Would you like your kids to be scaffolders ?

There are still a few good lads coming up through the ranks that will be able to think for themselves , its on the street work on the smaller firms that things get done in the old school ways more , Yard in the morning , cafe, then job and you are left to work it out and get it up and move on to your next job .
you listening workshy sound like ya got a good ''OLD'' lad there,

all comes down to money, we had to earn it now its given away to kids when it was my bday it was £5 in a card larl toy about £5 now the going rates £30 or xbox game lour lasses larl fell got nearly 300 for his bday last year he only had 10 m8s to bowling, i earnd my own money from an age of 12 paper round working in cafe sundays working in pizza shop sat night anything for cash and all it whent on was sweets and fast car mag lol but i paid for them my self, our lass give larl fella what he wants he wouldnt know a hard days graft if it hit him in the face, wont play out xbox, at the age of 8/9 me old man was dashing the house wid his marra i was up and down the scaffol 4 lift with buckets of cement buckets of dash fair enough they were only half buckets but i wanted to have a go and get stuck in if something was getting done i wanted to be in on it laying patios plasterboarding the house mixing the cement done it all b4 i hit doubble figures the answer to our problems is money and work ethic simples

Good man marra, work ethic is till alive and kicking. There is a few good young boys still out there and yes I would be happy to have any child of mine earning a living turning a spanner. It's not all bad.

---------- Post added at 08:09 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:07 PM ----------

There are still a few good lads coming up through the ranks that will be able to think for themselves , its on the street work on the smaller firms that things get done in the old school ways more , Yard in the morning , cafe, then job and you are left to work it out and get it up and move on to your next job .

Steady stream at Aom Phil, a couple of failures admittedly which does come as a disappointment but some times you also have to know when to give up.
Frank there will always be a place in this high tec world for hard working scaffolders to build the places for the high tec people to work, remember the secret of life is learning by your mistakes.
Very true AOM some lads will never be any good at this game , but every know and then you find a good lad , just started a lad 2 weeks ago the lads 5 foot tall got arms like a sparrows legs , but spent the first 3 days roping gear up 70 foot with out a bother , really impressed me , laughs and has a crack all day long, early days yet but he is shaping up nicely
there will ALWAYS be a place on any planet for men ,, you HAVE to be able to suffer pain in some sides of life , wheater it be the moon pluto or mars , the pen pusher always needsa man ,, its truth !

---------- Post added at 08:19 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:18 PM ----------

the wirey kids have more strenghth than the muscle kids ,, no doubt bout it ,, muscles mean nothin ,, thats the truth !one thing i learned the hard way
The big thing i would want for my kids is happiness and good health,the same as any dad do'es for his kids,in order to achieve this,i think stability is a key factor,as a scaffolder stability is a rare commodity indeed,even with your own show,not many of us know what's around the next corner,you just cant set your stall out,add to that the fact that one accident could either kill you or end your career,it's a no brainer for me:huh:
Isn't it strange the small skinny one's can some times be the best. I have one the same way but he thinks he is massive and if I am honest I thought he had a bit of a learning disability but turns out he has 7 or 8 highers.:eek:

We call him the proff now but he is as fit as a butchers dog and a heart nearly as big as he thinks his guns are.

---------- Post added at 08:21 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:20 PM ----------

The big thing i would want for my kids is happiness and good health,the same as any dad do'es for his kids,in order to achieve this,i think stability is a key factor,as a scaffolder stability is a rare commodity indeed,even with your own show,not many of us know what's around the next corner,you just cant set your stall out,add to that the fact that one accident could either kill you or end your career,it's a no brainer for me:huh:

Very true BF.
watch the skinny ones ,, more strenght that the biggins , no doubt!
Funny thing, the big guy gives him a doing nearly every morning but he still gets up looking for more.
a many come and go threw our gates some last only minutes some until dinner some the day and some untill the weekend i think if you can last 3 mounths in this game you can last a life time, got a couple of new starters at our spot nice enough lads rumors are spreading there not up to it seem to have sliped threw the net ill protect them no end.... up to the gaffers dies graft on a strip its all away but an erect and still need telling after doing it a few months they should start have started to pic it up by now. i also think the empasis on going to uni has fed it all up the amount of my m8 going to uni same sets as me at school whent right threw school and they whent to uni i says am thick as feck so how the fek did these lot get to uni, they only go cause the dont want work yes theres a few that deserve to be there but most if just for the student life style and there isnt job for them when they come out for eg 1 marra got a masters in something now working as a security guard another got his degree in fil and some other sh1t now getting women to work out wid him and earnign money that way
goodnight lads , its great bein back on here again , if im bein honest , i got a hard shake a while back by a few guys that didnt agree with opinions i had , or maybbe the other way around , i was a long time member and loved the place and im only back ,,, long live 21s ,, we havent gone away you know ;]god bless the scaffs !:blink1:
Its not the size of the dog in the fight its the size of the fight in the dog ;)

yes thats right look at jimmy saville its taken him all his life to be noticed:laugh: even garry glitter has said its discracefull:laugh:
I would agree, if there is no jobs for teachers well reduce the amount of teachers we train, is that not how the grant scheme works?
Funny thing, the big guy gives him a doing nearly every morning but he still gets up looking for more.

yan like that who work for us bit of a stoner but he'll keep on taking it as long as you willing to give it him no matter home manny time ya put him on the floor and no watter which choke hold you have on him he just wont tap and keeps on giving ya sh1t in the prosess and when ya walkign away its you havent finished yet and round 2 starts lol
goodnight lads , its great bein back on here again , if im bein honest , i got a hard shake a while back by a few guys that didnt agree with opinions i had , or maybbe the other way around , i was a long time member and loved the place and im only back ,,, long live 21s ,, we havent gone away you know ;]god bless the scaffs !:blink1:

Good to have you back then Frank.

Learning disabilitys :laugh::laugh:

Honestly, nice boy.........................helluva fekin stupid.:confused:
dico a true story , we worked on a block of flats in Baker st and the site agent told me Garry Glitter lived there and the lads where to behave themselves , all good till the nonce comes out on his balcony one day and tells one the lads to stop swearing , he turns round and says to Glitter aint there some child you should be shagging you fu cking nonce :laugh::laugh: that was it all fu cking hell broke loose on the job , the lad threatened to throw the nonce of his balcony site management went metal and we got thrown of the job so went on the ale , we was still laughing about it at closing time :laugh:
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