How are the big nationals paying their way?

Aye, LOLooo gan aboot like the Secret Service MI5---Im goin up to St Fergus soon, I'd better nae tak ony phot's up there. I'll get teen for a Al Kieeda Spy LOLooo

If we, as a company, have to follow the regs and legs of this industry then why shouldnt the rest?!

Im gonna start taking some pics of these jobs, im not grassing them up, i just want the same for everyone across the board!






Alright lads,

I hope this works, if the scaffs quiz taught me anything it was I'm better with a spanner than a lap top. More to come.
This is the rest of the jobs from my patch today. As I said last night, I doubt very much if anyone can top that from genuine jobs from their own area.


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Okay cancell the big hairy ar$e in Burtons window LOLooo.

On a more seriouse note---Would these Scaffolds be allowed to stand in any main Street in the Land ?---We can all have a good laugh at them, HOWEVER, this is DEADLY seriouse BREACHES.

Thoughts Please ?...
Have arranged another HSE meeting in October, in Birmingham. This can be one of the main topics. I have had some success from the last meeting in which some of the content in SG4 2010 will be changed as a result of my meeting. The issues on training will also be progressed by the HSE.

I am too concerned that the HSE resources are not as good as they should be, after all it is paid by the government & they are now making cuts!!

One of the topics from the meeting was in regards tampering with scaffolds by other trades. I suggested that it should be made a reportable incident, but due to resources I think this will not be considered.


Your right, we are not grassing up, we let the Images do the talking...


Your right, it is funny and worth a laugh for about 30 seconds then when you think about the possible inplications it soon wipes the smile from your face. These jobs did not spring up over night they were all standing when Mr hse visited and he drove past them all to get to mine. The 2 bays of cup lok with some sort of cantilever and rakers has been standing for well over a year hence the ratchet straps round the boards. On a more selfish level each of these jobs represents a squad standing in the yard servicing gear and regular customers asking questions about my pricing structure as they seem to think using a reputable scaffold contractor is costing them contracts no matter how small they seem to be.


Thanks for getting involved in this one, I knew you would be up to your neck in it at the moment and didn't like to ask too much.

Perhaps a Rouges Gallery of non-compliant Scaffold Structures is one way forward, can SF Admin prepare a special section for that purpose ?. The HSE could hardly dismiss a Portfolio of Visual Evidance---it is the Duty of Government to put in place Time and resources to counter Criminal Activities.

With regard to the Unautherised Removal of Tube and or Adaptions of the Scaffold Structure---Many of the Larger Scaffold Companies that I have worked for operate a Near Miss Policy where Adaptions ect have been done by a non Trained and Ticketed Scaffolder results in sangtions against the perpretator---I am very disappointed that this offence is not recognised as a dangerouse occurance by RIDDOR.

Thanks for those pics mate, (see easy peasy),lol.

Gents i can see where your coming from, regarding 'Name and shame'. However, IMHO, by all means, show the pics, however, i do not agree with the 'Naming' issue.

We as a scaffolding Forum, with over 1500 members need to stick together, if we start shaming, certain individual companies, albeit for dodgy jobs, we are driving a wedge between the community.

If again, IMHO, we post the pics and edit any signage regarding the named company, and invite 'Critical friend' feedback from the Forum, through threads and posts, could this not be a wake up call for them to raise their standards (excuse the pun)?

I can be rest assured, that a pic posted, showing warts and all, without 'naming', will find its way back to the erectors, and could act as a pro-active approach to their shortfalls, without the HSE being involved.

If any remedial measures are not addressed, we could flag them up a Amber light, as 'Get your sh1t together' and as a last resort, Red light, your getting 'Named and shamed' pal.

Your views would be appreciated.

Ragscaff, How do you feel about this? bringing in the HSE at the earliest sign of a non compliant scaff? I know AOM pics are the exception, however, shop or not?


I can see what your up against---you got to get the gloves off and start fighting back---these Jobs are not only a Danger, they are taking the bread out of your grand childrens mouths---na Im afraid I would take this to the Door of my MP, would be worth a visit...

I think that we should all start a Portfolio and add to the Rouges Gallery---it would be interesting to see just how many of these non-complyant Jobs are going up...


---------- Post added at 08:43 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:37 PM ----------

Paddy M8

Let the Images tell the story---and if the Forum Members want to comment then so be it---I agree no wedges between Scaffs, However, are these Scaffolder Erectors or Ballet Dancers ???.

Best regards

Make no mistake boy's, none of the jobs I have shown you was built by a scaff, a little knowledge is a dangerous thing.

---------- Post added at 08:49 PM ---------- Previous post was at 08:48 PM ----------

To grass or not to grass, who knows but for feck sake gie us a chance to compete.
AOM Mate

I totally agree with you and Garry mate, there should be severe retribution for a 'Builder to supply all his tender in a one off package' I.E Plumbers have to be 'Gas safe registered (used to be CORGI) Electricity, you cant do any homeworks anymore, unless your a 'Sparky'.

Come the Mon morning, up pops the Builder, Bricks,Blocks, Mortar and a pick-up of shoddy mixed scaffolding materials:sick::sick::sick::sick:

I agree that the Naming could lead us into uncharted waters as regards libel and other area's of law it can become complex when the structures are on "private or domestic properties"
The setting up of a rouges gallery though is a great idea,let the pictures speak for themselves,we should state the address of the structues and leave it at that.If the HSE ignore this source of information that is up to them but as stated in an earlier post if anything did happen they (HSE) would have red faces for not acting on the information and could be liable for not taking action

As to taking pictures, as a general rule,you can photograph anything from a public place i.e. Road ,Footpath,public tracks and paths and right of ways.You cannot take photographs in the vicinity of a court of law unless you can prove it is in the public interest.There are also local byelaws that prohibit photography near schools,swiming pools and childrens play areas for obvious reasons

As long as you are in a public area and stick to taking pic's of scaffolds nobody can stop you
After some thought and a smoke I have come to the conclusion that it isn't grassing. These jobs were built by a descent builder that I would have in my home no bother but obviously knows feck all about scaffolding. Education Education Education, it's not rocket science.


I take your point about scaffs sticking together, it's one of the main reasons I come on here but it would only ever be once that you would see one of my jobs on the wall of shame and that could only be a good thing.

It would be interesting to know if the Building that feature in the Images are Private Dwellings, Government and or Council Property ???

I wish I could type as fast as I think or should that be talk, I have loads swimming around this big heed but the fingers are useless.:D

They are a mix, the first white gable end with the t&f is a private about 20ft away from a main trunk road, the cup lok built of a wall and thrown in to a roof on to roof bracket's used to be a library but when I arrived there seemed to be a wedding on so I take it's still council, the double bay of cup lok is either a council flat or maybe housing association and I think the single tower is another private.

Just noticed you comments on Private Property, good point---I do not think that the CMD Regs cover Domestic Property ? ( please advise or correct me if I'm wrong ) however, it is an offence to subject the Public to a TORT ( Damage to Property or the Person ) as far as the Workers on Site is concerned non-fit -injura would apply ( in that the Operative on the Site recognised the Risk and accepted it )...
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