Question for simian

lol got that bad a me just comenting on random tv programs sumet about wt they were tlkaing about our lass got me for me bday 1,000 facts the lads i knock about call me sh1t lol eveyr thing has to have a fact lol
aye its still 18 inch or two standards lol

Naw it's naw.:noworry:
Thing is now JB, the amount of courses site agents are required to take, they're very well equipped to quote the latest facts and figures. So I guess it does pay to keep up to speed. But the same still applies across the board, experience is king, just unfortunately these days you do need the paper to back it up.
How much softer is really soft ground as opposed to soft ground?:laugh:

Well done Marra, you will see on the other thread all the clever big guns that didn't have a clue.;)
Hi Alan. When I left the first company I ever worked for (about five years ago), instead of getting a handshake and wished goodluck, the boss got all sh1tty and took about £500 from my final pay packet. He said that I owed him money for training and also witheld all of my certification. I could see his point to a certain extent as he had spent a small fortune getting me trained up to NEBOSH level. The only problem being that he didn't have anything put into a contract to say that monies may be deducted if I left the company within a certain timeframe of completing a course - say, two years for example. My point is that every certificate that an individual obtains, whether self employed or employed, the cerificates belong to the individual who's name is on them and not the company who paid for them. The company are entitled to a copy. For the record, I ended up getting all of mine back and the £500!!

I never said I agreed with it I merely posed the question; that said, how long after the training did you leave?
For instance, company paid for training you complete course you leave or do you stay for a few years before moving on.
That is where the moral element of the question comes in.
I myself had a lot of training from SGB over my first 26 years with them and as a result never left. In subsequant years I have trained and provided many with training, I have never clawed back money or withheld certification, that however is a personal ethic not a judgemental position.

I have seen many trained and leave for the extra tenna a day who ignore the investment made by the company paying for the training again there are two sides to every fence regards
I never said I agreed with it I merely posed the question; that said, how long after the training did you leave?
For instance, company paid for training you complete course you leave or do you stay for a few years before moving on.
That is where the moral element of the question comes in.
I myself had a lot of training from SGB over my first 26 years with them and as a result never left. In subsequant years I have trained and provided many with training, I have never clawed back money or withheld certification, that however is a personal ethic not a judgemental position.

I have seen many trained and leave for the extra tenna a day who ignore the investment made by the company paying for the training again there are two sides to every fence regards

I totally agree Alan. I left two years after gaining my qualification. I think that the MD of the company took it a bit personally, the fact that I left. It showed in his conduct when grievance meetings were held afterwards. We've spoken a few times since and it's all water under the bridge now.
But thats the game we are in,my word do you realise the training given in the states,germany etc etc,its just classed as par the course to train lads up to a standard its incorporated in their business models and recouped through one of many things TAX exemptions,as is done in this country,a lot of lads are fully funded by government schemes and those of higher positiions are normally working on projects that recoup the money on the first contract,

why is it in this country the blame is always laid at the feet of the working man,the jobs needs trained personnel,,the companies HAVE to use trained personnel,a by product of that means a person could leave that firm after being trained,Question,,,if the firm paid a decent wage,trated the man with respect what percentage of blokes do you think would leave?

The bottom line is not if a few blokes use the companies to get training for free,the bottom line is those companies need trained men or they dont have a fukin business, redundancy for such eventuallities is built into any business model.

so the question i ask myself is why dont the companies want to train blokes up as much anymore ,the answer it think is the same as why petrol,vat, hours and everything else is through the roof in britain but especially england,,,its because we just take it,if we stuck together via websites and the sccr maybe we would have some clout,until then training providers,nasc,big business,hse will all take the pis* out of us because they see us as weak,and as somebody said in another thread scaffs eat their young ,so the law of the jungle shouldnt be so suprising to us!
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