna smash every last penny out of the Taxman, so they earn as much as possible - Meaning that YOU get as much as possible too.

Id rather pay 30% of £1000 and know that BetterTax have squeezed everything they can back and get my cash back from them very very fast, then pay another Accountants a small fee and have to wait weeks and weeks, maybe even months to get back what they could be bothered to claim for.

As well as that BetterTax are easy to speak to and are always easy to contact.

Those are my reasons. :)
who ever said that better tax

" We're just happy that the guys that do use us are happy with the results we get and unlike some, don't expect us to run a free service (yeah - some people have said that 30% is 30% too much! so, errr, that would be a free service then? duh!!)"

Not me, I said "I know that your type of business has a profit to make"

I do think 30% is too great a percentage to claim for your services,It is not rocket science as they say, an evening sat sorting your tax expense claims , and personel allowances can be very rewarding at your rates

Rigger Tax rebate £2,000, returns made by self, nett ££2,000

Rigger Tax rebate,£2,000, returns made by BetterTax , nett £1,400

I can stand a few headaches for £600,

As for dealing with the revenue,they conduct business at thier own speed,wether you are dealing direct or through a third party
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