Right then you Two spammers & your little Entourage
take note.
Under section (s) 1 to 99 and all sub paragraphs, in fact the whole SS:10 regulation book, you are both found ..............Guilty of Gross mis conduct
The General consensus, of the Executive committee for Postings and threads, have wished me to convey their opinion. That never since 'Scaffy' set his beady little eyes on the 1,000 and 2,000 milestones for posts, have they witnessed, such Wanton,greed and lust, conducted by two individuals.
In Mitigation,we looked for some of your most useful information, handed out by yourselves to your brother Scaffolding fraternity, we looked and looked
Hi and Smilies seem the order of the day, however, hi is normally as seen,as you's cant even be bothered to hit the Caps key:
You say it is a competition between the two of you, and your using the SF as your gameboard.
Over this weekend, starting from tonight. I will, in the Scaffolders forum Pub, open a thread,entitled. Celticboy and Superscaff, The Final showdown.
Within this thread you will be allocated Tasks and questions asked. These tasks and questions i will try to devise, so you can not Copy and Paste the answers
At some stage on Sunday night, i will cease this competiton, and announce the winner.
Paddy (Toon army)
P.S grandad Carr indeed, not a good start for somebody.