you can tell the old school scaffs from the new boys, pre tg20/sg4 and all the rest the philiosphy was every corner or 100' dont put more in to it than you need to, pinch tieing in any type of revel was just standard its nothing to do with cowboy firms or slashers, even today i put up an internal scaffold on a strcse where is just wasn't practical to put in a sway and used the pinch method - sometimes common sense and practicality have to take over, and as for looks yeh ok if it looks nice fair enough but ffs you dont need to put loads of extra tube into a job just to make it look good- why make more work for yourself i,ve often found over the years that guys that put far to much into the job only do it because there inability to understand the material they're using and how to make a safe platform without the aid of a drawing, the only time i put in loads is if i've taken the piiss out of the contractor with a well over the top price and need to make it look as complicated as possible lolo