ScaffoldersForum An Opportunity Missed

WTF? 4 scaffs on the town, nearly having a dust up!!!!
I'm shocked.
Augright swifty glad you haven't bn knifed to death if mr rigger is contemplating his departure from the forum I have only one question will there be A RIGGER THE HOUSE.
Fellas especially rigger,youve been here longer and know some top blokes who have sent posts,but fella life moves on even me short time expected dont lose sight of whats it about,young guys joining looking for guidance hey whats it cost a few words of encouragement.

Today was my grandsons first birthday whoa skyped him earlier theyve bought him a

drum kit so make a noise -be heard new generation love him

Today my brother passed away in Saudi 3 years ago still not over it but life goes on.

Triple celebrations 2 birthdays 1 death this includes scholes look alike scouser 29 years ffs a mere egg.

There are thousands suffering in the middle east at the moment and world wide and what do we get mr rigger complaining because its not the forum he knew before

Sorry babes im a scaff 100% not a rigger ive suffered working in the worst conditions imaginable and still stuck 2 fingers up rant over sherberts kicking in will apologise maybe if sober tomorrow
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If there was a subscription and people had to pay for this site then I would agree. But we don't and as Swifty said it's an open form and most subjects have been done to death. As for our movie producer being hounded away from here, he shouldn't go sending threatening emails/ private messages to all and sundry and he'd probably still be here.

Well if you had fronted up at Liverpool St when challenged we could all still be watching his videos and happy hugenot would have saved the rail fare from Glasgae
First and foremost thanks to the lads who thanked my original post your support and intelligence warms my heart.

Not long ago there was a lot of working scaffolders,and guys who owned their own outfits posting with a smattering of middle management.Today there are a lot of middle managers doing all the posting, come on scaffolders lets here your voice

Four posts into the thread there was Havespan with his personnel insults,nothing new there then.Bully boys of his ilk have never bothered me,trouble is he has driven good members away from the forum.Why he post's at all amazes me Ex pat living and working abroad with a life of Riley,if you believe all he posts.But he is so worried about the UK and our way of life that he must spend hours a day on the internet

Scaffy 1980 has made a few posts to the thread,nothing constructive,just the normal insults and dribble, but with 16 years in the game and now a top notch supervisor working abroad, I think he is still wet behind the ears

Stella Fella for your information I started in the scaffolding game in 1964, God willing I will fully retire next year. Making a nice round 50. "Rigger" is a nickname I have had for years.Think you work abroad also.

So to sum up

the debate has not progressed much, a few insults thrown my way,the usual culprits posting off topic non-sense.Is there anyone that can add constructive comments to my original questions
I answered your questions in my opinion in the 2nd post. Lighten up FFS
First and foremost thanks to the lads who thanked my original post your support and intelligence warms my heart.

Not long ago there was a lot of working scaffolders,and guys who owned their own outfits posting with a smattering of middle management.Today there are a lot of middle managers doing all the posting, come on scaffolders lets here your voice

Four posts into the thread there was Havespan with his personnel insults,nothing new there then.Bully boys of his ilk have never bothered me,trouble is he has driven good members away from the forum.Why he post's at all amazes me Ex pat living and working abroad with a life of Riley,if you believe all he posts.But he is so worried about the UK and our way of life that he must spend hours a day on the internet

Scaffy 1980 has made a few posts to the thread,nothing constructive,just the normal insults and dribble, but with 16 years in the game and now a top notch supervisor working abroad, I think he is still wet behind the ears

Stella Fella for your information I started in the scaffolding game in 1964, God willing I will fully retire next year. Making a nice round 50. "Rigger" is a nickname I have had for years.Think you work abroad also.

So to sum up

the debate has not progressed much, a few insults thrown my way,the usual culprits posting off topic non-sense.Is there anyone that can add constructive comments to my original questions

Most of the knowledgable can't be fecked with helping anymore Rigger. The forum has been in decline for months now. Like you say even when a decent thread is started 4 posts in its off topic.
Most of the knowledgable can't be fecked with helping anymore Rigger. The forum has been in decline for months now. Like you say even when a decent thread is started 4 posts in its off topic.
I made the fourth post and don't believe it was off topic, I stated my opinion on Riggers views.
He can't even spell knowledgeable. Says it all really.
I must be out of practice as this seems to be taking forever trying to find the right words.

I obviously, tend to agree with what you say Rigger, but the old saying be careful what you wish for springs to mind. Maybe I am wrong, and I hope you have not included me in your figures for middle management as my overalls are as dirty as anyone's despite having a business owners tag on my head. I feel most of the threads you are sick to the back teeth of are from the scaffolders you want to hear more from, the middle managers are usually the one's with something a bit more scaffold specific to say and again usually a bit more able to back it up with facts rather than the usual hear say.

I think there may well have been a bit of an opportunity missed or so far not been used to it's potential as yet. We have all seen one or two different individuals and organisations attempt to harness that potential but to date without success. I have always felt this forum is for the scaffs, and as such, what you get is what you see.

I agree with you though, there is a lot more that could be done.
Fao rigger..
If you thought my second post was insulting and full of dribble as you put it, then im sorry. But i was mearly pointing out that you seem abit on the grumpy side thats all, but i presume your sence of humour has died whilst your age has increased.
But i would like to point a couple of things out. 1. I aint wet behind the ears as you put it....2. Yeah im a supervisor, but i dont see myself as top notch and 3. I dont work abroad..
Now i aint gonna fall out over sonething so trivial, so let bygons be bygons and just continue as it is.
It's horses for courses aom. For me the forum is a little light relief from the daily stress of making senior managerial decisions that have a direct effect on the P&L of a company with a multi million dollar turnover.
I enjoy the banter which I sorely miss and sometimes envy you and philiousmaximus as you are still able to experience and I dare say join in when you are with your lads.
It's horses for courses aom. For me the forum is a little light relief from the daily stress of making senior managerial decisions that have a direct effect on the P&L of a company with a multi million dollar turnover.
I enjoy the banter which I sorely miss and sometimes envy you and philiousmaximus as you are still able to experience and I dare say join in when you are with your lads.

It's probably a bit of the grass is always greener. I do enjoy the banter on the jobs, but without moaning as usual, the weight of responsibility bears heavily on these weary shoulders so don't envy us too much. I know we all have troubles, but if you are on your own operating in this climate you don't have a great deal of time or patience for a lot of banter.

We did sign up for the Movember thing, I gave the boys a bit of an incentive to try and beef up the coffers, should be a laugh if nothing else.
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Dont forget hswt the yanks and asians are impressed by mentioning money, brits just think your a tw@t ;)
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