Looking after our/thier best interests..lol!!!

Sorry Jase, not what I read.:embarrest: Told you 2+2 is 9.:laugh:
Numbers will help, but there is a lot more to it than that surely? Speaking for myself for example, what are they offering that I am not getting? Is their guidance sound and accepted when I go on site? Would I get value for money? As always, just a small operators opinion, and it's just off the top of my head for discussion.

---------- Post added at 11:02 AM ---------- Previous post was at 10:55 AM ----------

It's just something that is probably quite relevant to what's happening here at the moment. I could probably use a great manager more than a good scaffolder here right now.

I could be tempted for the right price and better accommodation than your fittings shed.
I could up the accommodation allowance but you still couldn't afford the pay cut. The beach's here are nice but unlike the sand you are used to ours was formed by big blocks of ice not that horrible white foreign muck you are now used to. I could throw in a set of skins though.
Take Gary Peacock. Not sure if he's still on TONE or not.
He's not a Scaffolder... his background was like Mechanical Engineering or something like that. But he was like the Operations Director on TONE and former MD of PHD Modular Access - brought in fir his MANAGEMENT experience, not his Scaffolding experience.
He's just one example.

Gary is no longer at Tone Jay, his apparent lack of scaffolding knowledge on a rail job at Farringdon cost him his job after a big bust up with Andy Needham
I will be very surprised if the Scaffolding Association doesn't have more Member Companies than the NASC by 2014.
That will then make them the official voice of the scaffolding industry in the UK.

They're staging a few road shows up and down the Country, go and take a look.
I will be very surprised if the Scaffolding Association doesn't have more Member Companies than the NASC by 2014.
That will then make them the official voice of the scaffolding industry in the UK.

They're staging a few road shows up and down the Country, go and take a look.

Do you think its a feasible idea fir SCCR and SA to join forces?
I will be very surprised if the Scaffolding Association doesn't have more Member Companies than the NASC by 2014.
That will then make them the official voice of the scaffolding industry in the UK.

They're staging a few road shows up and down the Country, go and take a look.

I very much doubt it but can only wish them the best of luck as they have obviously got a lot of work still to do.

I would go to one of their road shows but they don't seem to want to come north of the wall.:(
I've heard from a reliable source that they have had more serious enquiries about membership than the total amount of NASC members including associate. They have everything in place including the necessary financial backing, and they seem to have planned their strategy very thoroughly.
Did your reliable source mention guidance?

It would be interesting to see what they intend to do about the nuts and bolts of the trade.
Omg another nasc thread but thankfully not pushed on us from our newest forum sponsors @ trad.
Most on here will allready know my view on them forcing themselves on the industry & claiming they are the governing body of our industy when in fact they only speak for the minority but fact is fact as a profitable enterprise they have invested an immence amount of money in literature which the hse now sees as the only guidance - irrelevant of the fact that although they want everyone to follow it do nothing about the costs of purchasing tg & sg notes or informing companies about changes etc...for instance go on the hse website & there are so many free downloads & information rguarding WAH etc but go onto he nasc website & it will cost you the minimum of £5 for 1 x sg note or £120+ for the tg books...so the way i see it both the sccr & the SA dont stand a chance without a large investment to allow them to produce material to a simlar standard that could be distributed @ a cost price to allow everyone to sing off the same hymm sheet so to speak
The difference between the 2 sites though SP, we all fund the HSE through our tax contributions. The members pay for the guidance and as such, I would consider it a right boot in the stones if they just gave it away.
haha, sharing is one thing, but paying for something that others get for nowt is just stupid.;)
the way i see it is nasc firm that stick to the book do so to stay nasc registerd to get these biggggggggg money contracts what did they do b4 the nasc ......what the rest are still doing/would rather do. any more regulation forced upon us are already frowned upon by use lot and rightly so its getting harder and harder to do our job. the thign with the nasc if they have become to powerful and am sure if it was any other body in a financial setting or trading then eu law would state they would need compertition as it stands they have no compertition and its a cartel simples

