is this one mans forum

I would LOVE to see you attempt to knock me out.
Give us your real name 'Jonny'.

Ill be at work. The Staircase job. Monday.

Mansells Site.
24A York Way.
Kings Cross.
7:30am ill be there and be there for the rest of the week - 5 videos of the job, you see...

Come say Hello.
Ill be there. :)

Are you really that stupid,Do you have the brain of a 10 yr old,I think you do..It must be a terrible thing been born with the ugly stick...Do you honestly think im going to drive all the way to London for a gob s!ite like you..I will on one condition..we make it worth both our whiles,lets say 5.000 a piece..winner takes all..bare knuckle fighting problem...

---------- Post added at 10:48 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:46 PM ----------


Are you one of the wanna be Gibbs brothers?or are you the one taking all the silly photos of him ...
for the love of fcuk will you please give it a rest
Lol. Knew you was a w@nker.
Surely the satisfaction of 'silencing' me is worth the trip no?

You keep hiding behind your keyboard, 'Jonny'...

Ofcourse, if you change your mind:
Mansells Site.
24A York Way.
Kings Cross.
7:30am ill be there and be there for the rest of the week.

Just so you get the chance to stick it in the SatNav.

You have shown yourself up to be nothing but a c.unt and a total waste of space and a Duntie*

*Duntie = Useless, no-good c.unt. ~~~ The perfect definition of JonnyBeGood.


Jason Gibbs. :)
for the love of fcuk will you please give it a rest

I agree totally,tell Mr Gibbs this,he is the one wanting my name/were I live so he can call to my house,now he,s giving me his work address,can this man say what he likes on here and be backed up by all his buddies and get away with it...
Lee what?
Surname... then we'll see exactly what you think you know about me.

£160 a day? Part 1?
Not bad, i must say... only a few quid behind me.

Im on £350 a day, cash in hand and my own company helicopter... :D

I must admit you do post some good threads and bad
I don't want to come on here and start upsetting people
And blag about what I've done. There's nothing wrong
With people coming on just looking for jobs
We are all in the same boat, I ran that job on York way
The building in Europe to have curvy last job was a nice one 150
Cash in hand 7 days a week
Don't know what that is but I reckon this may be a good time to start experimenting because the alcohol ain't working the way it should.:(
jonny you mention porn and childabuse have you posted on the ROCHDALE site at all,or are you only on here to character assault people.
i am not one a the fevoured 50 or whatever the term is just a scaff who likes a laugh and lets off a wee bit of steam some of which is liked some of which i get slaughtered for buts thats why i come on here it gives me a wee laugh.
if you and jg get it on let me know i dont want to video it im going to florida and ive shoved the spending money up my beek so the 10 i take from yous will come in handy and the wife will love me again.
feck me i shouldnt have mentioned her on an open forum :eek:

yes im drumk and a few spelling mistakes
jonny you mention porn and childabuse have you posted on the ROCHDALE site at all,or are you only on here to character assault people.
i am not one a the fevoured 50 or whatever the term is just a scaff who likes a laugh and lets off a wee bit of steam some of which is liked some of which i get slaughtered for buts thats why i come on here it gives me a wee laugh.
if you and jg get it on let me know i dont want to video it im going to florida and ive shoved the spending money up my beek so the 10 i take from yous will come in handy and the wife will love me again.
feck me i shouldnt have mentioned her on an open forum :eek:

yes im drumk and a few spelling mistakes

You must be drunk cos I never mentioned child abuse,read the thread properly..I did mention porn,saying the pictures that were up-loaded in this thread were degrading to women,as occasional women drop by here,the last thing they want to see is 2 women at it ,
i stand corrected but have you posted regarding the abuse of young vulnerable girls in the north west of england or not.
you mentioned that women safety officers come on to the forum then they should not be suprised or offended as half the e-mails that they probably pass around when not trying to sack scaffolders for standing on a toeboard to tighten a fitting.
feck them i think a thread about innocence of youth by blatant paedo gangs is far more important to me.
ive had a laugh at some of this but the partys over its done the 5k bit to me showed you up night night ;)
says the man that was safety advisor on a plant and never had one in his pocket, don't talk to me about chemical plants Ive been working on one the past 30 yrs..Ive forgot more than what you know about safety...

What were you safety advisor for the scaffs,Like I said learn the laws about chemical plants ,when you know a little more ,only then speak...

So your now one off those grumpie old c.nt's that's never really put a job up to tg20 just read the hand out a think you know all. As for being in the same place for 30 years this dosn't make you a good scaff just means you've conditioned your self to think your top dog seen your sort before pal take you away from your 30 year hiding hole and you know all
that was some read , some nasty stuff being said . the hate and nastiness in some recent posts is pretty shocking.
So your now one off those grumpie old c.nt's that's never really put a job up to tg20 just read the hand out a think you know all. As for being in the same place for 30 years this dosn't make you a good scaff just means you've conditioned your self to think your top dog seen your sort before pal take you away from your 30 year hiding hole and you know all

says the man that was safety advisor on a plant and never had one in his pocket, don't talk to me about chemical plants Ive been working on one the past 30 yrs..Ive forgot more than what you know about safety...
What were you safety advisor for the scaffs,Like I said learn the laws about chemical plants ,when you know a little more ,only then speak...

Get yourself some spectacles and read the thread properly before you comment,In the same plant the last 30 years on shut down,s,not in the same plant 30yrs,where in the above do I mention anything about scaffolding TG20?Go crack up another rock and get more bombed out of your skull...
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