High Winds & Scaffold


Well-known member
Jul 14, 2010
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Don't shoot me down, guys, and I'm sure this is a daft question but thought I'd ask anyway :embarrest:.

Considering the forecast today - gusts of up to 70mph, particularly up north, is all scaffold put up to handle adverse weather?

What happened during the hurricane of 1987?
If its tied in properly it should be ok, I would probably remove any sheeting though if very high winds are forecast ( just to be safe )
Don't shoot me down, guys, and I'm sure this is a daft question but thought I'd ask anyway :embarrest:.

Considering the forecast today - gusts of up to 70mph, particularly up north, is all scaffold put up to handle adverse weather?

What happened during the hurricane of 1987?

Most of the time Scaffolding is multi-seasonal, as in its strong/flexible enough to handle all weather conditions - with a few exceptions...
I wouldn't wanna be on a Scaffold in the middle of a massive earthquake, lol.

Things like Sheeting, Monaflex, Tarpaulin and Temporary Roofs add to the force that the wind has on a Scaffold, but tbh, ALL jobs nowadays that have Sheeting and stuff should be tied in to the structure its surrounding, so unless the ties fail, or some numpty (usually a glazer or painter) takes the ties out, a Scaffold should be fine in high winds. :)

Even boards - i believe that after 60ft or so, they are supposed to be laced down with either Board Retainer Clips (or 'T' Clips/Egyptians, for short) or tubes to stop them flapping about in high winds.

The only problem we might have is snow - as in extreme cases it might over load the weight of a Scaffold and cause the lifts to drop a bit, but i doubt we'd be getting any that heavy.
Strange weather conditions today. Its the first time in nearly 30 yrs in the job that I have seen the wind blow a set of Haki stair treads down the road. It might be a day for the high stools
I thought all boards should be secured regardless of the height and in which way you secure them :/
Thanks for indulging me, guys :).

I can't help but notice scaffold (and scaffolders ;)) when out and about. I saw 2 guys doing something to a 3rd floor flats window just now, on what seemed to be the self assembled scaffold (is that kwikstage?). So just a single "tower" up, and it was really leaning to the right :eek:!!

And there's a lot of polythene sheeting flapping about from some big building scaffolds. Makes a helluva noise too!

Scaffy... is "barmaid" slang for some scaffold equipment used for safety? :laugh:
That wernt me that made the barmaid comment

However i have clipped on to a few in the past
Swifty was it windy in Pakistan today as well? It was windy in North Western Australia today too.:p

I have been informed that this place is also known as Birmingham, apparently there are fewer mosques and taliban training centres in Pakistan and more people speak English there
I have been informed that this place is also known as Birmingham, apparently there are fewer mosques and taliban training centres in Pakistan and more people speak English there

Try Bradford, there must be a mosque on every street corner and the taliban training centres are not far behind :eek::eek:
That wernt me that made the barmaid comment

However i have clipped on to a few in the past

:embarrest: My apologies, Scaffy!!

Talking of Bradford, on the BBC today they were saying a study has it that 7/10 drivers don't bother having insurance there :eek:
:embarrest: My apologies, Scaffy!!

Talking of Bradford, on the BBC today they were saying a study has it that 7/10 drivers don't bother having insurance there :eek:

3 Brits to every ****, it 10 years 7 Pakis to every Brit :notrust::notrust:
Thought most days were days for the high stools with you Swifty ! :cheesy:
Wind speed measured at 68mph here today, the job we were on was inside so happy day's. Netting on the outside job was under no real duress and the boards are all fixed down with retainers, so if it doesn't get any worse fingers cross we will survive another breezy spell.
I like it Marilyn Monroe style frederik, don't care how anybody else see's it.:sick:

You are better working above me than below me.:nuts:
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