What is the % split on invoices for scaffolding and labour

No you don't b-safe. My favourite one was when we were on a job and another guy came in to the site looking for me. He told me he had paid the invoice by bacs earlier that day and stuffed a wad of notes in my hand and just thanked and winked at me. I wasn't sure how to take it at first in case there was a move on but he had obviously won a watch on the job and was sharing the spoils so in return I went straight to my wee no 2 and split it with him. Well, when I say split, it was 60-40.:embarrest:

Never had it before or after and that's why I like working for some good old school clients all the time, they know how to look after everyone and get the service they require.
once in a blue moon Eh :D

I invoiced a client twice by mistake, and got paid for both :D must admit it was many moons ago.
Some customers have asked us this before, but we have always just said 100% labour so they take 20% of the full amount for the CiS. Means at the end of the year we rarely have to pay any tax.

Would be different if all our customers took CiS off but they dont as not all are connected with the building trade and everyone deducting 20% would prove a cashflow hindrance

I just find things easy to work out this way, simpler the better for me
does anyone have a email copy of there invoice i can look at so i can write mine out properly
does anyone have a email copy of there invoice i can look at so i can write mine out properly

Loads off good computer programmes out there to make them look professional ginger-scaff. You would probably need to talk with your accountant to see what one suits him but for a few quid you can get some great software.
i always deduct 20% of the full invoice price - i have been asked several times if i would wish to split and discussed it with hmrs , who said it didn't matter to them eitherway as long as i was aware i could to allow more cashflow- but to be honest i've never noticed it because thats the way i've always doneit and get a big fat rebate every year, some of which is paying for me to take the whole month of december off as from tomorror and soak up the sun in mauritius :))
Thought you didn't need to fly to the sun as your baws are already knocking off your knees.:wondering:
just make sure you get and keep your customer remittance stating exactly what hes taken off you
not mine...being a poofter means they only tiny, anyway i only carry em around in a bag so as not to forget em.
gonna av wifi so av to send u a pic of them frying lolo
Would it not just be simpler to bill 100% and collect the same then pay the tax man after you have claimed expenses? I wouldn't trust some of these contractors to declare what they have taken off me, and is it not a nightmare trying to keep track of it all?
fair point but we got a regular client base- all verified, who all at the requet of mrs sp issue a tax deduction statement, the 20% up to the first 6 mnths normally covers the previous years liability with the following 6 mnths giving the credit for the rebate - i could if wish then change ti 100% and top up the cash flow , but feel that may lead to complications, if that moneys was in the account i might br tempted to let it filter away if the cf is not needed the average 30k+ i recieve puts a bigger smile on my face, and allows me to make instant bigger investments
Fair enough SP, every man to his own. Paper work is the bain of my life, I hate it and pretty much do anything to reduce it. I suppose I get CIS statements sent to me from the contractors as well but the Mrs deal with them so I'm not even sure what we are meant to do with them.:embarrest:
just seen the weather report for 2moror up there if u run out of logs to throw on the fire you could always start using ur paperwork for fuel lolo
flyiny out @ 8 and not packed so gotta go but ope u boyz north of the border will be ok. but as said on a previous thread cum on down we still got the bacon lolo toodlepip :))
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Aye, toodlepip and enjoy the hols but leave the door open in case I need to get away.:cool:
The way i understand it you only pay CIS Tax on the labour element of your invoice (so other trades chippys etc wouldn't pay tax on materials) by splitting hire & labour, e.g: H-60% / L-40%. you would only pay cis tax (@20%) on the 40%labour part. so tax would only be 8% of the gross invoice. compared to a straight 20%. but that additional 14%profit is still in the bank at year end for 'creative' accounting
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Hi, first time I've posted on here as new to the computer world, I'm hoping that this is the right place to ask this question. I started up my own scaffolding firm about 18 months ago now, things are going ok at the moment and have now turned ltd.
I currently breakdown my invoices 60 hire and 40 labour, getting deducted 20% of the labour part. This is fine for 99% of my clients but there is one company or admin woman for a company who tells me that I cannot charge 60% hire as it is too high??? Also says I cannot charge 60% hire because I have already purchased my scaffold and paid tax on it. I am very confused as she is now holding my payment until I change the breakdown and division of it all???? I thought I could charge whatever I want to hire as its my kit?? Plus my overall bill to them is the cheapest quote they get??? Please can anyone help me out in this matter??

Many thanks
Peter Bennett
Smiffys scaffolding
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