Was i right to walk off the job...?



Morning Fellas.

I was phoned up by an Agency on Thursday regarding a start at Heathrow starting Monday (yesterday).
I was offered the job by them - not the other way round (if that even matters).

I was told it was 7 x 10 hour shifts + CIS (Self Employed) = about £1000 a week AFTER tax, so in this climate i jumped at the offer.

When i got there, early as usual for my Induction i was then told that the work would be for Laing O'Roukes, who i personally think are a bag of shiit to work for...
I did the Induction and was then told afterwards that the hours were NOT 7 x 10's, but infact 4 x 10's (Monday - Thursday), 1 x 8 (Friday) and Saturday, if im lucky.

Then, i was told that instead of the 10 hour shifts being from 8am - 6pm, they were infact 7am - 6pm - so i asked the question: If we're working 11 hour shifts, we get paid for the 11 hours? No?

I was told: "No, you work 11 hours and get paid 10." - which in itself is b.ollocks!

So basically from the start i was f.ucking lied to and i think i had the piss taken out of me.
I didn't lie... i told the Agency exactly what tickets i have and brought them with me in the Induction.

Long story short: I walked off the job after a few hours, after feeling that its a bad start to a working relationship to be lied to and having the piss taken from the begining.

Was i right to do so?
Or should i have stayed and put up with it?

Whats your views?
Think you were right mate, bad start to a working relationship.
I was working upto Friday, then jacked in to start on for this new mob on Monday (yesterday) - big mistake tbh.

Im now officially unemployed, lol.
You did right pal,these big firms think they have us lads by the balls in this current climate, heard Laing O roukes are ***** anyway the money would of got less and less over time
If they're full of Shiite on the first day what will they be like after a month?
Hope you find something soon mate.

---------- Post added at 08:30 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:28 AM ----------

Who was the agency mate? I'm in the process of sending my details in for that place, if it's the same mob feck em!
Jas.....very rarely is the grass any greener these day's,don't know reasons for wanting to leave former employer," any chance redeeming your job back?",worked for Laings early 70's found them good payers/bonus,but have heard have gone downhill since going in with O roukes. Good luck pal.
I wouldn't have gone once I found out it was Laing o'Rouke as I can't speak Polish.
Basically the money being paid by my previous employer had gone down hill and i was offered more money on this new job.

In hind sight i should have stayed where i was.

Ive always had the 'salesman' pitch from Firms who offer the world to get you to work for them, but in all the years of Scaffolding ive never been flat out lied to before i even set foot on the job.

It wont be the last time it happens either, me thinks. :suspicious:

---------- Post added at 09:01 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:01 AM ----------

What about daz, did he go with you.

No mate.
We dont talk anymore...
They should'nt be allowed to get away with it although I will say it's not only agency's that come away with this stunt !! The problem we got is there will always be people who will just accept this treatment maybe cause of circumstances they can't jack it like you Jason till something else comes up !! I'm with you though if we all did it they would soon get the message, tell the truth from the start ! Good luck on the job hunt m8
You did right

Laings O Rouke have been good to me, It must be a poorly run agency what's their name
think you done the rite thing mate its a fcking nitemare at the moment this seems to be hapning more and more not just down ur way but all across the uk... i have worked for couple agency's before and to tell you the true thay all think thay have you by the balls! i try and stay well clear of agency's now, most of them are robbing C U N T S
Probably right Jason no point looking back now but as you are all too aware having principles costs you money sometimes. Never ever heard that one before, work 11 get paid for 10, is it not normally the other way round?
its easy for everyone to say good on ur and ur dont deserveit, i'd av done the same brigade but the truth of the matter is jason they're not the ones now unemployed - prides a wonderfull thing but dont put food on the table,and hindsights great but thats just what it is,
i've never had to work for an agency so although i know how they treat people, have never had to put up with it, but saying that i've had plenty of bosses lie and suck me into it -
never,never never jack before you got another start, was the new pay even after the lies less than you were on ,if so suck it up and try and get your old job back if if it was more og back with your tail between your legs untill something else comes along.
the one thing i will say - we think its bad now but all the sighns are there for a really bad ecconmic downturn which is bad for the scaffolding industry so if you can get another job ,stay in it dont go running to the other side for greener grass , better get ready to welcome the real world mate ,cos its fuuucking hard out here at the moment and pay is poor and thats a fact
hope you get back in work soon all the best Daryl
agency work is what it is as and when required and you are only a number they couldnt care if you are the best neatest scaff and generally pleasant guy as long as you turn up they get payed.
the 11 hours willbe "JUSTIFIED" by not paying for breacks a FECKING DISGRACE
the fact that you are self employed also means you have litterally no come back for the lies and deceit that has been dished out to you.
best of luck in your search for new work.
The Agency was who i spoke to.
Didn't know it was for Laings till after i got there in the morning... if id had know from the start, id probably have not bothered to turn up.

English Scaffolder = Scum, in the eyes of Laing O'Rourke.

Maybe if i was Irish, they'd offer me a job as a 'Foreman', just like every other Paddy who works for them, lol.
Probably right Jason no point looking back now but as you are all too aware having principles costs you money sometimes. Never ever heard that one before, work 11 get paid for 10, is it not normally the other way round?

it looks to me like they dont pay breaks.
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