where did we go wrong ?


Well-known member
Oct 30, 2010
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Back in the saddle
:mad:OH BRITAIN , where did we go wrong ?

We're "broke" and can't help our own Seniors, Veterans, Orphans, Homeless etc.?????????

Are you aware of the following?

The British Government provides the following financial assistance: -

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly allowance £10 6

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Weekly Spouse allowance £25

BRITISH OLD AGED PENSIONER Additional weekly hardship allowance £0..00

ILLEGAL IMMIGRANTS / REFUGEES LIVING IN BRITAIN Additional weekly hardship allowance £100


The big-men of the UK Government bailed put them tattie-howkers from across the Irish sea after they told their lies to EEC and gained immoral grants of EEC money.

Next the Portugeese the Greeks and the Spanish will all want UK money too, to bail them out. Not to mention the lying theives in Iceland who tricked many Europeans outta their money too. And they had vote to decide not to pay us back !!!!

Now the EEC have told Britain they must contribute to the Euro situation which has developed through deceit, lies and illegal means, but who had to bail out the ****** Bankers in UK when they lied & cheated their industy up that creek with no escape paddle.

Yes WE did, and we will be for generations to come thanks to UK political criminals.

You dont see many of them struggling - with even their expenses rip-offs!

We have had enough, its time for a muslim type revolution in the UK. But without support form the EEC or any other third rate nationals !!

And - Yes the rag-heads can get packing back to the toilets they all crawled outta too.

Please read all and then forward to all your contacts so that we can lobby for a decent state pension.

After all, the average pensioner has paid taxes and contributed to the growth of this country for the last 40 to 60 years.

Sad isn't it?
well mate im not reading all that too long for me but i agree any way . good stuff all the new threads your starting

---------- Post added at 05:22 PM ---------- Previous post was at 05:20 PM ----------

my internet went off so i did read it , sad yes , if you aint an immigrant you arent getting nothing
Quote, andyf8686.
The big men of the UK goverment bailed out them Tattie-Howkers (?) from across the Irish sea after they had told their lies to the EEC and gained immoral grants of EEC money.

Who are you talking about here ? Nobody bailed me out, or any other Irish working man. The banks were bailed out by other banks at an exobinant interest rate so they would get their money back, all to the cost of the Irish taxpayer. Before you start spouting hate, get your fcuking facts right. Anything I ever got I earned through hard graft, not by sitting on my arse out in some fcuking desert, Moron.
Quote, andyf8686.
The big men of the UK goverment bailed out them Tattie-Howkers (?) from across the Irish sea after they had told their lies to the EEC and gained immoral grants of EEC money.

Who are you talking about here ? Nobody bailed me out, or any other Irish working man. The banks were bailed out by other banks at an exobinant interest rate so they would get their money back, all to the cost of the Irish taxpayer. Before you start spouting hate, get your fcuking facts right. Anything I ever got I earned through hard graft, not by sitting on my arse out in some fcuking desert, Moron.
To be fair to andyf8686, brandy, I have seen that paragraph before on another web site so I don't think for one minute he is the actual author.
He has probably just cut and pasted it and the 'Tattie-Howkers' part will have already been in there.
bit strong andy my good man i take the point of the payments to immegrants and the disparity between pensioners and the idle forigeners,thats our countrys fault not any other countries mate.brandy steady fellow im sure andy wasnt being vindictive mate.
Im an irish man thats been grafting over here for 25 yrs + paid my tax !!!!!!!!TATTIE-HOWKER dont think so?????????????????
Not bein funny dude what is a tattie howker cant say ive ever heard that before
I looked it up on wiki and urban dictionary and got 2 totally diff answers so thought id ask
a tattie howker is basically a potatoe lifter\digger mate,aint heard it used in years though lol.
Tattie -Howkers, Dont know what it is, and don't give a fcuk, thats not why I posted the reply. The Irish working man as well as the British working man are the victims of the greed that prevailed in the international banking system. As it was pointed out the man out in the desert was only copying, pasting and posting something he came across on the internet, fair point, but we're all responsible for what we say or do, so let him come on and elaborate his point, pity we can't have this conversation face to face.
Yeah right Brandy,Its a bit rich making posts about ragheads living in your country especially when your earning money and living off ragheads in their country then in another post off on a booked holiday to another raghead country,and saying they soon fook off when they realise I can speak their lingo,if they dare hastle me. :confused:
Well said Frederik, I class every man, colour or creed equal to me. Boxing was my sport for 20 years and I came up against all national'ites in the ring, some I still keep in contact with, win, or lose, you shook hands, you did'nt look at a mans colour, you respected him, and when we travelled to their country, we were respected and made welcome. I have no time for racist's.
Ok in answer to your responses made by many all I did was copy an email sent to me I am not the aurther nor claim to be.

In response to Brandy/Frederick I am sorry you have taken this to hart and deeply apolagise to your good selfs.

In response to the local lingo I feel you have miss understood my coments by saying they **** off when you answer back in Arabic, when getting hassle as you do when walking around the shops there is lingo that you can use that puts a stop to them following you.

On the card of one man many colours there is nothing more true I treat all the same !!!!

Sitting in the desert I like that one but if only lads I am offshore.

So to finish off lesson learn what I take as light hearted reading is not the same as another man, on posting of treads i shall leave this to other and commenting on scaffolding matters only.

Prohaps one day Brandy I might have the pleasure of talking to you face to face about a hole host of thing but boxing is not my strong point I prefer scuba diving?
If anyone want to discuss this further by al mean PM or on the forum for all to see???
yes mannie and they intergrated superbly mate,scuba diving vs boxing hahahahaha youd better get your snorkle andy mate lol............just joking.
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