Question for simian


Well-known member
Feb 2, 2011
Reaction score
Northwest England
Do you think it's morally corrupt to charge blokes who have given your company £2500,£25 for a duplicate,£10 yes that's £10 for a photocopy of there certificates:mad:
it sounds a lot but think about the process involved. The sec gets the phone call then has to get your cert and post it to you ? sounds like 10 Min's and the company is making lots but look at the whole picture of time and cost ?
Now would it not be easier for the company to email it to you with say a cost of a £1 (pound,quid). You then have it on your email and if you ever turn up without your card you could login and show it !
Company policy mate. We have to buy certificates send them to the person who pays the bill. All cisrs certs have to be purchased in hard copy not emailable. Staff have to spend time finding the cert copy that is archived, copy again and post it when they could be doing more productive work. Most people who want a copy can't get their cert off an ex employer because they have paid for their training. I'm sorry if this explanation does not apply to you but some people ring up from 2-3 years previous and we can spend 1-2 hours in the archive room. Hence it's the same charge for everyone.

i forgot to take photos to inchinnan when doing the 2 day kwikstage course and because of that havent got it on my card , it was bad enough paying £395 for it im not spending another £35 to prove i can use that *****.
and ive never paid for a cscs card and never will , i do the test get the cert and thats it , to then have to pay another £30 for a bit of plastic or whatever , **** that , and as ive got the offshore i dont even need it , had a great time tellin an agent that once , he actually phoned up to check if i was right or not
so is it morally corrupt ?;)

I think not, I have a staff and archive system myself and it does take time and resource to find these things. The 2.5K is for the training received and its accompanying certification and not for a continued admin and storage service.
Try and get a copy statement from your bank they apply a similar logic.
I am also aware that many companies that pay for training also with hold the certificates. I used to wonder about the morality of that but I am more than aware that many people who have their training paid for then up stakes and move on with said certification and training in hand, is that morally corrupt??
Do you think it's morally corrupt to charge blokes who have given your company £2500,£25 for a duplicate,£10 yes that's £10 for a photocopy of there certificates:mad:

staples have the top of the range photocopy machines and for a colour copy on a A4 its 10p and for a A3 its a pound so when you get your new copy for £25 quid spend a quid and get your self 10 copys cant see why cisrs cant push a computor button and print 1 out for a couple of quid but hee hoo thats why there in bussiness
so its agreed that scaffolding companies are have the moral high ground and scaffolders are morally corrupt :eek:
the guy joe has just returned from the states and is doing his best to get back up to speed with all the training requirements and should be commended for this.maybe the original question was a wee bit hard hitting to say the least but when you are a daftscaff trying to get the paperwork together to put bread and butter on the table for the wife and kids(morally astute)i for one can see were he is coming from.
as for happys question it was never really answered,as my wee mammy tells me DONT ANSWER A QUESTION WITH A QUESTION :eek:
I think not, I have a staff and archive system myself and it does take time and resource to find these things. The 2.5K is for the training received and its accompanying certification and not for a continued admin and storage service.
Try and get a copy statement from your bank they apply a similar logic.
I am also aware that many companies that pay for training also with hold the certificates. I used to wonder about the morality of that but I am more than aware that many people who have their training paid for then up stakes and move on with said certification and training in hand, is that morally corrupt??

Hi Alan. When I left the first company I ever worked for (about five years ago), instead of getting a handshake and wished goodluck, the boss got all sh1tty and took about £500 from my final pay packet. He said that I owed him money for training and also witheld all of my certification. I could see his point to a certain extent as he had spent a small fortune getting me trained up to NEBOSH level. The only problem being that he didn't have anything put into a contract to say that monies may be deducted if I left the company within a certain timeframe of completing a course - say, two years for example. My point is that every certificate that an individual obtains, whether self employed or employed, the cerificates belong to the individual who's name is on them and not the company who paid for them. The company are entitled to a copy. For the record, I ended up getting all of mine back and the £500!!
Me too HSWT, 89 I think I did mine, a nice red border on the certificate.:cool:
hahahaha I done the Advanced Assessed Route about 6 years ago at Erith and it only lasted took 2 weekends out of my life :D
FFS, Phil. I take it you were throwing them up and nobody asked for a ticket?

I don't think even as far back as 89 I was ever on a job without someone asking for a copy of my ticket. Didn't have to be your own ticket mind, I think half a dozen blokes were using my part 1 ticket to get onto some sites.
was never asked for a ticket on the street and started up on my own in 96
put all my lads though the courses and finally decided when the CITB sent me a letter saying they where stopping the ARE that i better get one.

A scaffold collapsed and photos where posted here a while back i know the company very well , owner is on the tools and erected this job 5 lifts high with monoflex and NO ties on a busy London street
he has no ticket of any sort HSE have made him take a basic part 1 course , he has been scaffolding over 20 years and still didnt have enough clout to tie his job.
Tickets dont make the scaffolder , Experience does ;)
Never argued with that. May have helped your man though when deciding how to build that job.:wondering:
dont think it would have helped him Aom as he still doesnt even own a drill for his lads to put ties in , some lads never learn
I lost one in the early day's to a front end loader. It was a listed building and we were not allowed to tie it in and it was also a bus turning area so wasn't allowed to buttress. We were allowed to through tie it where the windows were broken, luckily I managed to break a few more when nobody was looking and put more in. The usual big investigation finally exonerated us from blame as they worked out the strain it would take to shred an Omega transom and measured the drag marks on the ties. Not entirely sure how it was all done but after a few sleepless weeks we were given the all clear. Always been pretty nifty at installing ties after that.
was never asked for a ticket on the street and started up on my own in 96
put all my lads though the courses and finally decided when the CITB sent me a letter saying they where stopping the ARE that i better get one.

A scaffold collapsed and photos where posted here a while back i know the company very well , owner is on the tools and erected this job 5 lifts high with monoflex and NO ties on a busy London street
he has no ticket of any sort HSE have made him take a basic part 1 course , he has been scaffolding over 20 years and still didnt have enough clout to tie his job.
Tickets dont make the scaffolder , Experience does ;)

If he had done the courses, he would have known to tie the job in. So been scaffolding 20 years and knows fuk all ? . its not so much the time you been scaffolding as sometimes the courses have to work with the experience, so if you been scaffing 8 years with adv card, thats got to make you better than most granddad rights 30 yrs experience blah blah boys ??
I don't think there is an exact recipe Deb. This guy would know the same as everyone it should have been tied but took a risk and lost. Sometimes it's more about cash than ability.
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