rescue plan


steveo south east

Hi has anyone stuck to there rescue plan or got one in place but doesn't know it

---------- Post added at 09:50 AM ---------- Previous post was at 09:41 AM ----------

All chargehands are liable in the event of accident
We always had a rescue plan in place but thankfully we never needed to implement it.
Saw one contractor come unstuck on a large job in the ME. The top safety guy saw some of their workers erecting steel about 60 m up. He asked the contractors Pm what the rescue plan was. The PM said they had a crane with man basket ready to perform the rescue. The safety man said right hes just fell you have 3 minutes to rescue him before suspension trauma. Cue mass panic and embarressment as the rescue crane was lifting steel and they couldnt find the basket!!
another good one mate,this should also be included on your part 2 shouldnt it,seen only advanced do it at training centres as i take it they justify that as its deemed only useful on hangers for the recovery on inertia

can honestly say in the past three years the four outfits ive worked for have never shown or informed me of a rescue plan,even going through both parts of my card i was only told their should be one,,,,never demonstrated!
You Should always be made aware of your rescue plan and signed via tool box talk
real world though mate,toolbox talks and rescue plans are the realm of the big and small responsible outfits im afraid,a luxury for some,christ the only tool box talks ive had was from a de and sap on the national grid,not even from the firm i was working for at the time,thats the reality of it mate ,so much guidance yet nothing set in stone :mad:
Just caught out one of biggest companies in britain
First port of call should be a fall prevention plan.

Then add fall recovery plan and a fall recovery risk assessment.

Operatives should also have harness rescue training.
should this be taught on the part 1,cant rely on small firms or irresponsible firms to train blokes,and if your part of a gang no matter how small your part in it you should be able and capable of rescuing your fellow scaff !
Isnt the fall prevention plan SG4 whatever it is now?

Not necessarily. You need to demonstrate that you've tried to reduce or eliminate the risk in the first instance.

Hiding behind a guidance document like SG4:10 won't cut the mustard unless you're carrying out the most basic of independent structures.
got it in front of me

"The NASC has produced a seperate guidance note(sg19)to help scaffolding contractors in conjunction with clients prepare a rescue plan as part of the risk assessment for each job"

then later

"all scaffolders MUST be trained in the rescue techniques and equipment specified,and the equipment MUST be readily available on site"

the wording again implies you have to follow it yet its merely guidance,im amazed they have had any successfull prosecutions as per this document as surely this guidance is that misleading that people dont know which way to turn!

also this is third on the sh1tlist of what should be included on the basic card !
here the deal i have pulled off site because of the management are ignorant.
Cuplok staircase 16 lifts
manual handled through scaffold all the heavy stuff
no mewp till monday as all access are blocked
method statment says use mewp as rescue plan if not availible then have rope rescue kit on site at all times
contacted supervisor and asked for rope rescue "they dont issue them"
alternative plan, rescue each other raise the alarm, phone emergency services
if your unconcious how will they rescue you in a mewp with no access to scaffold

maybe a bit extreme but so are principal contractor asking for my system scaffold ticket
Steve, excuse my ignorance but if it's a stair you are building could you not just use self rescue?
Steve, excuse my ignorance but if it's a stair you are building could you not just use self rescue?

How can you self rescue if your knocked out 140 ft up we got told to support each other and raise the alarm all that was needed was a rescue kit how many people would it take to pull a,95kg scaffolder to safety whilst he was suspended knocked out you would need al least 5 especially as you lose one to cut the harness
With the greatest respect AOM
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