People owe money

Never a nice business when you dont get paid what you was expecting to get...
Hopefully it'll be sorted in quick time.
oh dear well thats not exactley true clarey is it , news to me about yards and interested to know who these 3 other people are
Why dont you put the full story on there of how you was looking for work as you have your own firm - turns out that you dont , you then sub the work to another firm who gets 50% of the work done and then pulls of site - and that was just the first part ......

To knock someone that means you dont pay them , at no time has your life long friend ( 3rd contractor) been told he wont be paid , and lets face it after you posted your message friday i asked your life long friend what that was about and both of you denied that

Anyway as noted by other posters its a bit pathetic that you had to do this

Your lifelong friend is on site tommorow to take down his work so providing no damage has been done then we will square the bill then

Why dont you post the real version of events on here then people can draw there own conclusions ?? I have all your emails still
as you know GM every story has a happy ending !! Wheres this list then ??

Its a shame really as i do quiet a lot with other members on this forum and some of them still owe me money - but i never feel the need to bad mouth people
come come GM things could be very good as you know
Please dont try and twist this mate. Tell these why my mate as ended up getting paid is it cos contractors have it in writting that he will no longer do buisness with you and as passed all work direct to my mate. Fair play that you have ripped people off in the pass but this time it wasnt gna happen. To be honest you got off lightly. N has for other things i can expose.
Yard in hastings??
Job at cannon street??
Solar panel contract??
70k debt?
Sell gear just to make payments. Look just be a man take it on the chin n stop bullshitting to these ppl let them decide for themselfs. Whats done is done but the more you lie the more you dig a bigger hole. Im not gna say no more on the matter unless i have to.
How strange , looks like your factually incorrect for starters
Your lifelong friend is of site tommorow as you should know , he also hasnt been paid as he should know , he also hasnt gave any contract , im quiet happy to post the last email from site on this forum for all to see
Yard in Hastings - Yep moved to bigger yard four weeks ago
Cannon street - Killby & Gayford went in to liquidation correct , new contractor now on site
Embankment - Dont know this one
Solar panel contract - Yep just completed 30k in aberdeen over last few weeks and just starting next phase in a fortnight
70K debt - Yeh Killbys went down owing me 70K , never mind

Selling gear to make payments for what , i buy and sell gear all year round as most on here know , which is why you come on to me in the first place if you may recall

How funny shows how little you know about the situation , why would perry be knocked end of the day i see you post your silly little message on friday as i asked was that a dig at me to which you denied

So for the record your lifelong friend will be paid ive just emailed him earlier asking for his bank details , and he wont be getting paid or any further work on site from Apex ,

So tell me where are these lies ??

---------- Post added at 01:08 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

Heres the email

Sent: Sunday, May 06, 2012 12:00 PM
Cc: Des ; Tom ; Doug
Subject: John Howard Centre


Just to keep you up to speed, Always have been on site today to remove the West Ward, my Security Guard denied them access so the police were called, they obviously explained that without my permission to access the site they would be trespassing so they have agreed to come back on Tuesday when I am back on site.

As this is really a matter that you need to resolve with your contractor I would appreciate it if you can be on site at 8am on Tuesday to resolve this and ensure I have labour / materials to progress the East Ward as planned, I am pretty sure that he can remove the West Ward on Tuesday if necessary to remove him and his materials from site but I will need you to rebuild a small access platform to the existing gable end for rebuilding, sure this could be run in with the external works due to commence next week also.

See you Tuesday, have a good weekend, what’s left.


---------- Post added at 01:11 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:08 PM ----------

-----Original Message-----
From: Perry Downton
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 7:14 PM
To: Chris B @ Euroscaff
Subject: Re: Scaffolds at Kingston

Don't know what that is mate your barking up the wrong tree anyway I can be
at Deptford Bridge at mid day no probs
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

-----Original Message-----
From: "Chris B @ Euroscaff" <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 18:09:36
To: <>
Subject: Re: Scaffolds at Kingston

-----Original Message-----
From: Perry Downton
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 7:06 PM
To: Chris B @ Euroscaff
Subject: Re: Scaffolds at Kingston

Yeah I can meet you in the morning just got home myself I'm emailing from my
phone I've left the office and as for that other thing that's got nothing to
do with me if you read it its saying two weeks I've only waited one where
did you get that from
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2

-----Original Message-----
From: "Chris B @ Euroscaff" <>
Date: Fri, 4 May 2012 17:33:12
To: <>
Subject: Re: Scaffolds at Kingston

meet in the morning ??????

-----Original Message-----
From: P
Sent: Friday, May 04, 2012 6:30 PM
To: Chris B @ Euroscaff
Subject: Re: Scaffolds at Kingston

I'm out and about mate I aint gotta clue what that is
Sent from my BlackBerry® smartphone on O2
Last edited:
Chris at end of the day bit of honesty wouldnt of gone a miss. You tell him to meet you n u dont turn up. U dont answer your phone. N what i do i get perry to put his official paper work which as been all checked over, to post on here to show what the situation is. Again as much as your a good blagger infact a very good blagger im starting to believe you myself. Well dOne for ripping other ppl off but this time it didnt happen so cut your losses. Things could of gone way over the top but they havent which is good for bOth parties. So lets draw a line under it as now i n other ppl know what you really are. N i have been in contact to all ppl you have knocked.
Easy way out clarey - funny cause i spoke to perry friday and saturday , yeh get perry to post his official paperwork on here.
Blagger for what - guys done the work he will be paid once he is off site

Theres no line to draw mate - you have come on here , ive answered your posts

simples ...............................
Easy way out clarey - funny cause i spoke to perry friday and saturday , yeh get perry to post his official paperwork on here.
Blagger for what - guys done the work he will be paid once he is off site

Theres no line to draw mate - you have come on here , ive answered your posts

simples ...............................

As I said 2 sides to every story.
There we go iam many things , but i aint that !
Ive nothing to hide other then my ten inches on the soft
whats all this about knocking? surely no scaff would ever knock a fellow scaff... *shakes head in disbelief*
No workshy your correct !!

Fred GB has not seen it , she might have seen a few of me scaffs tackle tho as they been staying at her house
of course im correct.... when could the apprentice's logic ever be at fault? ;)

haha, from my experience usually about 10 minutes into kicking the job off and they loosen the measured pre-fab to plumb the standard.

Not you of course workshy, I know who taught you.;)
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