Scaffs for Immediate Start Manchester Area

For all the scaffs you say you have out not one has come on here to defend you! I think your full of s h I t

Good point dexter. Surely you would have at least 1 scaff that could make a defending statement if he was that good.
Banter, slather, keyboard warriorism and trumpet blowing.

I love it
I do not have loads of scaffs out and have never suggested thats the case, we employ over 600 people and the scaffs make up a very small percentage of that as we have only just started doing it this year....but make no mistake we are the fastest growing agency employer in the North West and the Trades Division is growing steadily. We have only around 25 scaffs out today, next week it will be 40+...only 5 of which were employed off here....more importantly we have 5 new contracts to supply..all given to us as a result of RUBBISH agencies who cant recruit qualified men and will send any man with a card whether he good or not!

---------- Post added at 02:41 PM ---------- Previous post was at 02:12 PM ----------

SouthernPoofter - Your right...the credance of my agency is based 100% on the quality of men we recruit, and I have worked very hard to ensure that my men are safety concious, punctual, organised and professional....I am very proud of my guys doing such great work and they get the money they asked for all day every day...not all clients will increase rates of pay but you are right....agencies can charge less and pay more...thats what I am doing where charges are very low and all clients I have agree that the mark up i have is very very reasonable...I NEVER touch the hourly rate and my men are always on at least the same as full time men, occasionally more if its possible.

your response is the most intelligent and realistic I have seen and I have absolute resopect for your comments..I just wish all people were realistic about how the employment world is right now.
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This guy is a real kno b head giving it the big one not one of his lads can come on here and say yeah good pay loads of work!
He lives in dream land
F u c k in g chancer
dexter - as you have suggested i am fake and no scaffs are backing me up, I have emailed all my men and asked them for an honest refferal to be emailed or posted direct on here. I am determined to prove that I am genuine because I believe if you gave me a chance you would find me different than you think now. I will leave it to you to decide tomorrow when some posts go on about it but unitil then I will not argue the toss as you are right.... I cant prove I am genuine and honest without that. Until tomorrow .....

---------- Post added at 06:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:02 PM ----------

From: karl brown [browneymcfc08@DELETED FOR PRIVACY]
Sent: 31 October 2013 17:52
To: Gary Holding
Subject: Reference

“ I have been on for Gary since start of September and my wages are always
spot on and I have been given ppe for free (BUT he has forgotten my new
gloves! J) He’s been up to see us nearly every week since we joined him for
pies n a crack on site and the work he promised us was there and the MD of the
firm we are at told us we have ongoing work till next year so we can stay if
we want. Me an the lads get holiday time and don’t have to worry about having
no job when get back and are staying with him until the job dies off wich is
meant to be about 2 yrs left”

Sent from my iPhone
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Lol f u c k off you chancer anyone can send an email you a joke
dexter - You wanted references you will get them...if you dont personally know the lads then there will be plenty who do...i suggest you clamp it..there a pile more going up tomorrow and 100% the lads will be known on here by plenty.

thanks though for prompting me to ask for the references it was nice to find my guys would back me up. :)

And thank you to all the guys who have been in touch today applying and offering support to the new agent who is genuinely putting the men first! 36 applications in one day! a record for me since starting! thanks guys...hope to find you some starts where you have asked for them!
you kind of got that right sat on your arse being a middle man best thing to do on this forum is not to antagonise the men because all you will do is create a bad name and things being what they are with agencies the scaffs are falling out fast with middle men and as for the rates you were offering you pay peanuts the only thing you will have is monkeys and if your doing that well don't come on here looking for men for free advertisement pay for it in the job centre or the local paper you slack jawed faggott
the mans a prik

---------- Post added at 07:57 PM ---------- Previous post was at 07:45 PM ----------

blah blah blah you useless to55er don't blow your own trumpet blow the man who gave you a decent thread on here you have really promoted your business on here what a gilbert probably one of the best I have ever come across on here 10 out of 10 for being the most stupid prik I have ever come across go blow the men you have working for you scrouging pest
Recruitment has two clients one the company and the other the worker **** any of them off you have no business!!!! Gary your a clown and don't know how a middle man works!!! Do one kn ob head...
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