Where's Ragscaff, Paddy and AOM.

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Well-known member
Nov 18, 2010
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Ragscaff, get a grip of your team before Steve Gregory loses you all your potential members with his verbal diarrohea on training
Or change the SCCR to mean..

Steve Couldn't Care Regardless
What the hell is going on with all this rubbish, here I am and here I will stay what exactly is the problem and why come on here stirring up trouble, spit it out who exactly are you and what is your agenda?
Ive just been reading all these statements and was wondering all the people thats knocking the sccr are they members at all as im pretty new on here.All things that are said can sometimes wrong but knocking something when they arnt members of it are bang out of order.Im not a member of sccr but when knocking other people and putting racist comments what scaffolders from other countries can see is pathetic.Grow up
We've been called out, never one to walk away.:eek:
What the hell is going on with all this rubbish, here I am and here I will stay what exactly is the problem and why come on here stirring up trouble, spit it out who exactly are you and what is your agenda?

Have you seen the rubbish that Steve gregory is coming out with? Are you happy with his comments regarding lads paying for there own training? Are you happy with steve's "I dont have to pay them owt. there all subbies.lol" comment?
Why is it that you think there is an agenda behind people on here disagree with the comments that Steve has made?
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Have you seen the rubbish that Steve gregory is coming out with? Ate you happy with his comments regarding lads paying for there own training? Are you happy with steve's "I dont have to pay them owt. there all subbies.lol" comment?
Why is it that you think there is an agenda behind people on here disagree with the comments that Steve has made?

Exactly. It was an appalling comment.
the comment lies at steves door lads and his squarely,im sure his comments dont encompass an entire organisation.the debate was over unpaid training at the weekend not all the diffrent faucets of the sccr.think things have went quite askew somewhat dont you???
Have you seen the rubbish that Steve gregory is coming out with? Are you happy with his comments regarding lads paying for there own training? Are you happy with steve's "I dont have to pay them owt. there all subbies.lol" comment?
Why is it that you think there is an agenda behind people on here disagree with the comments that Steve has made?

First of all Tony, I would ask for a bit of calm. The reason I think there is another agenda is the way a group have seized on a comment and attacked like wolves eating their young. It feels like some people are sitting on the periphery only to come from the shadows to attack certain members.

As for his comments, I would prefer not to comment but the situation has forced my hand and as I have answered all other questions as honestly as possible this should be no different.

I don't agree with his comments but the old adage of defend his right to have them come to the fore. They were made with his working hat on, as I said on another thread the avatar is only a picture and does not reflect SCCR policy or opinion.

I hope this answers the question and if you would be so kind as to do me the same courtesy. Exactly who are you, do you have an agenda and if so what exactly is it. I wouldn't expect so but you can pm me if you would prefer.
I'm just a scaff who works on a petrochem site, no agenda but watch all threads with a valid interest. The fact that I have openly disagreed with the views of Steve Gregory over more than one issue shouldn't mean that I have an agenda. I'm surely not the only one, I just tend to voice my opinion.
As a non member of the SCCR may I have a say on this issue It began as a personal attack on Steve gregory for comments he made and has developed into what appears to me a stage managed attack on the SCCR.

Phil you seem very bitter in your comments, and do appear to have an hidden agenda.Your post's in the past have been very off hand and insulting at times. I for one have not made comment in the interest of free speech

Please feel free to insult me now, after correcting my spelling and grammer we all know your command of the English language is sooooooo
good. You allude to this many times

As to the original question

Where's Ragscaff, Paddy, and AOM ???

I dare venture they are working unpaid to further the aims of the SCCR or mayhap abed dreaming the dreams of honest men
Again AOM i agree, poor choice of words to say he does not care about subbies, people dont have to get paid.

Ive been out on strike many times for less and the training rep of a organisation i debated joining coming out with that is on a scale of the recent recession jibe of Lord Young ' some have never had it so good'. If he has been a scaff he's never been on a big job.

I will not part with a penny whilst he has a seat
I'm just a scaff who works on a petrochem site, no agenda but watch all threads with a valid interest. The fact that I have openly disagreed with the views of Steve Gregory over more than one issue shouldn't mean that I have an agenda. I'm surely not the only one, I just tend to voice my opinion.

Fair enough Tony, that's what the forum is for but it looks like berating from where I'm sitting and that's just my opinion. Even the header to this thread seems a bit provocative to say the least. At the moment I am on here quite a bit as work is restricted due to weather, ragscaff is on as much as he can but is very busy with other things, same with Paddy, we all have lives, work and other commitments. If you do have genuine concerns regarding the SCCR I would suggest a pm to ragscaff who is in the best position to answer any questions.

I hope this helps
Fair enough Tony, that's what the forum is for but it looks like berating from where I'm sitting and that's just my opinion. Even the header to this thread seems a bit provocative to say the least. At the moment I am on here quite a bit as work is restricted due to weather, ragscaff is on as much as he can but is very busy with other things, same with Paddy, we all have lives, work and other commitments. If you do have genuine concerns regarding the SCCR I would suggest a pm to ragscaff who is in the best position to answer any questions.

I hope this helps

Aom i started this thread to look for a bit of common sense as i saw the way the SG4 comments were going.
Again AOM i agree, poor choice of words to say he does not care about subbies, people dont have to get paid.

Ive been out on strike many times for less and the training rep of a organisation i debated joining coming out with that is on a scale of the recent recession jibe of Lord Young ' some have never had it so good'. If he has been a scaff he's never been on a big job.

I will not part with a penny whilst he has a seat

Hi Bubba,

I too have "Hit The Cobbles" many times, mostly to support my fellow scaff but other trades as well. I think this comment regardless of what you think or feel about it does not deserve the personal attacks it has so far attracted. As for your membership of the SCCR, that is your opinion and one which will be respected.
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