Unite's Strike


Well-known member
Jan 17, 2010
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I'm wondering if any of the Stations or Big sites are backing the strike action by Unite tomorrow? Before anyone starts calling Me a Smoggie, I've been asked the question and don't know the answer so I thought I would ask the Intelligensi on here.
Didn't know there were any intelligensi on here, if you find any Willie tell them to give me a call, I have a few queries myself. :cool:
As far as I am aware Willie it is the TUC's members strike tomorrow ie civil servants teachers etc and the planned next day of action for Unite is on the 14 December 2011 where all the blue book guys will be affected.
As far as I am aware Willie it is the TUC's members strike tomorrow ie civil servants teachers etc and the planned next day of action for Unite is on the 14 December 2011 where all the blue book guys will be affected.

Bull week with the threat of no weekend work if you strike , should be interesting :eek:
start at 9 finish at 3, with 26 weeks holiday.. what the **** they moaning about anyway ??
start at 9 finish at 3, with 26 weeks holiday.. what the **** they moaning about anyway ??

There's a bit more too it than that Cala, Along the lines of work more years pay more in to Your pension and get less back Typical Tories. My Missus will be on the Picket Line Fighting for what was promised them when they started paying into the Pension Scheme. Not sure where the 26 weeks holiday comes from but she certainly doesn't get them are you confusing them with M.Ps.
I'm no tory lover but the public sector need to wake up and get with the times.

I've got a personal pension. My pension company to me 20 years ago if I put £x into my pension I could retire at 50 or 55 with a nice little nest egg and so £much a week.
As the years have gone by, they have told me that to get the same return I would need to put a lot more into my pension or I would need to put into it for so many more years. Some of this has to do with the labour government taxing pensions.

What makes the public sector unions think their members shouldn't suffer the same as those in the private sector?

It has been on the news tonight that the government will have to borrow an extra £111 billion over the next few years. Do they union leaders not have the sense to see that there is no money left?

The unions held a ballot about strike action before they had even sat down to talk about the pensions problem. They must have thought they were going to bully the government into giving them what they wanted.
There's a bit more too it than that Cala, Along the lines of work more years pay more in to Your pension and get less back Typical Tories. My Missus will be on the Picket Line Fighting for what was promised them when they started paying into the Pension Scheme. Not sure where the 26 weeks holiday comes from but she certainly doesn't get them are you confusing them with M.Ps.

probably is MP's mate lol.. I binned my pension years back, not worth jack time you get it... good luck to her tomorrow...
I'm no tory lover but the public sector need to wake up and get with the times.

I've got a personal pension. My pension company to me 20 years ago if I put £x into my pension I could retire at 50 or 55 with a nice little nest egg and so £much a week.
As the years have gone by, they have told me that to get the same return I would need to put a lot more into my pension or I would need to put into it for so many more years. Some of this has to do with the labour government taxing pensions.

What makes the public sector unions think their members shouldn't suffer the same as those in the private sector?

It has been on the news tonight that the government will have to borrow an extra £111 billion over the next few years. Do they union leaders not have the sense to see that there is no money left?

The unions held a ballot about strike action before they had even sat down to talk about the pensions problem. They must have thought they were going to bully the government into giving them what they wanted.

Dass far from holding a ballot before talks took place the Govt never made an offer, it was a like it or lump it scenario. These workers include Cleaners Binmen, Clerical staff canteen staff, Etc and if Our governments weren't so busy fighting wars in Arab Countries wasting Soldiers Lives as well as untold Billions and bailing out Feckless Bankers there would be plenty of money left in the pot but no they know best and as per usual it's the Working Class that have to bear the brunt for the Government inadequancies. Their wastefulness has also impacted on the Private Pension Scheme to mate.
Charity starts at home cut all foreign aid, deport all non contributers, bring all our troops home then get them to man our airports / ports etc....And get us the fuckout of the EU.......that would be a good start to the road to recovery........................................
Dass far from holding a ballot before talks took place the Govt never made an offer, it was a like it or lump it scenario. These workers include Cleaners Binmen, Clerical staff canteen staff, Etc and if Our governments weren't so busy fighting wars in Arab Countries wasting Soldiers Lives as well as untold Billions and bailing out Feckless Bankers there would be plenty of money left in the pot but no they know best and as per usual it's the Working Class that have to bear the brunt for the Government inadequancies. Their wastefulness has also impacted on the Private Pension Scheme to mate.

From the amount of AWAC activity taking place in Lincolnshire at the moment I think we can expect another little fight in the new year :eek:
Willie, I agree with you the situation is far from perfect.
The government is giving african countries £1bn to help them fight global warming. FFS Let the africans and whoever else get on with it.

If we keep giving money and aid to all the countries, where is the incentive for them to help themselves?

As poacher said, we should be looking after our own, not asylum seekers, smackheads, social security scroungers and wasters.
If we keep giving money and aid to all the countries, where is the incentive for them to help themselves?

The country is in recession and we are billions in debt so George Osbourne keeps spouting, so where the fxxk are we getting all these millions from to help other countries
Sorry if I offend some...But...typical Public Sector Worker, they just want more and more for doing less and less....They have had all the cream during good times (When the Union back Labour Party where trying their best to bankrupt our country whilst opening up our borders to all and sundry and encouraging a generation of feckless) and now they are just going to have to suck it up like every worker in the private sector, they should also remember (The Public Sector Worker) who actually provides for them....US...The hard pushed private sector worker!!

They get no sympathy from me...If they have to put a bit more in and work till they are 67 well fooking get on with it!!

Welcome to the real world!!
I actually think Unite are right in this case. Just because the private sector is taking its employees for a ride does not mean they should. I am thinking about all of us who will reach an age where we need to slow down and we have no money, that cant be right.

I think the biggest crime is that the private sector is not providing decent pensions and employees are scared to air their views because they will more than likely lose their jobs.

I have always wondered why the government can find money for wars but not for pensions.
I have always wondered why the government can find money for wars but not for pensions.

Why can they find money for wars? To the government going to war is simply another investment.

It is estimated that our share of the NATO intervention in Libya comes to around £500 million. However the contracts for rebuilding Libya's infrastructure over the next few decades comes to £300 billion!

There is always a hidden agenda, always!
I actually think Unite are right in this case. Just because the private sector is taking its employees for a ride does not mean they should.

I think you will find the private sector are driven by market forces and not taking their employee's for a ride, its supply and demand, as simple as that...This is something new to the completely bloated public sector and their employee's are or are about to find out what its really like in the world.

I am thinking about all of us who will reach an age where we need to slow down and we have no money, that cant be right.

No it cant be right but its a plain fact that people are living a lot longer, the number gap between the contributing generations and the "Grey" generation is dwindling....its plain maths... so something has to give...Work longer, pay more or both...

I think the biggest crime is that the private sector is not providing decent pensions and employees are scared to air their views because they will more than likely lose their jobs.

The private sector cant afford such generous perks especially while it has been been propping up the tax burden of the bloat public sector for years and years.....Its time it was reduced dramatically, Harsh for some, but thats life...
I do agree that the public sector is too big and that there are ridiculous jobs there i.e an optical cleansing engineer which in plain English turns out to be a window cleaner.

So yes it all needs to be cut down to a manageable size (bit like what ocean finance says).

If businesses are market driven that would mean clients are only willing to pay the lowest quote, (in the name of competition). If it would be more acceptable for companies to charge slightly more for services so that they can actually afford to subsidise better pensions.... well that is based on the assumption that given the choice businesses would chose pensions over profits.

I think it is fair to expect everyone to work longer and contribute more but for future generations as most of us have decided to have less than 3 kids meaning at best we replace ourselves. Not that it is affordable to have lots of children, but I suppose that is the price we will have to pay.

Pensioners in general will suffer in future as the concept of family becomes more and more of a foreign concept.

The solution to this crisys in my opinion is to seriosly invest in production like a state owned car manufacturer for example. The country needs a bigger source of income. The UK imports way more than it exports. No matter how you cut we will always spend more than we make as a country. Stop aiming to reduce the deficit in 4 or 5 years, look at it over 20 years and you will get growth.

When I become the next prime minister I will re introduce lashes. lol. Rant over.
Interesting last line q.silver. Who would you have in your cabinet.?
If i was prime minister i would have Prince Philip (Foreign secretary) Jeremy Clarkson (Transport) Nick Griffiths (Home Secretary) and that annoying c**t from go compare as the one who takes all the sh*t. We would soon get this place moving and not be afraid to say it as it is.
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