Another Collective methos SG4-10

defo thats the dogs nutts that made me damp thats the best adv gaurdrail if seen thank fook someone has got it right
few more products in the next few weeks . I'll keep ya posted..
looks great but tube isnt that smooth after bricklayers best ive seen sofar
That looks to be the answer.
Now everyone can weigh in their aluminium steps.
Yes massive improvement on the Scaff Step option , lot of clever design work . Steve do you if it was the idea of a Scaff ?
Lads, this is the B Safe and it has been mentioned on here before. I like it and the trainees in our centre like it. Let me know if you need the details as i have his business card in my office. I dont know the price though.

Lads, this is the B Safe and it has been mentioned on here before. I like it and the trainees in our centre like it. Let me know if you need the details as i have his business card in my office. I dont know the price though.


Ian did you have to buy it or was it given as a freebi to trial...???

A very good option as once you have installed the hand rail in those holders they stay in all the way up the job as the profile of scaffold is unlikely to change.
Having said that how many are you going to need for a decent size independent ? Think about how you get your materials up if you run out ,stop get boards fix permanent hand rail pass the holders down start again .
Concrete , Mortar , weld spots and the roofer who thinks it is a good idea to Tech gun a screw into your tube and the new yard boy who thinks he is artexing the tube rather than a light coat all appear on our tubes thus causing the holder to snag ?.
And you have the age old excuse of RSI on your elbows with that wand .
Still ,:)more good safe options for us
Ian did you have to buy it or was it given as a freebi to trial...???

it was a trial to us to see how it works being used daily on different types of jobs. More or less to see how long it lasts before it breaks or needs repairing.
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