Where's Ragscaff, Paddy and AOM.

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In my experience, when scaffolders have too much time on their hands, they tend to get up to no-good..... (I WISH THIS SNOW WOULD BEAT IT) so roll on better weather and we can all get out and put a full week in...

HaHa, there is truth in that.:laugh:
Ok I admit I was wrong for putting not paying the lads so on that I appologise.. now it does seem to me at the end of the day this industry is all about training. I was sent some info regarding training and I posted it on here for you all.

wether you have the training or not is up to you.

So I will be posting regardless on this forum as the members have the right to know what is available, Just a shame that there is a few other members who want to shoot the messenger and dis-credit everyone, Looks like its my month but the thing is I dont hide and I will continue to offer advice to any member of the forum whoever needs it.

As for the SCCR if any member feels they would like me to stand down please feel free to contact Ragscaff.

I think everyone would agree your choice of words was poor, line drawn under it now.
steve dont think the matter is a resignation issue mate,you have apoligised like a man but to all the snipers out there using false names false credentials etc get off the guys back,steves doing a job with no personal gain for himself in his post as training director for the sccr,lets get back on track mate and concentrate on what were here primarily for the betterment of the scaffolding community as awhole,not just the select few who fit certain criteria but the THE SCAFFOLDING COMMUNITY AS A WHOLE.
HA,HA, this thread is getting like "the last clap" little game we sometimes play..
I totally agree with you on that score James, but when questions are asked we have to at least try and provide answers or explain where we are coming from. It can't be all sweetness and light all the time but hopefully we can now get past this and move on.
Aye, hands clasped and eyes open, stuff you Suzy.:laugh:
I think i will put my tuppence in, just as soon as i move out of this glass house and get a tower built up to the high moral ground i would need to be sat on......... I've been on this forum about a year now and I cannot fault it really. Its great for getting upto speed with whats happening in our industry etc. And yeah, people will throw their teddys out of the pram occasionally, i would expect nothing less from scaffs... (i include myself).
Sorry I have not been part of this bit of fun!!!!

I am fully aware of those on this site who are just out to cause trouble & I also know those who do not agree with what we are doing!

I did not start the SCCR to be a union.

It is not here to dictate!

I will not retire on a £10 membership!

I am a working man with bills to pay same as most of you.

I see the Industry in complete turmoil. I tried to join the NASC when I started my own business as an associate member but because I offer labour only gangs we are not allowed. This led me to looking into our Industry from another angle.

Look at all the other trades around you when you are working. How many have to put up with the restraints we do. There is not enough evidence of accidents within our industry to warrant what is changing now.

The evidence points to tampering, removal of ties, other trades working in zones that should be closed whilst we are working, falling from ladders, not Scaffolders falling whilst carrying out their duties.

The HSE issue was something I started on behalf of the forum. I attended the first meeting on my own at my own expense. The basis of this meeting was from input from forum members along with a questionnaire. The meeting was open to anyone else to attend no one did.

The SCCR was then formed after this meeting, the forum chose the committee, the Forum is the basis for the current SCCR. The forum is not the SCCR. I have thanked Admin for all his help & the support from our members & some guys that have sent me PM's that are not members.

The comments made were from an individual, if that comment had appeared on the SCCR web site then you have the right to drag the SCCR into it

Over the last 4-5 weeks I have had a limited internet access so have not been on line as much & the setting up of things with the SCCR have been slow.

The aims of the SCCR is to help voice the scaffolding industry as a whole, we aim to progress the scaffolder as skilled labour. We are spending a lot of our own time looking into & several other issues that affect us at the moment.

If you are not happy with that then don't join!!

If you feel we are going in the wrong direction then join & you will have an input. This first committee is only voted in for six months so you can vote a new one in on the 7/2/11.

Along with the help we have been trying to give the ECITB lads we are working on discounts for work wear, insurance, solicitors, Tax help & tools.

Stewart Quinney
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Thank you. This was under my name not the SCCR.

Let's hope that is the end of the matter.
This thread is now closed. I would like to warn members who are posting using multiple accounts, and with hidden agends as it will not be tolerated. It is not difficult for me to find out who are and you will be banned.
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