splayed temp roof.

We had to do an emergency job in Ladbrooke Grove on the Notting Hill Carnival weekend , we where all getting stuck in to when the Predator disappeared , turn up an hour later steaming drunk , he had found a stall selling Rum punch .

he used to smoke weed from 6 in the morning and one morning we where in the cafe having breakfast at about 6.30 , when the cafe fella asked the predator what he wanted for breakfast he asked for Apple crumble and ice cream :laugh::laugh: , bring back the old days , always a good laugh to be had
always remember this job years ago phill on dungerness a nuclear station i was working with animal that comes on here we were doing this job inside the reactor same thing bent spigots it was for some blade in a well shaped hole. as you had to be monitored in due to radiation the harness was sealed in a plastic bag with your spanners. when i opened the plastic bag the land line was missing so rather than me and animal get monitored out which took ages animal tied the lead from a hoover that was in there round my waste lol!!! you would get shot now if that happened most firms have banned spigots so the bent ones would be a no no now:laugh:

ahaha reminds me of when a daft fekign brikie on site knocked the top brick of the chimney to the kitchen and it smashed the fans it was gonna cost 1,000's to rip roof down to get the brick form the fan so 1 scaff desides hed go down for it. it was 2 ft wide all the way down he got down there on a bit of lashing round his foot. but couldn't bend down for the brick managed to but a noose round the brick as we pulled it up must of dropped and hit him on the heed 3 or 4 times b4 he decides he was going but it in his jacket , it then took us 3 hours to get him out lol after e got the brick out there safety fgella says yav got 20 mins to get him out or that chip board is going over the top of the chimney because am not putting my name to that lol
Build it square,forget about the shape of the roof keep it simple
was working for FK Pylon years ago and the sight insisted on hard hats ( old school days )
there was a Jamaican fella there called the Predator with huge dread locks and the hard hat would go on his head , so he pulled the webbing out the hat and tied it around his chin with a piece of string , i can still see the mad man now what a sight he looked

Pretty sure I came across him. His dreadlocks were so huge his hard hat looked like a childs party hat held on with elastic.
"bent spigots"

hahahaha, came across this years ago, one of the old boys had done his splay like that, rough as **** and you had to run for cover when you slackened off the transoms cos the ledger came flying out at you and nearly took your head off, dodgy is an understatement :D
lol, send that off to you today Den,;)

Took a few pics of that roof,will post later on.
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