wooops someone forgot to tie in

couldn't agree more but the internet is full of toggle ties made from foreign countries some of the cheap crap is not even snap rated and there is many times I have come across scaffolds with heavy duty zip ties holding the sheeting unfortunately you can get away with it some of the times but not all of the time just hope the boys back ends are covered as we live in a blame game society
Most want it to sit tight and snug,all that flapping about would drive you mental,does it not come under tagging or 7 day inspection.
It certainly does and looking at the size of the job should be erected to design lets just hope they have crossed the T,s and dotted the I,s and all relevant paper work is in place no paper work you can guarantee your head is on the chopping block classic case I had a bus hit my scaffolding 4years ago and the health & safety turned us upside down for the blame game due to someone being hurt on the bus scaffolding opened up the top deck on the bus like a giant tin opener but the nightmare didn't end there we had claims coming in for trauma plus the injured party,this is what I mean by being blamed before the trial and proving our innocence was a long slow path the bus company who ran on a third party policy denied all responsibility and the driver quite clearly said the scaffolding was sticking out in the road police know their stuff while taking his statement several minutes later the officer said to the driver if the scaffold was sticking out in the road why did you hit it typical response I didn't see it,then the officer clearly said if you didn't see it how do you know it was sticking out case closed but it took 18 months of something like this hanging over us so I know the feeling this company is in
Actually I learnt that on my 1 day scaff inspection course,does anyone actually check mono ties??:blink:
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