The fall rate has gone down by over 80% since this and the advanced guard rail came into use (figure optained from a genuine source), and this has made the HSE sexually wet and happy.
SG4:05 is ancient history where you could tunnel without the handrail. Its handrail all the way as in Collective Protection
How does that work Ian?
I'm still not convinced it's history Ian, why do brickies have airbags on the inside of buildings? Thats F-Protect not F-Prevent, yet thats ok for them? That's just one example.
Our harnesses provide F-Protect while we install F-Prevent!
My God this does my nut in, it's like politicians are running the industry, it's all about how it looks on paper not how it actually works in reality. I can't believe such thick, idiotic people make important decisions which affect thousands of peoples working practise day to day.
Sorry Flinty, don't mean to demean the content of your post in anyway whatsoever, but I do like a good fekin rant.:laugh:
By the way VLLB thats a good diagram and pretty much says what I've been saying since I was first shown how to use them.
Sorry, but I did enjoy it.
I might need your help with something you asked about before going on holiday, I will be in touch but was thinking of leaving it for a week or 3 till you calm down a bit.:amuse: