Scaffs for Immediate Start Manchester Area

I am not trying to antagonise the people on here im speaking out and having my opinion that what the forums supposed to be about no? i have had people off here ringing me and threatening me, threatening staff, attacking me on phone literally for advertsing work!!! ...and you wonder why the industry has problems and things are bad with employment? The fact is its seriously hard work recruiting people and you all kick off that firms get someone else to deal with it for them....and you wonder why that is?

You are right men are falling out with agencies all the time and its dont you think someone who doesnt rip people off and is honest is a good thing?????

I am being crucified for defending my moral values and integrity because of the actions of mercenary firms and crap recruiters.. i may be an argumentative f**ker..but want to throw abuse at people do it to the ones who you KNOW rip you off...until you have heard i do it too then what proof is there i am like all the rest?

And whether a small number of the most angry of you may hate me for defending my least i do!

i dont see any other agents who are trying to create change and improve...where are they in the forums or on site trying to change opinions..?

You all go on about how you want better rates and better treatment, then you abuse the first new person to try and do this job with his scaffs interest at heart?
Just because I have 3 jobs with an average wage?

a very small few of really good men are coming to me, and i will look after them and work hard to ensure they get treated well and paid what they need..

I am not ripping anyone one off and there will always be agents I just want to do it with some honesty and keep good men.

And to be fair, considering all the abuse i have had i'm still here...thieves, cowards and liars walk away with their tails between their legs.
yeah and greedy feks milk tradesman wages you have started on a wrong foot on this forum and the men won t forgive if you need men why are you not registered with job centres and advertising in the local paper because your doing that well you thought you would come on here sell your shyte and get men without having to pay local paper fees an job centre charges yeah your doing really well jimmy
Right i have freedom of speech now...private account again...
Cowboy -i currently advertise on more than 5 sites,indeed, total etc, most have only gone live this week as have new site, we have ads in every dwp in the uk near enough, and i have just set up with construction news website construction thats very expensive but good place, bear in mind we only recently set up our construction arm and have gone from nothing to where we are now in 13 weeks. been open few years as group but our business is fastest growing in north west on paper in trading terms, and the key reason is taking care of staff.

I use this free site to get some debate going and to chat, i figured its best place to get real good guys. i did know agencys were despised but i didnt realise how bad, and yes maybe with some men i get off on wrong foot, but doesnt everyone? im still here, i am trying to prove im straight an honest to you all even if i look a cock...its true that i have good men on sites, no reason to lie, i also run some factorys too doing recycling, and we run the staff for music magpie in macc, and soreen , they are just not scaffold firms so most people on here would not have heard of us....give me a break i may just surprise you , and I will keep my charge low and rates high when the client pays it...Out of interest just how much do you all think is fair for an agent to make for finding work? is it fair to make £200 in a week on 50 hours work if its not out of the mans end of the cash? is £150 fair? maybe you think £100? my point is simple recruiting costs money whether i do it or the client so something is much is fair for finding the work?
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did you know they have put the clocks back what you need to do is go to bed when its dark and if you wake up in the morning and its still dark,that because you have your head stuck up your own arse jimmy
What do you advise? You not a Scaff and never have been you clown
Dexter -never said i have been a scaff, never been a clown either...been a branch and operation manager an a qa for an international engineering am family man.
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he as blown his own trumpet and swallowed his own slaver and trying to make out there is no wonder clients want to deal with him what does he think we are he is just a greedy middle man sat on his arse while we take the risk fek knows why these cock monkey agencies think they are something special all they are doing is driving our rates down I have only one thing to say to the new jimmy saville of the forum switch the light off when you leave you fecken cock monkey if he wants to milk something try a cow or he could crawl back in the yard that he crawled out of or he could go into the castration business and sell his own bellocks else where two words DO ONE
I like your word fekin...i will use it....your fekin dillusional!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. you think your rates would go up if there was no agencys? so whos going to do the work in the middle then? the money would be offset into the main firms budget for infrastructure and staff for payroll, accounts , admin, spending time recruiting, money spent on ads is astronomical but agents block buy so cheaper for the firm to do through us. clearly dont understand the operations of a business hr or how much the costs affected by scale.
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This guy is a real kno b head giving it the big one not one of his lads can come on here and say yeah good pay loads of work!
He lives in dream land
F u c k in g chancer

dexter time out my grandson is 1 today and his name is dexter so chill attack tomorrow full barrels.
You said you only had 5 scaffs out make your mind up clown boy
And I like your word dillusional but smart enough to stay clear of people like you and smart enough not to put my No.on a forum you have clearly antagonised and upset scaffs and I know for more about business than could ever care to imagine profits and margins in running a company with stock trucks wages tax bills yard rent fuel all this then you expect companies to use your labour rates while you just sit on your gary glitter jimmy such a joke
are you dealing with music magpie in Macclesfield Gary ?
Marc - talking to the enemy?..yes we have sole supply of all factory staff and have done since April 2012. Its nothing to do with me personally as i deal with construction staff not industrial labour..but as a company we have written testimonials for our sole supply from the head of operations and MD published on our website so its not a big secret or anything...
But no testimonials from your lads on here your full of **** no one wants you on here f u c k off Gary you d I ck
Thanks for the advice and feedback dexter but the ever growing number of emails and cards Im getting tells me that there are many men out there that agree with my attitude and determination and are willing to look past the petty comments on here and give us a try....its seems the debate is at the very least creating varied opinions and feedback...and my lads have all sent me references now, pointless posting them though as there will always be some moron who says they are fake etc....easy solution for me lads apply and i think they worth a shot, they can then ring my men and chat with them....that way my men can tell them the score and its easy for them to decide if Im full of it isnt it....seems maybe 5-6 of you hate me/agencys and what we stand for but many more agree that a new face is a good thing if integrity is there..
Marc - talking to the enemy?..yes we have sole supply of all factory staff and have done since April 2012. Its nothing to do with me personally as i deal with construction staff not industrial labour..but as a company we have written testimonials for our sole supply from the head of operations and MD published on our website so its not a big secret or anything...

wasnt implying anything just that i have a few mates who work there thats all never new who the agency was.
Anyway your no enemy of mine i have no problem with you everyone one else may have:laugh:
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