Advanced in 3 yrs??????????

here weaverbix ive gone from ecitb advanced to part 1 cisrs trainee it only took me wait for it 27yrs so 3 years good lol!!! what a load of bollo!ks if the lad can walk the walk fair enough if he cant then there ante much we can do hes payed hes money he has ticket so hes qualified all the time the shareholders and parties are earning they dont care!! ive gone through a lot in life bancrupt csa women troubles but this is the biggest bolloc!s ive ever had to deal with
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why are we at this bullocks again 23 is too young to hold a advanced card simple as that
here weaverbix ive gone from ecitb advanced to part 1 cisrs trainee it only took me wait for it 27yrs so 3 years good lol!!! what a load of bollo!ks if the lad can walk the walk fair enough if he cant then there ante much we can do hes payed hes money he has ticket so hes qualified all the time the shareholders and parties are earning they dont care!! ive gone through a lot in life bancrupt csa women troubles but this is the biggest bolloc!s ive ever had to deal with

Here dico, sorry for your past troubles. Im not on here slagging the boy off. Im just expressing my concern about lack of experience. Which if you met the shy, timmid, wouldnt say boo to a goose, genuine all round nice fella, you would understand that with the current climate he is or wil be in a position to get bullied into situations he is afraid to say NO to. For fear of loosing his job, because his lack of experience in life to tell his boss or site agent to go f@ck theirselves as he is right and will stick to his guns.

If you catch ma drift. In a previous post i actually commended people who will take the plunge to better theirselves. Like myself I have paid over £4000 out of my own pocket to get on in life.:bigsmile:
so av a lot of us but there is no place for a boy with advanced ticket too get bullied which he will do so it isnt right is it end my case
ive met poooooor pooooor advanced men who run ledgers in like mount tumbledown
Advanced should only be achieved in a 10 year period.

6 months labourer.

Then trainee part 1 1-2 years.

Scaffolder part 2 3-4 years.

Advanced after 10 years.

Scaffolding is experience & knowledge, I have been scaffolding for 30 years & still learn some new tricks.

We will never be classed as skilled labour with this current system. It is effecting pricing & wages!!!

Sorry! I never saw the need for so many training centers & still think advanced courses should only be held at national colleges.

I would like to see the funding stopped. It might be a good way of stopping some of these cock heads entering a once proud industry.

FFS, that takes the fekin biscuit and says more about you than the funding. You were only saying the other day we are glorified MFI furniture assemblers and now you want the funding and access to training restricted, I really do shak ma fekin heed.

I have been thinking that way too ragscaff. I have made several posts saying that the proliferation of training schools and government funding is saturating a limited market.
I have been castigated for my views somewhat. I do appreciate that some of the forum members have a vested interest in the training schools and the training system.
Too many people fighting for two few jobs only results in lower wages and conditions. It should be the opposite where the higher trained and competent people get paid more.
I thought the whole idea of training was to improve & be more professional in our work.

Instead we have carded scaffolders who cannot do the job, will get talked into doing something dangerous by a site agent under completion pressure due to not having the experience needed.

It is more accidents waiting to happen.

We have tried to get the training system geared to more involvement from the employer. Like PTS where you used to have a sponsor company. But that has also changed with sort cuts!!!!

