pricing a birdcage ?

Been with me since the very beginning, it's as much his as mine to be honest but still able to surprise me and bring a smile to my face. He is probably just saying what I would like to say but as an owner you have to have a different attitude.
surely not in dub airport brandy??
You guessed it Celticbhoy, was with Scafform though was in the 80's. Was a prestige job at the time, magazine articles and all that, lot of explaining to do, still laugh about it.
one of two ways to price a birdcage you can go by the old way where u times the height by the length devide by hundred then multiply what u charge per 10 mtr square which should be around 35 quid per 10x10.or u can get me to put it thru my priceing format for you just need to know how much hire is required hope this is of help to you
Is that 5.50m3 E&D??

If it is that is very low. What sort of wages are you paying?

Pw is long gone HSWT, which is a pity as he was a great source of information and for me one of the best posts in regard the dark art of pricing.
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