to all the ecitb knockers

An instructor at one of the training centres once told me they get bollocked if they fail anyone by their senior management as they are afraid that scaffold companies will send there lads elsewhere. Not sure how true this is :D
Ya mate.

Just shows how much bullshiit is involved in Scaffolding nowadays...
And exactly how much Scaffolding firms think of basic Health and Safety. - Surely that being unfit and unable to erect and dismantle Scaffolding but doing it anyway is one of, if not thee most dangerous safety breach out there?
i done mine through an aprentiship 2 week induction 4 weeks part 1, 4 weeks part 2 and 1 week assesment and we do the same as the 2 weeks so we had nufing to do just alot of papper reading and class room sleeping,
citb is just a rip off if u have the money u will pass thats y u get di ckheads on the same money as u

But, unfortunately most firms want qualified Scaffolders, with valid and in-date tickets.

I have my Advanced card;
  • Did i need it, to show me how to put a job up?
  • Did it make me a better Scaffolder?
  • Am i now more knowledgeable, after sitting the course?
Not really...
Ive been a chargehand, with only a Part 1 ticket, since i was 22, i got my Part 2 at 25 and my Advanced when i was 28.

But, with the qualifications i got, it makes me more employable and more likely to be given a job, if i was out of work, over the average non-ticketed Scaffolder.
Dont make me any better at Scaffolding, but it gives me piece of mind, that when i ring a firm up and they ask me, if i have any Scaffolding cards - I can say: Yes.
yeah thats ok that way but where i live foreigners are comeing over getin council houses and working for £40 a day people like me carnt compete with that and the easy scaffolding courses dont help whats going to happern in ten more years
When I done scaff inspectors ticket, everyone passed. Was told they had sacked the previous instructer cos he had failed 80%. Ians 100% right!!!!!
Then theres no reason why Scaffolders shouldn't be qualified is there, lol.

Sometimes, Scaffolders are their worst enemies though... How many out there CANT be bothered to get themselves a course sorted?

How many think: "Fukk it, i never needed a Scaffold card in 1982, why would i need one now?"
To be fair, ive met a good few who think like that.

You see all these foreigners?
Most ive worked with aint worth 2-bob, but they are qualified and they are savvy to the changing times.

Almost all of them have Scaffolding qualifications, regardless of how crap they are.
They get the work... And some now get paid what we do: £130 a day(ish).
yeah but employers put up with it y? it carnt work out cheaper like you say not good

I know mate, but i guess in their logic: Rather have 3 numpties, then 1 decent bloke.
As well as that, foreigners, from my experience, dont argue, dont blow days out, dont come in late, do as their told and work for peanuts.

Remember, most firms are there to make money.
Thats their sole purpose, they are a business...

All Scaffolders are, are an expense.
If they can get a cheaper one, they will do.

Its not right, but its how things are nowadays. :sad:
yeah thats how it is now and its only going to get worse make me wonder what my two boys are going to do when their older

Things will get better mate.
One thing im holding on for, is that alot of these foreigners (not all, coz ive worked with a few who are spot on), but most will fukk of home, when they have a few quid in the bank.

You see alot of them talking to their young kids in their own language.
If thats the case, then i cant see them wanting to stay, especially if their kid has broken English and will be treated as they do: a foreigner.

I got 2 kids (Jack 9 years and Jessica 10 months), and im gonna move away from East London soon, to give my kids a better life, or try to.
All we can do mate, is try to not let them make the same mistakes that we made and teach them right from wrong.

If your kids are gonna be Scaffolders, just teach them that a tape measure is better then a level for measuring a job out, lol.

Bang on J.
Thank you sir. :)
Three good post's thier Jason ...Thanks

I agree with the comments you make, you have your finger on the pulse mate.

We all try our best for our kids, and try to give them a leg up when we can,not just when they are childred but for the rest of our live's
Hi all,
Blimey, how times have changed over the years. Im an old timer I got my tickets from my courses at Burcham Newton way back in the early 80s.....back then that ticket was my Cv but nowadays it seems so different, anyway....good luck to the lads who go on these new courses. just remember its a mans job and a good paying job at that...above all have fun and enjoy it.....even if we are dressed up to the nines with ppe...
Just finished my part 2 final assessment so hold part 2 cisrs and grade 6 ecitb card. The 8 years going from labour first second third year, improver basic advanced working charghand done far more for me than two weeks in a classroom. The part one I done nothing, the part 2 was better and the instructor very good but a 20 year old lad took a day and a half to build the two jobs, independent and 8 foot square, that should have been done in a morning, fair enough he did it. Three months later was back there for a professional discusion, he failed did not have the knowledge. Three months pass I go to the final assessment to my surprise he was there again to which he never fixed a thing just carried gear for the two lads he was with. He has now has walked away with the same card as me knowing nothing. I feel like I have been f***ed up the ar*e and paid a lot of money for the privelage

Ive heard this too many times.. put it in writing to the governing body.You need to explain which centre and why. the centres are only working to the rules set out by CISRS. maybe the guy who wrote cap609a would like to ellaborate on this subject..
Was the appeals proceedure and complaints proceedure explained during the course? If so why didnt you act then?

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I know it's not my place to join in on this thread, but coming from a teaching background (not scaffolding, I hasten to add), it annoys me alot when I see people complaining about their courses not being as they had hoped and others passing when perhaps they shouldn't have.

From early school education right through to these vocational courses, it's all about the stats, the pass rates. At least with schools/ collages we have OFSTED to kind of ensure standards are worked to. ALI is the adult equivilent.

CISRS seems to be sort of private, although there is government funding (perhaps Simian could explain a little more) and I did look into who the independant inspectors would be, in case the info would be useful to SCCR.

It seems too many of you are spending big money to do necessary courses (that who knows when the goal posts of qualifications will change) and reporting back here on how the course was not up to standard and the pass rate suspect.

Instructors will have a vested interest to have a high pass rate, as ordinary teachers do, but this doesn't mean they should be passing everyone and that's why outside observers/ inspectors should be doing the rounds of these centres, to ensure best practice and quality.

Who does ensure this at CISRS centres? Anyone know?
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