alister- t&f for me all the way,-the dwg and calcs would be done as a generic so cost around £350
the original question was posted for a friend who i gave the client to when he was short on work,and i have since not to fussed about doing anymore work for, i'm not sure whether the saftey officer was just being a little more astute than normal , as it was a procedure we do quite often,and have never been pulled up on, the houses are at the top end of the market 5-7mil each so the stacks are a fair size and its just been an easier setout on this elevation as the soffit/facia overhang is always around the 700mm mark. the inside brds have never been loaded out on, so hence the question to the forum.
Garry- reguarding loadbearing fittings to the transom , that was not disscused so i couldn't comment but with a MLW of .75kn on the inside boards i would assume not