ScaffoldersForum An Opportunity Missed

I will, might try and get you a link to my page, maybe even drop me in a few quid or rupees or whatever currency you are currently using.
Really isnt this what blokes are talking about, I cant believe its got that petty over that big word im not attempting to spell ;)
Forums not in decline and the knowledge and info on the site will have helped many people . especially my cheltenham thread ,lol. part 1 no experience was a great thread.
I will, might try and get you a link to my page, maybe even drop me in a few quid or rupees or whatever currency you are currently using.

I will shortly be changing currencies. Would be happy to sponsor you. It was a big thing when I was down under and I still sponsor some of the scaffs 2 years later.

---------- Post added at 06:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

Really isnt this what blokes are talking about, I cant believe its got that petty over that big word im not attempting to spell ;)

What word?
Forums not in decline and the knowledge and info on the site will have helped many people . especially my cheltenham thread ,lol. part 1 no experience was a great thread.
Algeria... The lies end HERE!!! will take some beating
I will shortly be changing currencies. Would be happy to sponsor you. It was a big thing when I was down under and I still sponsor some of the scaffs 2 years later.

---------- Post added at 06:12 PM ---------- Previous post was at 06:11 PM ----------

What word?

Good man, I will keep you to that.
Would be nice for an occasional comment from the other 19000 members, I expect theyre mainly looking at the jobs section or ingrossed in a personal favourite of mine penguin assoc,which sadly faded and died after the naming of the 10 species known. joke of the day makes me roar,so many good jokes i cant remember them .would luv to meet that stella fella,,where do you get them from.?:D:laugh::laugh:
Over the years, i have seen scaffs go from big strong hardworking men to slimey weaslefaced shadows of their former selves.
Evolved into a bunch of gossip mongering old ladies.

Are they going to come here to this site and compliment it eh?
Nope, i cant see that.
Heard many a scaff stating that the forum is in decline over the couple of years I have been on here, yet it is still here and going strong.
Like everything else it will have its ups and downs now and again, though these associations are now really beginning to get on my tits.
Also, whats the crack with all the gee-raffs?:confused:
Was a game a while back eh?
Guess the riddle wrong, add a giraffe picture.
Its a bit like the tv times dont you think?? A quick flick to see whats on,see whose on,see what interests you then ignore the rest. People come and go all the time. Some get bored some thrown off or banned. The banned ones miss it so much they keep coming back in another form. fek it,Im off to do a bit of tin bashing.:(
Thanks for your input Alister :D

No way would I class you as middle management,My definition of middle management is a guy that was not good enough to make money on the tools but slippery enough to snake his way up the management ladder by being a "firms" man and taking sh1t the decent lads would not into middle management They seldom go any further as they are afraid of real responsibility

(they can also be anal about the spelling of the English language :amazed:)

On the contrary I have a lot of respect for yourself and the views and opinions you post, although we do not always agree, I would gladly buy you a few single malts if we ever meet up. You became a scaffolder got a few quid together and had the baws to go for it.I hope you eventually sell your business for a good price.
Thanks Rigger, I will look forward to that.
Rigger i have always liked your post and input
i understand your sentiments and yes for the last 6 months maybe it has been a wee bit stale.I have been GUILTY if thats the word for many of the Immigration,and islamisation threads i will defend these as i for one as feel they were topical and in need of debate.
There are members on here i have worked with and had plenty of help from and even had a KEYRING as a gift from a certain well got geezer(thanks mate)
I ahd the good fortune to work in the ME last year again with a friend and member who couldnt return due to family business,and when required the forum came good with help form STELLA.This lead to an invite for a SWALLY at a certain ANFIELD ARMS on a compound yet to be disclosed.
First and foremost thanks to the lads who thanked my original post your support and intelligence warms my heart.

Not long ago there was a lot of working scaffolders,and guys who owned their own outfits posting with a smattering of middle management.Today there are a lot of middle managers doing all the posting, come on scaffolders lets here your voice

Four posts into the thread there was Havespan with his personnel insults,nothing new there then.Bully boys of his ilk have never bothered me,trouble is he has driven good members away from the forum.Why he post's at all amazes me Ex pat living and working abroad with a life of Riley,if you believe all he posts.But he is so worried about the UK and our way of life that he must spend hours a day on the internet
Scaffy 1980 has made a few posts to the thread,nothing constructive,just the normal insults and dribble, but with 16 years in the game and now a top notch supervisor working abroad, I think he is still wet behind the ears

Stella Fella for your information I started in the scaffolding game in 1964, God willing I will fully retire next year. Making a nice round 50. "Rigger" is a nickname I have had for years.Think you work abroad also.

So to sum up

the debate has not progressed much, a few insults thrown my way,the usual culprits posting off topic non-sense.Is there anyone that can add constructive comments to my original questions

I don't feel inclined to take you to task for your personal attack. Suffice it to say I will rise above it and ask you who made the post below only a week ago.

"Personal attacks of this nature, do the Forum no good at all.

comment on the post not the poster

The whole idea of a Forum is to bring together differing views and opinions

Oranges are not the only fruit".

What life this if full of care,
we have no time to stand and stare ?
I have enjoyed the forum since I joined, I have my current job because Teesside Scaffolder could be bothered to post it and the arcade games kept me sane when SGB abondoned me in the desert. My space invaders score will never be beaten.

I have not been a very big poster and have watched various people come and dominate the forum and then disappear it was only Rob3rt who drove me away for a bit.

In my opinion the best thing that could happen would be for Jason to comeback and for everyone to tolerate each other.
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