what is the point

thats what im trying to get through to ya im a scaffolder who maybe cant spell or do grammer. as i said again i have A LIFE
Next time im totally bored and got nowt else to do shall come on and see how many more towers yoos have built ok.
10 posts he's coming for you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

Watch out admin.
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You know James if you dont like it on here why dont you deleate your account on here,i know i wouldnt do anything that i didnt want to do.I must admit though youve made a good 1st post on here though,well this can of carling is going down a right treat here mate.Do you want a can pal.
thats 30 minutes he's been on thought he'd be back on facebook by now. only 1 word to say on this.... ADDICTED.... mr big rig....
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