When i took my first job way back when i was Titled as an apprentice toolmaker for the R.O.F this took 4 years to complete and only then if you were good enough were you taken on in a permanent position. it was called serving your time but sadly in this day and age we as a country do not believe in waiting for anything.
this is reflected in everything
some folks will have a natural understanding, be able to see an issue and resolve it without input from someone else
where others will never get the idea no matter how hard they try or are told some people will be ready in 3 years and some wont get there for 30 years but they will still be a Valuable part of a gang nothing wrong with gaining skills.
its down to employers to reflect the actual skill with the position and wage, always look at the experience and test their skills, overseen by those who we know have the knowledge get the feedback and make judgement based around that
Have to agree with scouse73 & ragscaff,how anybody can get a advanced ticket in 3 years just goes to show the state the game is in,its called fecked its ok doing a hanger 10 feet of the ground what happens when its 200 feet different ball game.This CISRS ticket is a disgrace the way they dish them out it seems to me its all about money,does anyone on hear no if anybody has failed 1 of these courses i very much doubt it.You learn the game on the job,not in a classroom.
When i took my first job way back when i was Titled as an apprentice toolmaker for the R.O.F this took 4 years to complete and only then if you were good enough were you taken on in a permanent position. it was called serving your time but sadly in this day and age we as a country do not believe in waiting for anything.
this is reflected in everything
some folks will have a natural understanding, be able to see an issue and resolve it without input from someone else
where others will never get the idea no matter how hard they try or are told some people will be ready in 3 years and some wont get there for 30 years but they will still be a Valuable part of a gang nothing wrong with gaining skills.
its down to employers to reflect the actual skill with the position and wage, always look at the experience and test their skills, overseen by those who we know have the knowledge get the feedback and make judgement based around that

This is what we have tried to say, more involvement from the employer.

It is far to easy to put someone on a course then forget it.

But there should be more work with the employer & start to get scaffolding recognized as a skilled trade!!!

After all stacking bricks is a skilled!!!!!!!

some folks will have a natural understanding, be able to see an issue and resolve it without input from someone else
where others will never get the idea no matter how hard they try

We have a saying on our company for this
"Your never gonna make a scaffolder all the time you got a hole in yourarse so go & flip burgers @ Micky Ds";)
I myself was told on my first day that as a rough guide 5 yrs experience you should be a part 2 scaffolder and 10 yrs for an advanced scaffolder, I've always thought this was pretty correct judging by the majority of blokes I've worked with, I knew a 17/18 yr old at sgb that done the advanced course (at bircham Newton can't remember the course 6months on/off for 2 yrs I think??) anyway he obviously was not an advanced scaffolder and in my opinion done him more harm than good ie set him up for banter, people hearing about him etc. I think there should be a longer gap between courses in the yts scheme for example as I was rushed thru mine when I was young far too soon 6 months between them and for the record I've got 7 yrs exp and in 3 yrs I still don't think I'll be an ' advanced' scaffolder, so fair play to who ever gets there advanced in 3 yrs, just hope they can walk the walk and not talk the talk

Just my 2 cents boys 😄
It wasn't that long ago when you could say you were advanced even if you weren't. You could get yourself chucked in right at the deep end, no one not even the Nationals would ask to see your card and if they did they would soon forget about it if you were doing the work.

You can't do it now..
While the training centres are more bothered about money , this will just keep happening, it's just the same as part 2 scaff at 19 and 20years old..not right..

The last thing these training mobs and the nasc want is scaffolding being like an apprenticeship, the money would dissapear, they're about to offer people credit so they can make even more, pathetic,. Next year they,ll probably fill courses with romanians and Bulgarians on some Fuckin government grant.
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i know theres a labour cisr scheme ticket not the part 1 but the cisrs labourer ticket heard last week theres a new course next year for labourers. god nos what the course will be but you gana need it to work on sight were you could just order the ticket by post
This is what we have tried to say, more involvement from the employer.

It is far to easy to put someone on a course then forget it.

But there should be more work with the employer & start to get scaffolding recognized as a skilled trade!!!

After all stacking bricks is a skilled!!!!!!!


Skilled, semi-skilled, it doesn't (and won't) make any difference to the industry.

Stop wasting your time on pointless pursuits.
You're wrong London scaff, skilled trade would hopefully enable a minimum hourly rate, meaning certain company's and agency's couldn't take the ****.
You're wrong London scaff, skilled trade would hopefully enable a minimum hourly rate, meaning certain company's and agency's couldn't take the ****.

Jesus you people are so naive

Just run us through how that would work then
Nobody should be able to do advanced card in under 10 years. Makes a mockery of whole thing. Basic after 3 years is fair enough but then you should go away and get lots of experience
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