Scaffolders Worth.?


Well-known member
Jun 9, 2010
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Came across the following from a Mills brochure dated 1948.

Scaffolding in tubular steel, aluminium or frame has only very recently taken over from the sometimes unsafe, sometimes costly, old fashioned access equipment such as wodden poles, cords and wedges. Scaffolding like good construction techniques is a science, its the science of providing for safe sure access on any building operation and our scaffolding personell from engineering design and highly qualified scaffold erectors are second to none.

Question. So at what point since the above was published did the recognition of the scaffolders worth drop and why.?
When the NASC got their teeth into it in !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Boo to nasc

I'd love to sit in one of their meetings drop my guts, belch out the alphabet and do a figure of 8 with my spanner.
To give an answer to my own question, I would say it was when outsiders saw the rich pickings to be had from the scaffolding industry. Example. When the brochure was published in 1948 scaffolders were considered highly qualified without the need for outside agencies such as training centres and the like. They were trained inhouse and on the job. Another reason is, is that scaffolders were never given formal trade recognition and thus as a body were vulnerable to exploitation as time went on by employers groups and their new found friends the outsiders now firmly entrenched.

I have to give great credit to Ragscaff and others for the formation of the SCCR. Although not a trade union as such, it is trying to represent and better the scaffolders lot more than any trade union has done before. I just have one suggestion to make to the SCCR and it is to try for proper trade recognition for scaffolders, giving them back the worth we were once valued as.
I would agree with that Brandy although I think the advent of system scaffold was the beginning of the end as well, certainly appeared that way in Scotland. I would also hazard a guess and say all these new reg's can actually help make it a specialist trade again. Just an opinion.
Agree with you there AOM, system has played its part. On the subject of trade recognition the opposition does not come from the employers as such, but strangely enough from the trade councils. The working man can be its own worse enemy at times.
Served me time with Mills.
They were a top firm back when they were named that and they had the best fittings EVER !
Don't forget the Double Enders either !
Totally agree is it possible for SCCR to become our union ? One voice for all fcuk unite and the rest althought I am a union member they do nothing for use as scaffolders.
Fingers crossed
ill never join another union in my life,they have all at some point let me or people around me down quite a consistant outcome id say,so id hope the sccr dosent go down the unionised route too political.

Brilliant Post---When I first read it I was both filled with Pride and Sadness.

Pride : because I remembered all the past and present Scaffold Erectors whom I have had the honor of working with in days gone by.

Sadness : To see that our Scaffolder Erectors and System Installers now find them selfs as mere Operatives and imposers ( cookoo's in the Nest ) are now dictating how Scaffolders are to do their Tasks.

I am with Celticbhoy on the Non-Union Status of the SCCR.

The labeling of the SCCR would give the Politeria and other Organisations an open invitation to brand the SCCR as a Militant Group, rather we maintain our Status as a Consultation Organisation. ( only my opinion open to discussion ).

be good to find a solution to extracate ourselfs from the serf like position we the scaffs now find ourselves in at the present moment.
If not a union for us at least a voice to the unoin's when talks come round for the blue book etc
Hey I'm only a new member to SCCR but will back it to the tilt if it makes our lives better

The creation of the SCCR could be part of the solution to regain our self worth, let us not forget that we can do the ( White Collar ) Man Management and Administrative Tasks, However, the White Collar's cannot do our ( Blue Collar ) Tasks. Tail wagging the Dog :nuts:.

If the SCCR were to have a large number of Members, then the SCCR could be in the position of Supplying a Comprehensive Project Management Team and Scaffold Erectors to complete the Project from Conception to Completion. Any thoughts on that one ???.

the mid to major concerns would value this as a serious threat if it were to come to frutition gar,problems being taking on men assurances of wages is one stumbling block also the future of the sccr if it took a major knock financial wise ie connought,as its in its infancy its good to enjoy looking at the future and the endless reams of avenues to be explored mate but stability is the major factor at present for me and possibly a cross border set up sweatyland leekland tattieland etc,gather the best from all four then accend from there.
Agree with Celticbhoy and Gary re the status of the SCCR, as it grows it will be recognised as a voice that cant be ignored and the consultation road rather than the confrontational will be the one to travel for the benefit of all.

I concur the SCCR is in its infancy and perhaps my vision of Supplying a Labour Only Service to the Major Energy Generating Organisation is rather futuristic, however, If the SCCR can surpass the level of Training supplied by the Industry Body, i.e. Bolt-on Curriculum Training would this make the SCCR a more attractive option to the Scaffold Service Companies which now operate to the CITB/CISRS.

Could we, the SCCR raise our game and out flank ???

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all uions are the same dosh dosh and more dosh its time for change and its now with the sccr im a traveling man everywhere i go working away there all talking about the sccr i for one with give my best my voice and im sure the other committe members will to so anybody on here right now who hasnt joined do so now we are your voice JOIN THE SCCR NOW Welcome to The SCCR
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