High Winds & Scaffold

They were Nick and all working hard. The new samples touched down today but I haven't really had time to study them but I will over the next couple of day's. The one's we have are working well and getting a good try out tonight. I will let you know how the other one's do.
went to tag a job today and the plasterers put tarpurlins up on scaffold to keep rain off walls wind blowing like ---- you tell them and they look at you gone out about as brainy as bricklayers, then blame poor old scaffs ---- me right off.
2 days of sweating your nuts off with the sun that we dont normally get!!! take the weekend off and it rains hard cant wait for the next 8 months when summer starts again lmfao!!!
2 days of sweating your nuts off with the sun that we dont normally get!!! take the weekend off and it rains hard cant wait for the next 8 months when summer starts again lmfao!!!

Hate the winter get up when its dark, travel to work when its dark and come home when its dark, wish they would leave the fxxking clocks alone, the lighter it is the warmer it feels :sick::sick:
A bit like that myself GM, I hate the short days but I never really understood the clock thing, it doesn't really matter what you do with it you still get the same daylight hours.
Alrite Aom, I seem to recall it being for school children to arrive at school in daylight.:wondering: Now,theres so much humor in your posts I was thinking you moonlight as a comedian,or perhaps an understudy to Billy Conolly:D
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Aye they reel out that argument evey time but you have to remember Frederik there is an hour of difference between your dawn in London and our's in Argyll. If they arrive in daylight they are going home in the dark mid winter or vice versa. There was even talk up here about not changing when England do but thankfully it came to nothing, could you imagine the confusion that would have caused.

The big yin is a legend, even on his worst day he would rip me to shreds.:bigsmile:
the big yin another ******** welder,good wi the big banana feet and the banjo but now sadly a patronising cent.
not to mention the begging scum he supports
ah the tensions building up already WATP;)
Careful Daftscaff this is not follow follow.:D

His early career was better but despite his allegiance I still think he is funny.
Quiet tonight, must be having a window licker's night oot somewhere.;)
That wernt me that made the barmaid comment

However i have clipped on to a few in the past

yeah you have had quite a few especially the rough ones, see you out a while back with one that i know has been round the block a fair few times...what happened to going for a bit off class scaffy hahaha
Don't shoot me down, guys, and I'm sure this is a daft question but thought I'd ask anyway :embarrest:.

Considering the forecast today - gusts of up to 70mph, particularly up north, is all scaffold put up to handle adverse weather?

What happened during the hurricane of 1987?

High winds is ALL about ties.
The first thing at every poor forecast should be to check your ties.
Scaffolds are designed to accomodate winds but there are the odd instance 1987 being one of them when the wind is above and beyond what has been catered for.

1987 saw a lot of scaffolds on the ground, These type of winds have tended to return at around 10-15 year intervals do the maths should be close to 2012
Stay well
I'm not sure what the last 2 years were like in Dubai and Cambridgeshire for high winds Alan but we used to only really get them during January, it was pretty regular but the past couple of years have been a nightmare for wind most of the year round even a few sustained days of wind in July and the ties were not the problem it's always the boards. Admittedly I'm talking about the smaller stuff and other scaffs would say it's the sheeting that is the first to go but because of where we live if anyone mentions sheeting I usually try and stay away. We used to fix the boards between around October to February but now it seems to be an all year round job.:(
I have been in Dubai for the last 5 years and the wind tends to mark the start and end of summer, a week of high winds blowing sand and ***** around and then for the most part they are gone.

My time in the UK was spent mainly on large structures, full sheeting and roofs etc. Marc was always a problem for wind in the south but having been north of the wall on a large number of visits the wind is bad all year round. I remember see my ball rolling 30ft from a standstill on the 2nd green at Glen Eagles in the middle of summer.

Most scaffolds will stay up if the ties are right irrespective of the wind.
Better to loose the sheeting than the scaffold!!
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haha, what were you doing 30 foot from the hole in the first place?
I was asked to price a small sheeting job atop a mountain in the middle of the Kintyre peninsula for a wind farm. We were well acquaint with the site as we were there a couple of years ago in summer scaffolding a new switch room for the site. As soon as he mentioned containment I backed off as I knew there was never a hope in hell of keeping the sheet attached to the job and we would never be away from the place repairing sheets that would blow over 7 glens. There is a city slicker up there now doing it not sure who but every time I drive by it always makes me smile. I did plenty sheeting jobs in my time off shore but you had all day and some of the next to sheet the smallest job and you never had to do it if the wind got above breezy but at home I just never felt all that safe wrestling a roll of sheeting in the wind, probably just lacking experience.
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