Health & safety a joke


Well-known member
Aug 29, 2010
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Getting so pixxed of with seeing roofers
Working with no scaffold
Today saw 2 men working 40ft up replacing
Roof in burnt oak broadway above shops
With an ally tower with no handrail or
Boarding! Phoned barnet council whom
Told me it will take 10 days to visit site!
Seriously what's the point of hse when
The local authority aren't interested?
Have you got nothing better to do than grass up your fellow working man to the authorities?
Just because our part of the industry has so many restrictions there is no reason to take it out on others.
Are you going to start grassing up all the street scaffs next?
In my opinion if people can get away with something and get an easier life then fair play.
I have no time for grasses.
good shout stonedrose 1 and havespannerwilltravel i agree no place for snouts on here
The problem is they have an accident and cos there
Working at height it is us who land up with
More hse guidelines!
I cant say nothing about elf and saftey, after my little episode last sat....:embarrest::embarrest:;)
Thats my old manor porter,Are you working there. I doubt theyre scaffs. coupla bozo's doing a cheap job, injure themselves or someone walking below.and barnet council tosspots.
Live just down the road in hendon!
Couple of eastern Europeans!
He did say theyre working off a tower without boards,whatever made anyone think theyre street scaffs.
If they kill someone walking below will you all still say you shouldn't grass?
And how do you know their boss hasn't sent them there without giving a feck about his workers or the public's safety?
They may be working in those conditions against their will.
You don't need to grass. Politely ask them to come down and discuss their safety shortcomings with them.
Would you grass up a neighbour because they are claiming social and doing some work on the side?
Would you grass up a bloke in the pub who you find out has robbed a securicor van?
A grass is a grass is a grass.
And before someone asks would in grass up a paedophile then the answer is still no. There are other ways to deal with them than running to the police
You don't need to grass. Politely ask them to come down and discuss their safety shortcomings with them.
Would you grass up a neighbour because they are claiming social and doing some work on the side?
Would you grass up a bloke in the pub who you find out has robbed a securicor van?
A grass is a grass is a grass.
And before someone asks would in grass up a paedophile then the answer is still no. There are other ways to deal with them than running to the police

If I saw that and was able to shout up "Oy Bozos get the feck down" I would, and then if they obeyed my request I'd explain why.
But I wasn't there.
The OP says they were East European roofers. He didn't grass them up because he was concerned about their working conditions or safety. He grassed them up because he didn't like the fact that he has to follow safety rules and they don't.
He became a grass because he felt hard done by. Hope all his neighbours are pure as driven snow or they will be getting the early morning plod visit if they upset him.
You don't need to grass. Politely ask them to come down and discuss their safety shortcomings with them.
Would you grass up a neighbour because they are claiming social and doing some work on the side?
Would you grass up a bloke in the pub who you find out has robbed a securicor van?
A grass is a grass is a grass.
And before someone asks would in grass up a paedophile then the answer is still no. There are other ways to deal with them than running to the police
What if they don't speak the lingo :)
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