Unite's Strike

Invest your money and you won't have to work til 67.. if you don't like the job your in ..get another one.. simples..
Invest your money and you won't have to work til 67.. if you don't like the job your in ..get another one.. simples..

How can you trust the Bankers with your money after they nearly Bankrupted the Country?.And got to keep all the Bonuses for doing so.The Cu**s

I'm not sure what the work situation is where you live but it's not great in the North West so it not that easy to get another job.

The Fact is Public Sector like the Private are being Shafted and like All good Politicians they use Divide and Conquer, they create the mess we The Taxpayer get the Privilige of paying for it. David Camerons "We're all in this together" Would ring true if He and His Cronies hadn't voted a Copper-Bottom Pension for themselves in short there just a bunch of w****rs, who are taking all of us for Mugs.
Cant the politicians just tell us what really needs to be done to get us out of this mess. We are all angry without knowing what the true picture looks like.

Maybe a radical idea would be to scrap all of income tax and raise the VAT to 30%.:idea:
I don't get the benefit off that, sounds a bit like how most of Europe got in to this mess in the first place. We are now at the mercy of the Euro economies and if they don't get their house in order soon there will be deeper cuts to come.
the only thing the tory old boy network are out to do is SMASH the public sector along with workers rights.
they are already making inroads into getting rid of the NHS with some management group running a hospital in england.the private companies they bring in will cherry pick and we the tax payer will be left with the crap they dont want.
british gas(centrica and bg) massive profits and were do they go.
british telecom massive profits were do they go
the north sea oil and gas revenues minimal since it was given away to the yanks and britoil set up by tony benn sold off.
they only want 1 thing to make their friends even richer
this leopard never changes its spots
And yet they still get voted into power, how many seats do they have up here Happy?
they are in by default and wont last they are fecking everything up
they acnt even get the immigration policy right.
that bam clegg even thought for a 5.5% rise in benefits for the unemployed while slaughtering the people who actually go out to work
and where did the old boy network get their wealth from ???

Historically from their Ancestors selling slaves,plundering the mineral wealth from unsuspecting and trusting Nations throughout the Globe.

There really is no words to describe these Aristocrats.

If you tolerate this then your children will be next...
I can see them hanging around for a while, I thought every election during the Thatcher years would be their last and honestly couldn't understand how they got a vote in Scotland let alone a seat but no she just kept coming' and Scotland's infrastructure and industry kept shrinking. I know there has been a lot of factors involved in our current predicament but does anyone else think it's suspicious we are once again on our knee's now we have a tory government?
and where did the old boy network get their wealth from ???

Historically from their Ancestors selling slaves,plundering the mineral wealth from unsuspecting and trusting Nations throughout the Globe.

There really is no words to describe these Aristocrats.

If you tolerate this then your children will be next...
she the grocers daughter got in with stupid wimmin voting for a stupid wummin.she stayed in because of the falklands war,and a royal wedding.
then she managed to scrape through with a week opposition and her destroying the great british culture of love thy neighbour and spawning the loads of money im alright jack c**ts that went on to cause the last recession
she the grocers daughter got in with stupid wimmin voting for a stupid wummin.she stayed in because of the falklands war,and a royal wedding.
then she managed to scrape through with a week opposition and her destroying the great british culture of love thy neighbour and spawning the loads of money im alright jack c**ts that went on to cause the last recession

spot on,good to see the old barstard is on a week to week pass on this planet of ours smell of steak pie round her now.
I know there has been a lot of factors involved in our current predicament but does anyone else think it's suspicious we are once again on our knee's now we have a tory government?

Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....

The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....
Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....

The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....

What a load of conservative bo11ocks, we have been trying to get this country back on an even keel since that idiot thatcher was in charge.
Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....

The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....
pw its not often i dont concur with you mate(not at all on this one)but ill agree to disagree both sides have arguments to back policies up so in the end a debate wont change much,hope your doing well mate.
We Have Been Down This Thread Before On The Forum Gents And Good Though The Arguments Are Nothings Gonna Change Anyones Opinion So Why Not Agree To Disagree? I Personally Will Be The Happiest Bloke In The World When The Wicked Witch Of The South Pops Her Broomstick,But To Each Their Own I Suppose.
Short memory my friend....Think it has more to do with the Union backed Labour Parties mismanagement of the economy and policy in general during their 17 year tenure...De-regulating the banking industry was their policy...Encouraging mass immigration was their policy.....An over inflated public sector was their policy...The worsing standard of education was their policy...The Welfare dependence culture we are experiencing was down to them....
I could go on and on and on and on.....

The coailition are having now to deal with this catastrophe....Its just a pity they are not even sterner....

It's the sheer fact that I can remember the Thatcher years all to well my friend that I have such a dislike for her and her like. Anyone living in Scotland felt the brunt of her wrath and road testing the much hated poll tax up here was pretty much the straw that broke the camels back. I won't even mention the way we had to watch her dismantle our heavy industry, I could go on and on..........
The Thatcher Years Were (Are Still ) A Disaster For Our Country, Her Policy Of Moneterism Set This Country Back 250 Years, In Every Way Possible,The List Is Endless She Privatised Every Publically Owned Company ie British Gas, British Steel,NCB She Hated Anything That The Labour Party Introduced ( The Health Service In Particular) I Could Go On All Night But Wont.
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