offshore work??

It is usually down to length of service.The HR deptment pay no attention to the offshore reps recommendations.
Been there and been down this route.
hi guys, just wandered if anyone new of any work offshore?

been looking for ages now with no luck!

been offshore for years now. its not all its cracked up to be money not that good either. its becoming a seasonal job now. the companies taking you on for shut down season then paying you off about october. struggle for work at that time of year.,stay where you are mate.
you get 6 month work if your lucky thats 6 trips i do it every year as there is no work in middlesbrough.
hey guys new to this and im looking to do my offshore course while on on xmas hols, ive heard there new things etc MIST test. What course does a scaffolder have to do to get offshore? cheers BM
off shore

hey guys new to this and im looking to do my offshore course while on on xmas hols, ive heard there new things etc MIST test. What course does a scaffolder have to do to get offshore? cheers BM

Hi you need bosiet, mist & medical certificate, they also dont like to take you on without previous experience, double edge sword im afraid, you just need to keep on trying, took me nine mths ringing every day. good luck, i was lucky.
Hi you need bosiet, mist & medical certificate, they also dont like to take you on without previous experience, double edge sword im afraid, you just need to keep on trying, took me nine mths ringing every day. good luck, i was lucky.

your right there billy its all about timing and good luck.....shame really because there are some good lads out there that do all the training and get know where with it...i know 3 lads from down my way who have done all the training to go offshore and only one of them got a start...and he was paid off after one trip by cape at Yarmouth....but on the flip side also know a lad from Swansea who done it all got a start the week after and has been on the same platform for 6 years
Yeh, luck of the draw m8, just had a good 6mth run, may be my last trip. who knows every one is a bonus. Plymouth Argyle, Arsenal.
Swillybilly....Is that u crazy will off the alwyn?????:wondering:
Green Armyyyyyyyy :smile1:
Green Armyyyyyyyyyyy

:nuts:No its his crazy wife, Will is due off tomorrow, who is this, Green Armyyyyyyyy
:) oh hello..i worked with him on the alwyn just wanted to see if he could guess who it was by the green armyyyyyyy :)
You guessed right, just waiting for a call, after his roast beef, of course lol , got his gallon of cider chillin in the fridge, for tomorrow. fingers crossed.:)
Ok hope he gets off with this weather anyway...Tell him if he cant guess who i am then if ya say i said "Pardon Mee" he'll defo get that 1 haha:)
i passed my bosiet at the end of july and i have tried with no success to get offshore, so i know how you feel.

bro you will find it hard to get out ther unless you have some one shoutin for ya,my mate works for cape,and hes sick of scaffs ringin him looking for work,and most scaffs think ya have to be something special to get offshore work as a scaffolder,this is not through,if you are a compedent person and can build all types of scaffolds you will have no worries off shore,most scaffolds offshore are suspended scaffolds,and you will feel alot safer building a scaffold 100m in the air off shore over water rather than build the same type of scaffold in some dingy dry dock,also off shore ther is risk acc,method statements done for everything,plus the safety is 100%,good luck with trying to get out there
It was through scaffolders forum that i heard men were needed on one of the rigs, i left e/mails, and continued to ring, i was then told sorry no experience, but i didn't give up, thankfully it paid off,keep looking on the forum, good luck.
Hi ,how you doing m8,Salamis are supposed to be manning up for between xmas & New year ,i know its a bummer going out then but if you get a trip then good chance is they will keep you going after that,try and get through to Diane. much experiance you have working in the Gulf? Have you done much quick deck scaffold? What state do you live in? Sorry about all the questions but I might be looking for a few men in the month of Jan. and Feb. This is my first time on this site. It appears it's going to become a good tool for me to use.

A.J. Duncan
What is quick deck, is that the plastic stuff or the heavy stuff for the under deck work?
What is quick deck, is that the plastic stuff or the heavy stuff for the under deck work?

dont sound like a bloody child,if you need good men,there plenty of good men out there you dont need to come here and find them ,,,,,,,grow up u idiot
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