not only this there are together with the hse and the hse implament there guidance a doubble smack in the mouth, how the fek can you place prooabbition notices on firm for not following the nasc quidance its mental
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I can honestly say marra that I have never got a single contract because of my membership that I wouldn't have got anyway.
I see where your coming from Al but truely believe the set up is wrong. If we are being told to do it this way as this is whats being written...but the information is not being passed on by the nasc to allow non-members to become complient..membership to the nasc is is one thing & could bring other benifits such as more work etc part of the so called club - but surely if hse wants scaffolding saftey to be standarised then sg&tg guidance should be for everyone.but lets face it ,its a commercial enterprise where making money over rides common sence . Not all major contractors have fallen for the nasc spin or they would all be clambering to be associated ..& i think i read somewhere that quite a few have quit . Although there are a lot of cowboy firms out there its unjust of the nasc to condemn all nonmembers as being non complient..without even sharing a table let alone a motion with either the sccr /sa their guidance notes will allways be thought of as acops by hse & the cashcow that that brings to the nasc means theres no way in hell that they would ever open the door to another organisation - in effect losing them revenue. So tbh think we've either gotta like it or lump it. But i for one will resist the need to join them with every fibre unless there was a change to my current client bases thinking. We currently hold chas & safe contractors & working towards iso & just cant see any benifit to joinin
the way i see it is nasc firm that stick to the book do so to stay nasc registerd to get these biggggggggg money contracts what did they do b4 the nasc ......what the rest are still doing/would rather do. any more regulation forced upon us are already frowned upon by use lot and rightly so its getting harder and harder to do our job. the thign with the nasc if they have become to powerful and am sure if it was any other body in a financial setting or trading then eu law would state they would need compertition as it stands they have no compertition and its a cartel simples

not only this there are together with the hse and the hse implament there guidance a doubble smack in the mouth, how the fek can you place prooabbition notices on firm for not following the nasc quidance its mental

Marra, you can't place a prohibition notice on anyone for not following guidance. Guidance, always has and always will be just that, guidance. If you have another way of doing it that you prefer, well go right ahead as long as it doesn't break any of the regulations then the HSE will be happy with that. If site agents are demanding you follow guidance it's because nobody has bothered coming up with an alternative. This new association is selling itself as the alternative, but as yet has still to publish any guidance or if they have they are hiding it well.
some bang on comments and thankz for the reponces. could it follow then that the HSE are bed fellows of nasc because as you say marra what alternative is there?? i supect that nasc will be attending SA road shows and, watching with interest!! That said i imagine the SA will have a similar model to that of nasc.
I see where your coming from Al but truely believe the set up is wrong. If we are being told to do it this way as this is whats being written...but the information is not being passed on by the nasc to allow non-members to become complient..membership to the nasc is is one thing & could bring other benifits such as more work etc part of the so called club - but surely if hse wants scaffolding saftey to be standarised then sg&tg guidance should be for everyone.but lets face it ,its a commercial enterprise where making money over rides common sence . Not all major contractors have fallen for the nasc spin or they would all be clambering to be associated ..& i think i read somewhere that quite a few have quit . Although there are a lot of cowboy firms out there its unjust of the nasc to condemn all nonmembers as being non complient..without even sharing a table let alone a motion with either the sccr /sa their guidance notes will allways be thought of as acops by hse & the cashcow that that brings to the nasc means theres no way in hell that they would ever open the door to another organisation - in effect losing them revenue. So tbh think we've either gotta like it or lump it. But i for one will resist the need to join them with every fibre unless there was a change to my current client bases thinking. We currently hold chas & safe contractors & working towards iso & just cant see any benifit to joinin

I also get where you are, and if that's how you see it then you are the one putting your cash where your mouth is so in my book although I don't agree you are still right. I feel there are benefits, especially for small firms like ours. I have met many a clever bloke that working in Argyll would never have brought me into contact with. We will probably never agree on this one but I think the information is passed on, it's readily available to all, even the part 1's get a big folder full of the stuff when they do their induction. There is a cost to it as there is a cost to everything else. It's not free to members it's just we have contributed through our fee's.
Marra, you can't place a prohibition notice on anyone for not following guidance. Guidance, always has and always will be just that, guidance. If you have another way of doing it that you prefer, well go right ahead as long as it doesn't break any of the regulations then the HSE will be happy with that. If site agents are demanding you follow guidance it's because nobody has bothered coming up with an alternative. This new association is selling itself as the alternative, but as yet has still to publish any guidance or if they have they are hiding it well.

all well and good on a building site or etc there rules play by them nmo choice ,but on the street ....., who states you must be clipped on who states you must use scaff step or agr? nasc who back them up the hse. you can get about £5,000 fine for not been clipped on. and the company aroud 30,000 might be a bit of with figures but for arguments sake lets say that there right nasc have member nasc write code hse implaments them no nasc member are aware of these code and lets face it some scaff havent seen a step pr agr so if the hse wanna dish fine out they need to get nasc to ither a give out free litratue to companies or be send older scaffs on a refresher as the cost of the nasc and then form then on no 1 can say i didnt know at the very least, its a cartel the both of them are cartels
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