scaffolders or parasites

Cheers rigger i will take that long hard look at myself
the responce i was looking for was topical debate and i think that did happen,it is a forum after all.
It got people or sorry the usual suspects talking.


rule one happyhugenot never back down scaffs dont hurt people rappers do:laugh:
And interestingly, Happy, 621 views but only 41 replies... I always wonder about those sort of stats!
simians thread about a fall fropm height that could have been avoide-------14 posts---296 veiws
a fecking disgrace,i think that was what the happy guy was getting at:mad:
any free trainig----any contacts in quatar cause im too good for here:mad:
the not so happy one is 100%:eek:
I take your and the not so happy one's point daftscaff, just the world we live in though.

Better not start again.:embarrest:
Thats why youve got so many thankyous and congrats for your posts,too much common sense for the daft one;)
I have followed this thread and subsequent posts with interest. Happyhuge mate, i know how frustrating at times it can be, when a certain thread can be sidetracked, especially a one you are passionate about. ( I am not talking about any Fatality threads here, as we are all emotional regarding these).

When i became Tech IOSH, i thought i was the 'dogs dangly bits'. i went on the IOSH forum like a 'Dog at Broth' . I thought i would be wellcomed with open arms........Not. Every post that i added, which i thought was correct in my opinion, was ripped to pieces, i was almost mocked by the 'Suit and Tie' Professionals.

However, on this IOSH forum i met a guy, he was a scaffolder, he encouraged me to vent my opinions, and he did back me to the hilt,and steer me in the right direction, when i was veering off course. That Scaffolder's name is Garry Adams, Friend for life, we even compiled a training Document together, and yet we have never met.

Reasons for not posting, i think Fezzie stated, the info was already stated, yep i can relate to that. The times i have typed away with my 2 fingers for a reply, to a thread then 'Lo and Behold' my answer has already been posted in more elequent terms:mad:

Jobs yes, nobody goes to work for fun, £££££££££ is the name of the game. Some members might just want that, and dont want to interact, so be it, their choice.

A lot of members might feel they have not got the knowledge to post on here and might feel insecure in the fact of being rediculed. ( i had this problem at school, after sports in the showers..............Once they saw what i was swaying in the beeze with, it made all the lads insecure.:embarrest:

Some guys might not post because they might think the regular posters have their own Cliche, i have never met any of the top 50 posters in my life.:eek:

Fukc up's we all do them, frightened to look at my postings some Sunday mornings after a full day on the pish.:D

Legal matters some members might feel they are breaking the law, or 'Shitting in their own nest' regarding their future job prospects if they 'spout off'.

Some guys just starting out,and Labourers, might feel not welcome......Wrong, we welcome you all.

Then what i think might be a major offput to potential posters, Typing and Grammar, Fukc it go for it, 'Suck it and see'.

Regards to all
Surprisingly eloquently put Paddy, I take it you're not on the wine today?
words of wisdom paddy as always.
garry is a very close friend of mine,hes the real deal scaffolding knowledge in abundance,morals and principles as some would say OLD SCHOOL;)
Been there done that Paddy

"When i became Tech IOSH, i thought i was the 'dogs dangly bits'. i went on the IOSH forum like a 'Dog at Broth' . I thought i would be wellcomed with open arms........Not. Every post that i added, which i thought was correct in my opinion, was ripped to pieces, i was almost mocked by the 'Suit and Tie' Professionals."

Some of their heads are so far up their backsides "light" never enters their so called brains

It did help in a way, as I then knew that I was starting at the bottom of a new career
I read every post thats put on here,but I dont reply to every one because I dont feel the need to.If I have an opinion on something I will chuck my opinion into the mix & see what response it brings.
I dont comment much on the technical side of things because even though I have been in the job for 26yrs I have never done a temp roof,raking shore,hanging scaffold,have never worked on the rigs,power stations,tower blocks, because the small firm I work for dont do these sort of jobs.But I do enjoy reading other peoples experiences of the side of the buisness that I dont see.

This my Friends, is what it is all about.tokwitney is the guy i admire for his honesty. Best post i have read on here, that guy is what the Forum should be and will be, Guys with passion to help their fellow men.
couldnt agree more paddy.the mans honesty is beyond beleif most scaffolders i know can only bum themselves up

Modesty is a rare virtue nowadays.
Something, that myself included dont show much.

On topic.
Im seeing more and more what Happy is saying.

How many fukking numpties have posted in the last few days alone, and in their 1st/2nd posts, posted the words (or there abouts):
"I want work, i want help, i want numbers and hard earned contacts."
Without a please, thank you, kiss-my-arse, or even a 'Hello' to the forum.

I wonder, once these people get spoon fed a cushty little number, will they even bother posting again?
Will they fukk! :notrust:

Winds me up, tbh.

Rant over.
At the risk of being flamed, I have to just interject on what Jason says in that post.

Many guys you and I have worked with, you on the practical side, us on the tax side, and without meaning to offend, may find it more difficult to express themselves on a forum, or maybe don't feel comfortable using a PC/mobile for anything other than minimal communication.

So, they see jobs advertised here, maybe nothing useful to them and they then just do an innocent post asking if anything suitable is on offer for them.

And, because "we" see that as ermmm, rude?, it does often get a smack, so maybe that's why they don't come back too.

On site when you all banter with each other is and can be quite different to what many regulars see as banter here. A new person could feel intimidated by it, especially if the written word is not their strong point. Does this make sense?

I used to regular visit a forum and a core group of 5 started a particular thread on football (way off topic for the forum in general, but the mods let it stay). We kept that thread going for 5 seasons, 6370 posts, and the 2nd highest views (even today!) of 397062. Outside of that thread there was probably, over the years, only ever about 20 - 25 people posting at any given time. People came and went, some just lurked & read, some dived in and some bided their time before getting involved.

The posters that post regularly here have quality stuff to say, you all have fun and you all keep up with whats going on in your industry. The forum continues to grow, so is healthy, and some new guys do eventually pluck up the courage to jump in.

Perhaps our efforts should be more encouraging to the new guys (I know they get lots of welcomes, thats a good thing) instead of getting pissed off with them.
Feck all on the other site but heelan scab and hunger and if the good lord should send you there it surely was in anger.;)
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