Wages in New Zealand

Yes a company called me last week for a start, But when I spoke about the money he said $23per-hr $300 a week for your rent $200 for food & living 23% tax working a 60hr week!!! Work that all out & you are not really making any money, He said to me people come here for the life style, But their ant no life-style with money!!!!
Yes a company called me last week for a start, But when I spoke about the money he said $23per-hr $300 a week for your rent $200 for food & living 23% tax working a 60hr week!!! Work that all out & you are not really making any money, He said to me people come here for the life style, But their ant no life-style with money!!!!

Yes no money to be earnt in NZ thats why the Kiwis and Maoris are in Australia.
23% tax would be good I pay 46% here and the rent on my house is $ 1900 a week!!!
Yes if you cannot afford the rent on the money you make you get a smaller place? If you think you rent is very hye you are living above your means? I want to come there for the 4 years to save all the money so I can build more here in Croatia, I have a very nice house now but not the size of place I want, Yes I will rent this when I go, But my main intention is come & do all the hrs so build Croatia is not cheap now I don't know what it will be in 5 years, But I do know if you want a nice life with-out needing to work you need something to rent out!!! Because buissness can go bust & that's not a reliable in-come for your family!!!
I've pay 40%tax & 10% NI for the last 18 years, Yes it's not good but you need to pay tax to make big money?
We will get a small place with no swimmingpool probably buy if we can a small apartment something we can sell at the end quickly, keep the money deep in your long pockets!!!!
Yes if you cannot afford the rent on the money you make you get a smaller place? If you think you rent is very hye you are living above your means? I want to come there for the 4 years to save all the money so I can build more here in Croatia, I have a very nice house now but not the size of place I want, Yes I will rent this when I go, But my main intention is come & do all the hrs so build Croatia is not cheap now I don't know what it will be in 5 years, But I do know if you want a nice life with-out needing to work you need something to rent out!!! Because buissness can go bust & that's not a reliable in-come for your family!!!
I've pay 40%tax & 10% NI for the last 18 years, Yes it's not good but you need to pay tax to make big money?
We will get a small place with no swimmingpool probably buy if we can a small apartment something we can sell at the end quickly, keep the money deep in your long pockets!!!!

Every house in remote areas are expensive.Do your homework. Food is also very expensive. You wont save much here!!!
Blimey Havespanner, you must live in some mansion to be paying that much in rent. Cheaper to buy aint it? You also seperated Maoris from Kiwis???? As far as I know they're the same nation.:rolleyes: Ive lived and worked in Oz and N.Z. and came back to london with money in my pocket and had a great lifestyle in both places. (The missus couldnt settle) Richiedry you say youve been offered a job in NZ,well lucky old you. Your not looking to immigrate for a better life:wacko:seems to me you just want to go somewhere,suck the money out to have a nice life in your own country. Your not the sort of person the Kiwis and Ossies want my friend. There are many Croats and others living in England doing exactly that, but working for less than the right rate of pay and been undermining us for years. Hope they make their money and f.ck off soon:D

---------- Post added at 08:40 AM ---------- Previous post was at 08:34 AM ----------

Oh yeah Big lol,if you get a chance to go to NZ or OZ take it and give it a go,perhaps richiedry could pass you on the number of company that called him...lol..
Its not a mansion mate only 4 bedrooms although it does have a small swimming pool. All rents here are that much the owners are taking advantage of the current boom.
My rent is paid by our client who also pay my salary and expenses etc.
I couldnt buy as am on a 4 year visa but my house here has been on the market for a million dollars....completely overpriced but normal for the Pilbara.
Maoris are the indigenous people of NZ Kiwis are anyone from NZ.
I have a lot of Maori scaffs and regularly get invited to parties for a Hungi and beer. usually a Haka is performed which you, having lived in NZ, will know is much better live than on tv before the rugby.
Thanks for that mate, I have read other posts by you with interest,and ossie/kiwi scaffs are every bit as good as scaffs over here,tho most of em cant get a start on companies here due to ticket requirements. Hungi's and haka's great entertainment,then out with the old guitars eh! So you dont pay rent,you must be cako'd lol
Thanks mate,
I always make sure when taking an overseas post that house, bills, car etc are provided. That way you cant get caught out by expensive rents etc.
I agree with you about the Hungis and hakas.
Although you can get an Aussie advanced ticket fairly easy if they want to work on projects like this they must have 5 years checkable experience and take a VOC.
As for being caked all I will say is i have a few pennies in the post office for my old age which is fast approaching lol
You can afford a nice place in croatia,luvly lifestyle apparently..lol ..when the day comes
That's one thing you cannot buy Expireance?? & I don't mean expireance around a house or blok of flats!!! you cannot get a spoul pipeline on a very very big blok of flats?? & a hanger under the deck but first you need to get to the underside? Or a cable tray that go's in so many directions you need to follow, most don't know where it starts!!!! & that's why even if you went to pay for the ticket yourself you need more money to magic the expireance you can't get even on 5 years proven track record, Unless you are working with the right guys from a young age, But you need to be good or they will get f..... Off no-one minds teaching someone if they know he is willing to lean & don't think he know everything but really know F... All. You know what I mean, Scaffs country that have LNG's or thing like in their back garden for the past 50 years you know can do the job, & that's because XPats went there to train them from the start.
That's one thing you cannot buy Expireance?? & I don't mean expireance around a house or blok of flats!!! you cannot get a spoul pipeline on a very very big blok of flats?? & a hanger under the deck but first you need to get to the underside? Or a cable tray that go's in so many directions you need to follow, most don't know where it starts!!!! & that's why even if you went to pay for the ticket yourself you need more money to magic the expireance you can't get even on 5 years proven track record, Unless you are working with the right guys from a young age, But you need to be good or they will get f..... Off no-one minds teaching someone if they know he is willing to lean & don't think he know everything but really know F... All. You know what I mean, Scaffs country that have LNG's or thing like in their back garden for the past 50 years you know can do the job, & that's because XPats went there to train them from the start.

