
Thing is phil i spose thats another ticket we're now av to get for the PAT test so i can see why they put it in to make more money, but i'm not to happy about the new trap door sizes as ive just spent 2k on new ones that are obviously now the wrong size &;too small seems a bit excessive @4 brds wide now and an accident waiting to happen if someone leaves the trap open- doubt if the suppliers will take these back either
With all the scaffolds that are now erected, under what regs are they covered. If there were a accident and its built to sg:20.08 could thete be prosecutions with it not conforming to sg:20.13.
How would this sit in a court of law with the hse?.
It's TG scaffy technical guidance . If you can justify the scaffold you have built it doesn't have to be built to TG 20 08 or TG 20 13 .
How did some of you lads see them already? :/

I was under the same impression DS. TG2008/13 is not a regulation therefore doesnt have to b followed to the T.....

But I still cant wait to get mine, I have asked for it for Xmas, f*k that PS4 pissshh
see I don't understand the step you can stand on a 22inch square tressle to work off clipped on so why the fek cant you stand on a full deck of boards clipped on do these stupid feckers know how heavy a king kong is they haven't a clue with common-sense with some aspects of the job if you only have a lab with you on certain days all he can do his stand and watch you struggle your bellocks off its absolute madness they have you strapped up like a bondaged whores client now, an eligibility is a must in this game you need to move in a free manner with all this shyte you have to wear sometimes you cannot even get to your spanner without fumbling around its like two gunslingers going at it with their guns strapped in the holsters you wouldn't tolerate it,It compares to a open heart surgeon trying to operate an intricate op with mittens on its never going to happen and it would be a matter of time before there was a death sometimes too much ppe is more of an hindrance than a safety aspect its ok them bringing out these regs sat on their trumpet they should try the practical side of it and find how hard it is to meet requirements of the individual companies I just don't think not every job is blue book where you can take as long as you like putting a job up what a fecken mess they are creating

And on the CITB training course they only use 13s to pass up for handrail from down below,they know full well how hard it would be trying to do it with a long en.
The trap doors will cost big money to change SP , i wonder if we could make them bigger somehow :wondering:

Whats with the rope and wheel guidance that you have to use 2 wheels one at the top and one at the bottom :eek: does that work like a block and tackle ?
Yeh very similar phil its been brought in to stop RSI & neck strain but the bottom wheels got a locking brake mech in it so u can rest on long pulls. Very clever bit of kit spose pulleys & falcrum use has been round since the pyramids but the best bit is no ticket for instalation & a shelf life of 5 years...not bad for £250.

Ant luck wiv the new yard yet- did u try that place @ horsley
No not yet SP i must have driven nearly every country lane in Surrey at the weekend
I might have a look around west London as well as i can go a fair way that way as well < there used to be yards around Wembly , Hanger Lane , and Ruislip so i will have a search round that way
Phil google "euro storage " they own a few complexes round that end in easy lease terms
havent seen the new alleged technical guidance bible
but PHILLIO are you sure it ststed BOMBING was allowed with competant supervision,and not BUMMING as they way the game is going its about the only thing the young team dont need a ticket and course for.
Defo right there HH. All these young obes are bothered about is facebook this and facebook that, liking this and that......
Well here's one for them, fecking like your job or feck off.
That's because that's sg4 not tg20 one is for how a scaffolder should work (sg4) the other is how a scaffold is built (tg20) numpty
Ive heard snippet of it - for instance,everdently your now allowed to havevur joiners in the same bays....strange that,just like the old days.;)

That's prob only if the handrails are continous It will be interesting to see the update hswt made a comment on it months ago about a contact he has saying that this one should be a massive improvement as the last one was a plss poor effort, I for one think he's right and can't wait for the new one as even if its devised by mickey mouse its still gotta be better than what we have now surely......
if what i read is right correct then all you need is 18mm blue rope
if the joint is more than 300mm in the bay then YOU CAN TIE THE STANDARDS TOGETHER WITH 18MM BLUE ROPE only if you cant be arsed with staggering AS PER BS5973 or even SPLICING
this particular section has been handily translated into 3000 languages ;)
The thing I'm most looking for is whether or not ladders will be banned and a starcase will have to be erected, now granted I've only heard that on here ages ago and it was only a rumour but........ Still stuck with me
its common practice even on new build nouses up here and has been for about 5 years
more due to the love of system for the brickies but to be honest it does make sense;)
Staircases are becoming the norm our way as well. Lets be honest they are beneficial to us as we can carry kit up a staircase rsther than illegally up a ladder.
Yes I agree, they deffo are more useful and will prevent a lot of dropped objects, we installed alot of them on this project and nobody will ever know what we prevented. However I believe you have to be reasonable, are not going to put a staircase on a small tower for a 10min job..........time of exposure to the hazards of the erector and cost to 1 man walking up a ladder :)
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