

Active member
Nov 7, 2011
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I laboured for a company for years and eventually they put me in an adult
Apprenticeship. This finished earlier this year. This is where the problems start
I had to sighn a contract saying I would stay for 2 years after it finished or pay them two grand. It was price work and wages were short and jobs majorly underpriced I worked like a dog for them. It was mostly system 90p a square meter up 45p down I struggled to pay bills and keep a roof over my head so I left and got a well paid job doin mostly tube and fitting scaffold and I love my job now. They have writer to me threatening legal action unless I pay up. Do I have a leg to stand on any feed back appreciated especially employers
Kl mate could be a possibility to do that. I was gonna go to citizens advice. They where sending me to jobs where I had to travel 180 miles a day. Either that I'd phone up a 1 pm for another job n jst get told to go home for the day no way to make a living on price

---------- Post added at 09:20 PM ---------- Previous post was at 09:19 PM ----------

Oh aye mate I'm 32 with a family to support
Wait until legal action is inevitable , then agree a payment schedule , also keep quiet about your well paid job.
Tell them they will have to take you to court , it will cost them thousands and won't be worth their while. Also it is down to the company to pay for training , they cannot force you to pay anything back because you have left. You can get about 30 minutes free with an employment lawyer who will give you better advice
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tell them to go **** dogs marra and tell them if they try you for a penny your cost them 3x more
Struan Its Totally Unenforcable Mate, They Cant Take You To Court, The Amount Of Companies That Try This Pish Is A Scandal, If They Try Anything Go To A Good Solicitor And Go The Full Nine Yards.
I wouldn't stress about it mate. F@ck them, they've had their pound of flesh out of you. As some of the lads have said it wouldn't be worth the expense for them to take you to court.
Gerscaff if your a Glasgow lad you will probably know the company they are Irvine based. I felt like they left me no choice but to leave as couldn't earn enough money there. Thanx for all the advice guys.
Straun. They cannot make you pay for it. If they have sent you on an apprentaship then they have already been given a government grant for you, so they cant charge you for it. As for your signiture on a contract, tell them they've forged your signiture its there word against yours. Best of luck pal but stand your ground, dont let these feckers grind you down.
I'm in the same position once I leave my firm I'd have to pay for the tickets given as Ive signed contract but ds advice is spot on mate call there bluff they wont want the hassle
Scaffy1980 there's no chance if them grinding me down
I wi jst keep working away and getting in with it. Going to phone them tomorow so that's why I'm looking for advice. If I had more time I'd go to citizens advice but working 12 hour shifts
Bob, did you ask them to put you on your courses??? If so you may have to pay it, if you didnt then tell them to run and jump off tower bridge pal.
Not with ucatt but might give them
A phone anyways and see about joining and some advice. I never asked for training they offered training n ofcoarse I jumped at it. But jst when I finished part 2 assessment they went quiet. And trying to make money on orice when the company do not have enough work is torture
If I leave after 6 months only half I have to pay and a year it's free!!!! But the ones in question are pts,Lucas,pasma and poss layher so it's relevante courses that are good and shouldn't cost more than a bag of den so not too worried mate;)
The boss knew I was struggling with what he was paying as went in to talk to him a few times as leaving was a final option
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Wether the go quiet or not straun, they cannot expect you to pay for something that they've already got the money for. An appretership is government funded, not EMPLOYEE funded.
It started at 2400 and drops a month till 2 years are up. He is trying to say my apprenticeship didn't end till August but I was out me and jst a labourer from around May
The boss knew I was struggling with what he was paying as went in to talk to him a few times as leaving was a final option

You did the right thing pal. No man should ever be held to ransom

---------- Post added at 10:36 PM ---------- Previous post was at 10:31 PM ----------

Also with an apprentership, it can be taken with you. If you leave your firm you can take the apprentaship with you to your new firm. There just trying to pull a fast one, as i said to my good pal BSS theres nowt they can do.
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