Im ana bad min fit like yer sel ???---Dusting the cob webs off this one eh PMSL---
Aye, this one has more legs than a wild highland haggis---the Offshore Academy was an initiative first muted by the late great Graham Tran and I, our objectives were to Train Street Scaff in the workings of Offshore Structures---we had the blessing of PM Tony Blair and the Treasury was to kick start the Academy with Fiscal assistance, I invited Dave Mosley to Aberdeen to discuss the initiative and we got got the green light from NASC.
HOWEVER, when PM Gordon Brown took over from Blair, PM Brown withdrew the funding and said that the Oil Industry would have to fund the Academy. The initiative sank without trace---our Industry missed a trick there me thinks ???.
As you well know, there are several Training Providers in the UK---however, there is one in particular that has taken the opportunity to Develop and open a Training Facility in the UAE---do you Train your Scaffs in house Doug ???.