Alright lads just wondering,if its true that as of next year to renew our scaffold cards.every 5 years we have to go and do aother day at collage 
hope not, im not earning enough to justify a day in glasgow, methinks another money making scam, although i did hear that cisrs were pulling out of cscs scheme so all in all it wouldnt surprise me.
im the same marra, but from what im hearing on the jungle drums i wouldnt be surprised, i remember saying years ago when the new cards came out it was a money making scam, it would appear i was right, thing is marra where is the money meant to come from?
My Card Is Up For Renewal Next Year, Im Wondering If Its Worthwhile I Really Am, Never Thought Id Ever Say That, But There You Have It. Oh By The Way Wheres Aom These Days?
AOM's busy setting up a new depot in Algeria with Kamran Khan Rajput.