Are you an Expat and have you done any training?
Giving access to spool locators, cable trays, hook ups, MEG lines, under decks etc is just a part of scaffolding. Giving access to roofs, columns, 100 storey roof features is another part. Its all about giving ACCESS.
Yes that is right we are only building accesses for the client, But if you were to build a horse on the top & then go down & round & ...... That's something more, Or if you know how to build the shore to take the weight to go up, Or build a deadshore under the blok-flats to take away the concreterote pillows & replace them, Then that's something more, & it all come with Expireance!!!! Working with T&F.
It's all good, Remember this is a Scaffolding forum & that is what we are speaking about & passing the time before the Wife has something for me to do? If you want to get somewhere you need to put the work in all week & that mean Sunday's as well!!!! I'm want information contacts & a sponsor? & with that speaking to people from all over the world for me is a good thing.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

Well I live in Croatia & I'm from the UK work offshore in the UK & pay my tax there & bring the rest of the money to Croatia, You are right I want to take the money away just like I do on the platform, I don't want to live on the platform, nor do I want to live in some remote location & that's the some for the kiwi's they go back to NZ & the Oz's they go back to their nice home in the City or the beach somewhere, You take from life what you want & leave the rest!!!! So for those Croats in the UK their must be a need for them to be there or they would be back on their very nice beach's it the same for the man that save all his money in the landlords pub or for the man that cleans the Wight!!!! lines from the streets, up hid nose, We all have something we are spending our money on??? For me it's a better life for my family.
What a bizarre conversation....:confused:[/QUOTE

Have you ever been to the Pilbara Phil? Not much to do here so thats my excuse :wondering:

---------- Post added at 10:53 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:48 AM ----------

Yes that is right we are only building accesses for the client, But if you were to build a horse on the top & then go down & round & ...... That's something more, Or if you know how to build the shore to take the weight to go up, Or build a deadshore under the blok-flats to take away the concreterote pillows & replace them, Then that's something more, & it all come with Expireance!!!! Working with T&F.

Not sure about concreterote pillows????
We built a large dead shore under a bridge in Hamburg years ago then they removed the bridge and let the trains run over the scaffold:toung:
Phil,you have to read the earlier post. Richiedry your platform is your place of work,not a permanent residence,and yes people go where the money is. Indiginous people lose jobs to travelling people,hence my comments about Oz and NZ making it difficult for people like you who only want the money and not the life,if you want a better life somewhere else you go for it,the cost is secondary in the grand scheme of things, as I wrote earlier your countrymen and others have arrived and work for less than the going rate,undermining us .nothing personal here,but the sooner they make their money and f' off the better
It's all good, Remember this is a Scaffolding forum & that is what we are speaking about & passing the time before the Wife has something for me to do? If you want to get somewhere you need to put the work in all week & that mean Sunday's as well!!!! I'm want information contacts & a sponsor? & with that speaking to people from all over the world for me is a good thing.

---------- Post added at 10:31 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:07 AM ----------

Well I live in Croatia & I'm from the UK work offshore in the UK & pay my tax there & bring the rest of the money to Croatia, You are right I want to take the money away just like I do on the platform, I don't want to live on the platform, nor do I want to live in some remote location & that's the some for the kiwi's they go back to NZ & the Oz's they go back to their nice home in the City or the beach somewhere, You take from life what you want & leave the rest!!!! So for those Croats in the UK their must be a need for them to be there or they would be back on their very nice beach's it the same for the man that save all his money in the landlords pub or for the man that cleans the Wight!!!! lines from the streets, up hid nose, We all have something we are spending our money on??? For me it's a better life for my family.

Yes mate, duly noted that this is a scaffolding forum.

Actually I worked in Australia for 2 years back in 99-01 on a sponsorship visa, so I do know a little bit about all of this. I still travel to Australia regularly on holidays, as my brother lives in Perth, WA.

The way I secured my visa - and this was before the internet was a widely used as it is today (especially in our industry) was to send a letter and CV to every scaffolding contractor I could find an address for, basically asking if they would be so kind to employ me under the sponsorship programme.

Took a couple of months, eventually I got an offer with a company called All High Rise scaffolding - and had a great time!

Good luck with your efforts.
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I love that, That sounds like it was a grate job to be on? Their are a lot of people that just see Scaffolding around there house or looking out of the window at work, & for some Scaff that is it, I like to go that bit more on the jobs that give you something at the end of the week or months!!! getting on jobs like that are a lot harder today? It seem theirs not a lot of people willing to give any contact info out!!!
I love that, That sounds like it was a grate job to be on? Their are a lot of people that just see Scaffolding around there house or looking out of the window at work, & for some Scaff that is it, I like to go that bit more on the jobs that give you something at the end of the week or months!!! getting on jobs like that are a lot harder today? It seem theirs not a lot of people willing to give any contact info out!!!

You mean the Hamburg job?
Dont know if the scaffold is still there or if they replaced it with a new bridge.

Phil Next time your in Perth let me know we could meet for a beer halfway between there and here Mount Magnet or Meekatharra??? There will be a pub I am sure :laugh:
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