Like i said in my post above past few years spent day in day out with trainees and how i havnt caused myself harm either laffing at or throwing a paddy at them i will never know, if there is a hard way to do it they do it , try explaing how to do it easier , they look at you as if you are wacko, you have to explain it 3 times a day, everyday for 3 weeks .
tell them to work from a dead end rather than into a dead end they ask why.
if property has bad access tell them to work out what they need around the back and carry it all in first, they then carry 3 x 21s 5 x16s 4 x 8s a handful of fittings and 5s then start round the front, wondering why its so hard to get rest of gear round job,
I sometimes just bang my head off the concrete till blood pours from my ears , as its less painful :nuts::laugh: