I know its easier said than done John, But When w??k moments like this put you down, you Gotta get straight back up, dust yourself down and get straight back at it,
Let,s Look at it Again try a different angled approach.
You Wanting 50K
Bank wants you to Have 20K -- ( can you raise it by Loan, selling something or borrowed by remortgage or possible partner / investor in business )
The Bank is really saying we want you to share the Risk by putting something of your own into the project, this doesnt have to be cash but it does have to substantial enough to help reduce the initial borrowing , like already having a yard and a truck , if you could find someone with bit land or maybe a farmer who will let you store kit there very cheaply for few month to a year, get a long term hire wagon or try find a cheap second hand wagon to get you by for few months , you could then go back to bank tell them you now dont need the yard or vehicles as you have aquired them yourself already.
you not going to really need a yard straight away you just need some simple cheap storage, what kit you have should really be going around in circles job to job , why rent an empty yard.
Dont buy a big lump of kit straight away Buy as you need it which will also give you chance to get some money in and try source second hand kit from auctions , trader paper etc etc
Ask for so much of the money you want to borrow by way of an overdraft facility
If you get cheap storage and wagon, reduce the initial amount of kit you buy , Then go back Ask for 25k and a 5K overdraft Facility and get yourself a credit card ( dont abuse the credit card , try pay off in full each month EMERGENCY ONLY )
Bank might look at it differently .