
The ledgers have ruined many a good jumper or as my suvvern neighbours call them tops,when the wedge end catches your cuff while bombing sorry passing down;)
The ledgers have ruined many a good jumper or as my suvvern neighbours call them tops,when the wedge end catches your cuff while bombing sorry passing down;)

Or they've turned into an unwilling 'jumper' as the wedge catches on them and pulls them to an untimely death. :wondering::eek:
Had a few near misses myself.
Layher stringers for staircases the 9 tread ones there the best ones to ruin your jumpers and your shoulder at the same time lots of fun
One and only time I used kwik form was on a ministry job building blast chambers in the early eightys ,
I thought it was quite good for the concrete shuttering we where erecting it for ,
But I do remember a very near nasty accident one day when the crane caught the scaffold with a concrete skip an lifted the whole top lift out of the spigots ,
Lucky the lads standing on it managed to jump onto a near by slab and no one was hurt ,
After that we had to stagger all the standards

That could still happen as standards are supposed to be staggered in the same bay. I am pretty sure it is impossible to stagger the standards outside of the bay when doing 2 metre lifts due to the limited sizes. Possible if doing 1 metre or 1.5m lifts but not with 2m lifts.
Cuplok is all but impossible to effectively stagger (in the tube and fitting sense) using standard components. Cuplok does have provision for a locking pin which is to be used to resist tensile forces between standards (and in all cases where hop-ups are used),

It should be noted that from the very first Cuplok guide up to the very latest publication, states
When commencing the erection of a scaffold, one 2m Vertical and one 3m Vertical should be used to ensure joints in the scaffold are staggered."
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The Standards With A Bell And Wedge Have Not Been Manufactured In This Country Since 1995, Its All Spigots Now Thats How You Can Tell The Imported Kwikstage (By The Height Of The Spigot) Kwikstage Has Its Limitations Of Course It Does But So Does Layher , pLUS 8 Or Any Of The Rest Of Them.
Anonymous has been banned again lol. Get yourself a sense of humour Admin.
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