Invest your money and you won't have to work til 67.. if you don't like the job your in ..get another one.. simples..
If you tolerate this then your children WILL BE NEXT ,WILL BE NEXT ,WILL BE NEXT ,,,AAAAAAAGGGGHHHHHAAAAGGGHH ....MANIC STREET PREACHERS .NICE ONE MATE !!!and where did the old boy network get their wealth from ???
Historically from their Ancestors selling slaves,plundering the mineral wealth from unsuspecting and trusting Nations throughout the Globe.
There really is no words to describe these Aristocrats.
If you tolerate this then your children will be next...
she the grocers daughter got in with stupid wimmin voting for a stupid wummin.she stayed in because of the falklands war,and a royal wedding.
then she managed to scrape through with a week opposition and her destroying the great british culture of love thy neighbour and spawning the loads of money im alright jack c**ts that went on to cause the last recession
I know there has been a lot of factors involved in our current predicament but does anyone else think it's suspicious we are once again on our knee's now we have a tory government?
Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....
The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....
pw its not often i dont concur with you mate(not at all on this one)but ill agree to disagree both sides have arguments to back policies up so in the end a debate wont change much,hope your doing well mate.Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....
The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....
Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....
The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....