offshore work?? (3 Viewers)

yeah work has started on golf ball sellafield, foreman ernie blowers has started ex hertel (sellafield) men who got paid off earlier in the year
i went 4 interview 4 that job they sent me 4 medical they rang me last friday said they was waiting 4 my passes do u no if is it manned up ?
Don't think so last I heard was that they where cut backs on everything and they are letting a load of lads go!I know hertel are quiet at the minute and are waiting on work to start
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its gabrile hughes thats doing the work on golf ball i meet the bloke from there emmett hughes there trading as gbre they ave a gaff in london 2

---------- Post added at 01:07 PM ---------- Previous post was at 01:05 PM ----------

yes should off been there 3 weeks ago
rbg are paying off at the moment best bet is if you get xmas cover or to wait till next year
rbg deffo paying off i just got paid off was in the forties field n they deffo downmanning
Any lads who worked on the Buzzard this year for RBG and who were downmanned and think they shouldnt of been should contact Amicus the Union Aberdeen on Tel: 01224 645 271 or 0845 604 8312. Seems RBG have been caught at it again
truth be known they all do it fella ...but what can you prove...i have heard that more than a few scaffs were laid off from cape beginning of Oct and then new starts were taken on after...
everyone feels p!ssed off this time of the year when the dreaded letter comes in the door..but i have been on and off for cape now for 4 years and still cannot work out there system when it comes to paying good men off and keeping on ....d!ckheads who aint even sure what the box is meant to do on a spanner....we all know or have met someone like that....
yes... i must agree with offshorescaff, i too have spent the last 2 seasons with RBG and yes good lads get finished at the end of summer and fuckwits get kept on, it may be the order to downman arrives and the lasses in the office pick x amount of men at random, hence good lads down the road, tw..s kept on, perhaps the offshore supervisors should laise with the girls to let them know who's good who's bad.. does'nt mek sense does it
Yeah totally agree genie and offshorescaff this seams to be the norm now on these offshore companys like you say needs to be more control on the rig over these lay offs instead of a lucky dip system done buy a 18 year old office girl whos more intrested in filing her nails its a joke but what can you do
not sure if rbg or salamis carry out any form of assessment on lads. but they do on cape but this system does not seem to be worth a w@nk either. i was on a job for 3 years for cape and some of the nuggets that came onboard beggered belief.trying to explain to 2 so-called scaffs how to move a puncheon to make a gate work properly for half hr is just a total joke..yet a few trips later a gang that had been swinging by there balls on hangers for most of the campaign were shunted off the job...and these pair of carrots were there till the end of the job.. they did get moved off our night shift and out on days
but were the logic came from about getting rid of the good lads....god only knows..
dont think it help either when a lot of the gaffers on these platforms are not scaffs by trade..most are painters, laggers , kitchen fitters and fork lift truck drivers...they would not know a good scaff if they tripped over one in the tea shack...
offshorescaff, i know fine well that RBG's assessment for scaffs prior to sending them out is a joke i even heard the girls in the office were giving lads the answers to the 20 or so questions cos they couldnt get the men. There is no practical for them, You know yourself just watching someone for 5 mins if they are a scaff or not.
Ive mentioned in a thread before on here about the lad we asked to go and get 6' tubes he asked "how do i know what a 6' tube is" one of the lads says its about the same size as you...? Well the little mong was only lying down along side it measuring himself against it hahaha. C'mon WTF goes on in sending mongs out like that. Also same kid hasn't been out of work for 18 month now????
yes its just been confirmed.. jus been talking to an RBG gaffer an he said he sent email to the beach with names he wanted to keep on a certain project.. guess what.. he got none o them back.. good lads he wanted to keep went down the road.. so it looks like we are at the mercy of young girls in the office who have not a clue about men offshore.. no wonder lads are pissed with it.. if lads out there hav dreams of offshore life think long and hard.. i rapped a steady job (7 year service) for offshore.. im now on the dole
offshorescaff, i know fine well that RBG's assessment for scaffs prior to sending them out is a joke i even heard the girls in the office were giving lads the answers to the 20 or so questions cos they couldnt get the men. There is no practical for them, You know yourself just watching someone for 5 mins if they are a scaff or not.
Ive mentioned in a thread before on here about the lad we asked to go and get 6' tubes he asked "how do i know what a 6' tube is" one of the lads says its about the same size as you...? Well the little mong was only lying down along side it measuring himself against it hahaha. C'mon WTF goes on in sending mongs out like that. Also same kid hasn't been out of work for 18 month now????

lmao... that's priceless about the guy laying down could not make that up Barnsley...we had ga's out with us on the armada and most of them were as thick as kwik form lad was on the radio and forgot the name of the ask for "the man in the big black boat come back" and when he started calling the boat the dee kipper... rather than the dee skipper and then fell asleep on over side would think nrb coming his fecking chance....was left on the job with no training or owt...again total joke most of the time it is just a$$ on seat of the chopper they are worried about..
Its not what you know offshore , its who you know.. and how much arse you lick.... I must have been a right ******, was on the same platform 2 years solid before I packed in. :eek:
hi mate are you on about the 30/90 notice thing?

barnsey 1980 :)
Hello Dan i dont really know our lass says a letter from the union came through the door asking if myself or anybody else i knew was working on the Buzzard when it came to the downman. I just thought id put it on the forum for any of the lads who thought they have been paid off out of turn to contact the union and by the way RBG have never won a case in court.
nice one for that barnsey mate. i know they only gave us 30 days notice and if they pay off 100+ men they have to give 90 days notice and notify the unions and dole which i dont think they have.
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