Should Steel Unit Beams be Banned?

Should Steel Unit Beams be Banned?

  • Yes.

    Votes: 29 49.2%
  • No.

    Votes: 27 45.8%
  • Unsure.

    Votes: 3 5.1%

  • Total voters
  • Poll closed .
hi jason,
if the job dictates steel beams for load & span bearing,tell the **** in charge to get you a crane in,then maybe they will let you pre-assemble on the ground somewhere then lift into position in modules.
all that ball breaking should be outlawed.
Id have loved to get a crane mate, but it was under an already poured concrete roof.

Besides that, we NEVER get a crane, as people seem to think that Scaffolders are super human. :huh:

Even last night.
Had to take a simple Independent up. - Nothing to it... but where was the gear to do the job?
About a 300 yards down the road, up and over 3/4 fences, down 2 staircases and round the corner. - a right c.unt to get to, not to mention the obstacle course of wood, rebar, concreate, pallets and general shiit to climb over once we got a tube on our shoulders.

3 Cranes there.
Crane drivers? Banksman? AP? - All fukked off home, as they didnt think that us Scaffolders would need to use the crane.

Spent a few hours having to march tubes and gear from all over the world, just to finish the job - That ABSOLUTELY MUST be done, by tonight... like that always are.
Thanks a bunch boys. :mad:
Id have loved to get a crane mate, but it was under an already poured concrete roof.

Besides that, we NEVER get a crane, as people seem to think that Scaffolders are super human. :huh:

Even last night.
Had to take a simple Independent up. - Nothing to it... but where was the gear to do the job?
About a 300 yards down the road, up and over 3/4 fences, down 2 staircases and round the corner. - a right c.unt to get to, not to mention the obstacle course of wood, rebar, concreate, pallets and general shiit to climb over once we got a tube on our shoulders.

3 Cranes there.
Crane drivers? Banksman? AP? - All fukked off home, as they didnt think that us Scaffolders would need to use the crane.

Spent a few hours having to march tubes and gear from all over the world, just to finish the job - That ABSOLUTELY MUST be done, by tonight... like that always are.
Thanks a bunch boys. :mad:

I no exactly where your coming from mate ,we have to use the most amount of materials out of all the trades and are always last to get a lift if we get one at all,and god forbid we leave a tube on the floor,but it's ok for all the other trades to leave there rubbish all over the place,it's always double standards when scaffolders are for steel beams we shouldn't have to use them as there is a alternative that don't break your back when you are stumbling over every one else's rubbish.
No don't ban them what about poor BenFlynn he must lift 8 of them at once to be everyone's hero :push:
No don't ban them what about poor BenFlynn he must lift 8 of them at once to be everyone's hero :push:

This is Ben Flynn's theme tune:


Sing these Lyrics, whilst speaking the words on the quote.
You'll laugh your balls off, lol.

Ben 'The Scaffolding Warrior' Flynn said:
Out of the lorry
Out from the cafe
Can't we just pump ladder beams
We are the priceworkers
the last generation
We are the ones who smash lumps up
And I wonder when we are ever gonna pump beams
Living under the steroids till nothing else works

We don't need another hero (Ben Flynn)
We don't need to be on day work
All we want is life beyond The Ben-Flynn Scaff!

Looking for something we can press
There's got to be something heavier out there
Love and compassion, their day is over
All else are castles built by my hands
And I wonder when we are ever gonna pump beams
Living under the steroids till nothing else works
All the Scaffolders say

We don't need another hero (Ben Flynn)
We don't need to be on day work
All we want is life beyond The Ben-Flynn Scaff!

So, what do we do with our massive arms
We look in the mirror all day
Will our chest be as big
Or end legs be as strong
Pumping beams or nothing!

Hes my Hero! :love:
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unit beams

are Heavy but they have their use's. Hey Jason I read that you was on the East London Line, so was I, worked on both sites for Sky Blue, who was you on there for.
are Heavy but they have their use's. Hey Jason I read that you was on the East London Line, so was I, worked on both sites for Sky Blue, who was you on there for.

And I was too:amazed::amazed:

I was on the Dalston site.
About 3 months, in total... fukking hated it, it was a shiit hole.

I worked with my brother, Darren and a bloke called 'Champagne' Wayne.
That was until i was sacked by that little weasel Frank Graffon, for 'threatening behaviour'.

