not working in rain

Sake, I'm on here far too much, cos your right.:cool:
these southern softies dont know what rain is,**** me the only time its not raining in the west of scotland its because its too cold to rain.
And when its too cold to rain its fecking snowing
Funny you say that daftscaff, bright sunshine the other day on both sides of me then a narrow dark doom cloud descended and a massive hail shower started. So much for global warming.
I spent last winter in penrith in the lake distrixt, the coldest spot in england. Minus 17.5 was recorded there, so believe me, I know what cold is. And what its like to work in it aswell!
these southern softies dont know what rain is,**** me the only time its not raining in the west of scotland its because its too cold to rain.
And when its too cold to rain its fecking snowing

What difference does it make if the temperature is -4 or -34?
Its still fukking cold and its still gonna freeze your fingers off...

Even working in extreme heat aint much fun anymore, as you (on most jobs now) have to wear: Hard hat, harness, hi-viz, gloves, glasses and some even make you wear long sleeve t-shirts.

Thats torture in itself.
-4 is a fresh autumn morning just crisp enough to put a spring in your step and keep you moving until the sun hits your back around 10am.

-34 the snot freezes hard to your top lip but don't dare greet about it as the tears will only freeze to your cheek bones. I don't even have to tell you about the steel sticking to your hands or worse, not sticking to your hands and slips through your fingers at the worst possible moment.

I've had it cold, not sure exactly to what degree, certainly nowhere near -34 but give me it too hot than cold any day of the week.
Aom what the fu ck -34 :eek: are you an Eskimo, do you get Scottish Eskimo :unsure:

It was a reference to Jason's post. The last couple of winters have been the coldest for a couple of years getting down to around -18 or -19 but there are parts of Scotland further north that could go down that far. No Scottish Eskimo's but now you know why we just turn in to the melting freckly man when the sun does finally come out and also the real reason we drink a lot of whisky. :toung:
Fancy blaming the weather, for the ammount of whiskey drunk. Any owld reason and the whisky bottle appears.:eek: Just as well it wasnt for Football special occasions mate.:D:D
:embarrest:Oh aye, that as well.:embarrest:
Sat for half an hour in the laundret in my skidz on friday waiting for my gear to dry and not for the 1st time.
you and that Levis advert trick again Dave , i dont know how you keep getting away with it :laugh::laugh::laugh:
It's not got the same effect when I do it.:embarrest:
Aye that and I've got a 10 stone heid.
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