scaffolders or parasites


Well-known member
Apr 18, 2011
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it with great sadness that i start this thread.over the last few months i have noticed that a few tasty threads have started and not really been took up to the level they should have.notably british jobs for british workers,which has been posted by 2 members.
i have come to the assumtion that most members are actually parasites,who feed off the rest.this is a forum for scaffoldders to debate and argue about the world our industry and our jobs.
the jobs that are advertised are mainly on the jobseekers website so **** off to the jobcentre,and dont ask for blue book job numnbers try the phonebook or google:mad:
rant over

---------- Post added at 10:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:09 PM ----------

no offence to the members of the 6000 odd that actually contribute i could name you all;)
happy, not all are as vociferous in their opinions of our European cousins and as my old mum says, if you have nothing good to say, say nothing.
why come onto a forum and not speak
half the time people only start a thread asking about the big money jobs,when there are posts about guys worrying about the future of the industry and no reply from the parasites
Different strokes for different folks. It would be a long boring day should we all have the same opinions and hold the same topics close to our hearts.
were are the opinions thats what im calling out for,the parasites i reffer to are the ***** that only feed off the knowledge and phonebooks of others they contribute **** all but ANY NUMBERS,WHOSE GOT THE JOB ON THE,AND MY FAVOURITE OFFSHORE WORK
its a shame there ante a lot more that wana speak happyhugenot ive asked a lot off scaffolders over the last year if theve heard of the forum yeah ive heard of it good for jobs ante it!!!! like you say most want numbers and contacts rather than contribute and theres some that do contribute that wana get there facts right but good comment happyhugnet three cheers to the contributers!!
the hugenoets right this forum is turning into a joke only a few actual posters and 5000 ***** wanting makes the other site look good :cry:
Surely a public forum is for what ever you want out of it. The job section has got to be important as it's the most basic need we all have in common, work. I must admit to noticing a dip in posters since I returned from a short absence but as has been said many times we all have real lives and issues to be dealing with and not every one has the time or the inclination to come on here and shoot the s h i t with their fellow scaff. Doesn't make them any more or less important to the survival of the forum as even if they just come on looking for work or advice, they still come on and the sponsors and advertisers are only to aware of the potential.
the forum is here for scaffolders to help scaffolders and if that means helping a fellow scaffolder get a job then i am only to happy to help im not just on here to talk s h i t im here for the help full info i can give and recieve
It's simply the nature of the beast. As will all forums there will always be a small minority making the most useful contributions and lot of people just taking the advice without giving anything back.

But surely having a resource that improves knowledge amongst scaffolders, helps new scaffolders into the industry and helps scaffolders get work is a good thing!
I read every post thats put on here,but I dont reply to every one because I dont feel the need to.If I have an opinion on something I will chuck my opinion into the mix & see what response it brings.
I dont comment much on the technical side of things because even though I have been in the job for 26yrs I have never done a temp roof,raking shore,hanging scaffold,have never worked on the rigs,power stations,tower blocks, because the small firm I work for dont do these sort of jobs.But I do enjoy reading other peoples experiences of the side of the buisness that I dont see.
An excellent thread showing the many differing opinion posts

Thats what a forum is all about

Mind you, like a scaff, You do need a tough skin to post on here!
Haha, hides like an old rhino the scaffs.:)
i dont post on every thread like many others
not all responses are visible
assumption is perhaps your way of making a personal statement without responsability for the results
we dont all have too share
and if you want a good old debate pick a subject and start it

oopps, of course you did with this one
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Some great lads on here and some great information been passed around , even if i keep away for a week or 2 because of work or whatever i love logging on to see what crack i have missed , i dont really get involved in the technical stuff but love the banter with the lads, a great site with great lads. :D
As one of the forum sponsors, I do feel we have been welcomed and tolerated :bigsmile:. We can only contribute on a very limited level but I do try to join in when a topic is more general and of course, giving advice when we're asked.

It is always going to be an odd one with forums, and personally I've been on a few. Some folk are just more vocal than others. Even if you go to the pub, you'll get the guys that want to be there but perhaps just to listen and enjoy, rather than be "in the thick of it".

Also, it's "summer" (yeah right!!) and so people are perhaps busier out doors. It's much busier during the winter.
why come onto a forum and not speak
half the time people only start a thread asking about the big money jobs,when there are posts about guys worrying about the future of the industry and no reply from the parasites

Thats what i think too.

Unlike many in this forum, i DONT post under an alias, or nickname.
My REAL name is actually Jason Gibbs.

I dont give a monkies who thinks what about me, i post here and have the same opinion here, to what i have in real life, if anyone has met me - I hold no heirs or graces for anyone.
I cant stand grasses, i dont have a very high opinion of most bosses, i think most foreigners are not worth 2 bob, and i aint got any time at all for Africans (Nothing to do with skin colour, i just think they are useless and lazy) - Freedom of speech im afraid.

I try to post and make decent threads, that we can all converse and debate about and what happens?
Fukking knobheads troll it (basically talk shiit and derail the threads purpose).

On the whole i think that this forum has maybe 20-30 sensible and regular posters, the rest aint worth a rub.
Its the regulars like: Aom, yourself Happy, TEESSIDE, Frederick, Swifty, Essex, Scaffy and the others that keep this forum going and keep it a great place to post and discuss things.
same as that J. it is an open forum,say what you want,take the flak and move on. I wouldnt call a man looking for a job a parasite tho, if even 10% of forum members posted,you wouldnt have enough time to read it all. A few more getting involved would be nice.
I'll post if I've got something to contribute, for the craic and to pick other people's brains.
Which is handy !!!
Zotsey is my nickname I've had since I was a kid, that's what everyone calls me, so I put it as my user name. I'm not a total anon though, it's my picture up on my profile - I'm in the middle ;)
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