I have alot of Scottish friends and to be fair, English? Scottish? Welsh? Irish? - We're all the same stock, same blood.

But... if Scotland wants to be 'Independent' then f.uck them.
They will end up EXACTLY like Ireland - completely ruined within 5 years, as they have no natural resources, except the Oil, which they wont be allowed to keep.

Britain is in trouble, England is in trouble = Scotland is in trouble.
In times like this we all need to knuckle down and stick together and push through it too the other side - not everyone do their own thing.

Im not slagging off Scotland, im really not, but it makes me laugh.
To Be Honest Jason The Attitude That A Lot Of English People Have Towards Us Scots Will Be The Push, They Seem To Think We Just Take From Britain, Hate To Disillution You Folks We Pay Our Taxes And Ni As Well, And While I Hope It Dosent Happen The Amount Of People I Have Spoken To May Suggest It Might,Why The Hell Should We Be Ruled By A Tory Party Who Thinks Anywhere North Of Watford Is Not Economically Viable, Sod Them Lets Face It Could We Be Worse Off?
England, Northen Ireland, Scotland and Wales should all have their own governments and the would all still be controlled by the European Union

England does not control Gt Britain the EU does
Let's have a vote on it and proper one at that IN or Out ?
Leave all funding stops that day
Scotts stop paying tax to the English gov and pay the new Scottish gov same day
And finally get the wall back up LOL
The only people who don’t want Scotland to get independence is the English you say we have no natural resources, except the Oil, which they wont be allowed to keep, wake up man Britain has no oil. Of all the Riggs in the North Sea we have none Britain only gets tax from them and if we get independence that money stays in Scotland and some of your water and electricity come from us, so you say F,,k them ok
Maybe if they do fcuk off, then we can have that thingbob formula removed and all english money can be spent on the english,

They May Take Our Lives, But They Will Never Take Our FreeeDomm
Yes pedscaff but you got nowhere near enough resources to sustain your economy, look at all the unemployment, all the mountains where you cannot build houses or factories, the fishing is already fcuked , be honest kid the best thing to come out of scotland is the A74 (M) haha
Lived in Aberdeen 12 years, my wife is Scottish, great place, but Salmond is a joke, I think the main problem with independance is there isn't enough people actually live in Scotland to sustain independance.. I bet Alex would his pants if he succeeded in gaining Scottish independant, its a great dream but don't think it would work out well in reality..
Independence? I always thought that was a colonial term.
Scotland isnt a colony its a country in its own right in a union.
Salmond wants to separate Scotland from the union and transfer all sovereignty to The EUSSR.
Salmond isnt a nationalist, he is a regionist and a dangerous man.

If the scots want to vote to leave the UK then its up to them.
I personally wouldnt wish it though.
it does,nt really matter if ur independant or not because the top 1 per cent will still take the lion share of any income generated and the poorest people in society will still b hang out to dry although they will try to use the poor people as propergander can c it now if we go independant there will b no poor people in scotland bullshi t if its not westminster taking dough it will only b sum other cant getting all the fruits and poor people left to argue over scraps from there table end off
The only people who don’t want Scotland to get independence is the English you say we have no natural resources, except the Oil, which they wont be allowed to keep, wake up man Britain has no oil. Of all the Riggs in the North Sea we have none Britain only gets tax from them and if we get independence that money stays in Scotland and some of your water and electricity come from us, so you say F,,k them ok

You make me laugh... i bet your the type of hypocritical c.unt who does nothing but slag off England, but i bet for the right money you would work down here in a heart beat. :mad:

No better then a f.ucking Pole, if you ask me...

Your argument is baseless.
IF we get Independence and IF we get the Oil???
Alot of IF'S and maybe's.

English cash and work has built the 'Scottish Oil' producing facilities just as much as Scottish cash and work. But you seem to think that England, Wales and Northern Ireland (inc Rep of Ireland) should just hand over hundreds of Billions of Pounds worth or resources to you and us KEEP all the debt that your country has helped Britain accumulate?

I dont f.ucking think so, do you?

Scotland would NOT survive on its own and to be fair England would really struggle also. Ireland found that out and now those thick Paddy's want OUR help in bailouts? B0llocks.

Whats going to happen to the hundreds and hundreds of thousands of Scott's who work in England?
Is Scotland going to be able to support and build all those extra houses and produce all those extra jobs for them?

Like f.uck would they.

Very rarely do i get pissed off with a fellow Scaffolder on here, as its NOT what this Forum is for - its here for us to all help each other.
But sorry... this Pedscaff bloke is just a c.unt.
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