Basically some coke head - Tim Ansell, from Hertfordshire grassed me and my brother up for refusing to work in the dark down some pit.
If i remember correctly: It was 4:30pm (we finished at 5pm), it was mid January and was raining all day, we was wet, tired and had had enough, stopped working at 4:30pm, due to there being next to no lighting down this pit.
They was always ramming Health and Safety down our necks, so if its good for them to be 'safe' all the time, its good enough for us to want some extra lighting..., ofcourse - none available, so we fukked it off.

He grassed us up.
I got him a few days later and told him: That if he got me the sack, just after Christmas and i have kids indoors who would then go without, that i was gonna chop his fingers off and break his arms and stamp his head in all over the site, so he'd never pick a spanner up again, let alone work. :mad:
(A bit much i suppose, but i WILL NOT let a c.unt grass me up and get away with it.)

He run upto the office and i was called up, a big meeting happened and i was sacked...

I got my own back though.
He failed a drugs test that day, after someone (me) told Carillion that he was using cocaine, regularly.

So i was sacked, but took that low life Tim, with me.
'An eye for an eye'. :)

If i see that guy again, i swear he'll be visiting A&E and wont be coming out for a good long while... fukking piece of shiit grass he is.
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I voted yes, just because i recon they could take more weight than ali beams and ladder beams but maybe i am wrong.
Is it not that they just deflect less and therefore need less bracing? Like yourself I could be wrong.:embarrest:
I voted yes, just because i recon they could take more weight than ali beams and ladder beams but maybe i am wrong.

Not with you here Gaz???? I'm reading ,youre voting yes,because they're stronger???:confused: even the voting.:bigsmile:
Must admit Frederik, confused me too but I was willing to let it slide.:)
we have to use steel beams on our ships because of welding arcs can blow the ally up, an arc on a hanger and u got men falling, so am afraid steel is around to stay, at least for us they are

Seems this is my first post too, not bad for nearly a years reg
Better late than never Proscaff, always good to get more input.
we have to use steel beams on our ships because of welding arcs can blow the ally up, an arc on a hanger and u got men falling, so am afraid steel is around to stay, at least for us they are

Seems this is my first post too, not bad for nearly a years reg

tell me more please:unsure::amazed::sad:
I voted NO
I had to hump them when I was a young gun
Dont think it's fair to deprive the young lads the experience of working with them.
Which by the way I can flick a 21ft Steel ladder beam up and balance it on my chin !!!! Lmao

*note - I can't
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Steel Unit Beams yes or no? Hmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm
Good topic, I have not voted yes or no but thought I could impart some thoughts.
Approx Weights
A 12ft unit beam weighs 43kg or 96lbs
A 21ft ladder beam weighs 86kg or 185lbs
On a per m basis this is 11.75 & 13.7kg per m respectively.

The Unit Beam is twice as strong as the Ladder beam and is a modular beam which can be as long as you need it to be provided you keep it within its design criteria.
The Ladder beam is NOT intended to be extended in length so cannot be used for larger spans.

Alloy beams
So many to choose from now but with little continuity between intercompany stock.
Most NEW Deep(750) alloy beams are of comparable in strength, weight and size and Most are stronger than either the unit or ladder beams.
The 450 deep alloy beams tend to be comparable to a ladder beam.
SGB (as they were) had a 600 deep Alloy beam manufactured to be comparable with the Unit Beam however this falls short in the strength department.

An alloy beam will do most of what a Unit beam will do but most will not fit into a 675mm opening.
You cannot use them in an Aluminum plant and as we have been told they are a danger around welding.
Alloy beams biggest downfalls however tend to be their softness, whilst they are strong, they are soft and other scaffold components (including Scaffs) are not sympathetic to this fact. Doubles mark then Band and Plates screw through them and scaffolders (bless them) bend the bloody things.

W&T on Scaffs, Production benefits, transport costs, W&T on vehicles, the ability to do something your competitors cannot do with his steel beam etc etc.
Alloy beams are however the way forward in the industry but I do not hear the death rattle of the Unit Beam or indeed the Ladder Beam yet. I think they may have their use into the future.

For those among you who hate them Manual handling Regs should protect you. For those among you who think they are great, you just haven’t had your bad back yet.
For those of you that think the Engineer should use a different beam, they have a requirement under risk assessment to design out the risk where possible, they do not however (in most cases) have any control on what existing stock their employers hold.

A final thought for the weight lifters among you, whilst you may be able to Military Press an alloy beam all day long when I started in this game we had a 35ft steel fish belly truss that you would do well to dead lift and most or your colleagues have either forgotten or never heard of. These beams died out in the late 70’s so I would expect to see the eventual demise of the unit beam but not whilst I am still working.
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